Try Curling! Alterna's 11th Most Popular Athleisure Activity!

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Return of the Mammalians missions
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Try Curling! Alterna's 11th Most Popular Athleisure Activity!
Reach the goal by using Curling Bombs.
Site Cryogenic Hopetown
Fee Power Egg Alternas 40
Lives 1
Clear Rewards
Power Egg Alternas 1500
Clear Rewards
Power Egg Alternas 500
Music Marine Machines
In this mission, you must destroy every target as you proceed toward the goal.
O.R.C.A. describing the stage

Try Curling! Alterna's 11th Most Popular Athleisure Activity! is the 27th level in Splatoon 3's story mode, Return of the Mammalians.


The player will have to reach the goal by using Curling bombs only.

Enemies and mechanics

Previously introduced



Agent 1's Quotes

Hey, that unlocked a launchpad!
Yikes! That's like a tightrope!
Ooo, Power Eggs!
— if the player able to break all target boxes at once in the second puzzle
Awww...didn't quite get them all at once.
— if the player fails to break all target boxes at once in the second puzzle
Hmmm, what are we supposed to do here... I don't see any targets!
So close! Could have been a one-shot win!
— if the player fails to break all target boxes at once in the third puzzle
Next up!
— if the player able to break all the target boxes using more than one curling bombs
Huh! The next path rotates...
You're pretty good with those things!
— if the player able to break all target boxes at once in the fourth puzzle
Riiight down the center. I know you can do it.
— if the player fails to break all target boxes at once in the fifth puzzle
Yes! Amazing!
— if the player able to break all target boxes at once in the fifth puzzle
Is this the last one? Stay focused...
Yeah! Nice shot.
— if the player able to break all target boxes at once in the final puzzle

Agent 2's Quotes

Oh. I think you're going to have to stand on that checkpoint while you slide Curling Bombs.
I think you're going to want to slide Curling Bombs, and then swim along behind them with .
Maybe that's some kind of reward for nailing those targets all at once
— if the player able to break all target boxes at once in the second puzzle
Hey, it got the job done.
— if the player fails to break all target boxes at once in the second puzzle
There's got to be a way... Maybe if you aim for the walls?
Why are you fixated on that, Agent 1?
— if the player fail to break all target boxes at once in the third puzzle
Veeery smooth.
— if the player able to break all target boxes at once in the third puzzle
Awww. So close.
— if the player fails to break all target boxes at once in the fourth puzzle
Remember—you can change how far the Curling Bombs go by holding down .
Oh! I think there's a balloon fish in there.
Well, that was some of them.
— if the player fails to break all target boxes at once in the final puzzle
And we're at the goal. Great job!
— if the player able to break all the target boxes in the final puzzle using more than one curling bombs

Names in other languages

Translation needed
The section or page is missing non-English translations or material from other localizations edit
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 誰にでも、完璧にこだわりたいときがある。
Dareni demo, kanpeki ni kodawaritai toki ga aru.
No matter who you are, there are times to strive for perfection.
Netherlands Dutch Harde schijven
Bereik het doel met behulp van Curlingbommen!
Hard disks
Reach the goal with the aid of Curling Bombs!
Canada French (NOA) La peinture, c'est d'la bombe
Atteins l'arrivée à coup de Bombes curling.
Painting is awesome
Reach the end with curling bombs.
France French (NOE) La peinture, c'est d'la bombe
Atteins l'arrivée à coup de bombes curling.
Painting is awesome
Reach the end with curling bombs.
Germany German Nur für harte Curle
Setze Curling-Bomben ein und erreiche das Ziel!
Only for hard guys[note 1]
Use Curling Bombs and reach the goal!
Italy Italian Curling esplosivo
Raggiungi il traguardo con le bombe curling.
Explosive curling
Reach the goal with curling bombs.
Russia Russian Взрывоопасный керлинг в альтерских фитнес-топах!
Доберитесь до цели с помощью керлинг-бомб.

Vzryvoopasnyy kyorling v al'ternskih fitnes-topakh!
Doberites' do tseli s pomoshch'yu kyorling-bomb.
Explosive curling in Alternan fitness tops!
Reach the goal with Curling Bombs.
SpainMexico Spanish Deslices explosivos
Alcanza la meta usando bombas deslizantes.
Explosive slides
Reach the goal using curling bombs
China Chinese (Simplified) 无论是谁,都会有追求完美的时候。

Wúlùn shì shéi, dū huì yǒu zhuīqiú wánměi de shíhou.
Lìyòng bīnghú zhàdàn lái dǐdá zhōngdiǎn.
No matter who you are, there will be times to strive for perfection.
Use Curling Bombs to reach the goal.
 Internal curling [1]

Translation notes

  1. Curle is a pun on Curling and „Kerle" which means guys or boys.

External links

External links:
