Ink Wheels—Experience Tomorrow's Technology Today!

From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
03-02: They Said We'd Have Flying Cars, and We Do! Kinda!
Return of the Mammalians missions
03-04: Try Curling! Alterna's 11th Most Popular Athleisure Activity!

Ink Wheels—Experience Tomorrow's Technology Today!
Reach the goal using ink wheels.
Site Cryogenic Hopetown
Fee Power Egg Alternas No Fee
Lives 3
Clear Rewards
Power Egg Alternas 1300 Power Egg Alternas 1300
Clear Rewards
Power Egg Alternas 500 Power Egg Alternas 500
Music Underwater Neon

Ink Wheels—Experience Tomorrow's Technology Today! is the 26th level in Splatoon 3's story mode, Return of the Mammalians.


To reach the goal the player will need to make use of ink wheels.

Enemies and mechanics

Previously introduced



USA English (North America)

Agent 1's Quotes

Agent 1
Ink wheel rollin' out!
Agent 1
Use those soaker blocks when you can! You can't take 'em with you.
Agent 1
It's a Reefslider! Aim it and let 'er rip, then hit for a killer KABOOM!
Agent 1
Ooo, two paths... Take a look before you seal your fate, Agent 3!
Agent 1
Whew! Almost there.

Agent 2's Quotes

Agent 2
Yeah! Show those crates who's boss!
Agent 2
Don't get hurt out there. Remember to use cover! That's combat 101!
Agent 2
Ride's over, Octojerks!
Agent 2
Wow! Didn't think you'd be able to snag that.
Agent 2
Wait. BOTH paths are packed with Octosnipers! Flip a coin...

Names in other languages

Translation needed
Add names in Korean and Chinese (Traditional). edit
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ヌリホイールが開拓する、無限大の未来。
Nurihoīru ga kaitaku suru, mugendai no mirai.
Infinite future, pioneered by the ink wheels.
Netherlands Dutch Een vrije rol
Bereik het doel met behulp van rolververs!
A free role
Reach the goal with the aid of Ink Wheels!
CanadaFrance French Des wagons divagants
Utilise les wagons encreurs pour atteindre l'arriver.
Wandering wagons
Use the ink wheels to reach the goal.
Germany German Rolle rauswärts
Erreiche das Ziel mithilfe der Rollfärber.
Roll outwards
Reach the goal with the help of ink wheels!
Italy Italian Rotolare in compagnia
Raggiungi il traguardo con i rullinchiostro.
Rolling together
Reach the goal with the ink wheels.
Russia Russian Краскороллы - технология будущего здесь и сейчас!
Доберитесь до цели с помощью краскороллов.

Kraskorolly - tekhnologiya budushchego zdes' i seychas!
Doberites' do tseli s pomoshch'yu kraskorollov.
Ink wheels - future technology here and now!
Reach the goal with Ink wheels.
SpainMexico Spanish Ruedas que revelan rotación
Alcanza la meta usando ruedatintas.
Wheels that reveal rotation
Reach the goal using the ink wheels.
China Chinese (Simplified) 无限大的未来,由涂色轮子来开拓。

Wúxiàn dà de wèilái, yóu túsè lúnzi lái kāituò.
Lìyòng túsè lúnzi dǐdá zhōngdiǎn.
Infinite future, pioneering by the ink wheels.
Use the ink wheels to reach the goal.
Internal name Meaning

External links

External links:
