Gear ability

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Promo image of abilities in Splatoon 3

Gear abilities, or simply abilities, are special attributes that are placed on wearable gear in the Splatoon series. Each provides different effects in Turf Wars and Ranked Battles, and the strength of said effects is usually based on the amount of the specific ability the player has.

Primary abilities

All pieces of gear come with exactly one specific primary ability (also called the main ability, often colloquially referred to as simply "main"). Stackable main abilities provide 10 AP each.

Titles before Splatoon 3, which allows replacing the primary ability with ability chunks, do not allow changing the primary ability after obtaining the piece of gear it comes with. However, Splatoon 2 allows obtaining pieces of gear with an alternate primary ability: all pieces of gear that can be ordered via Murch (which mostly consist of ones that can be purchased from in-game shops) can also appear on the SplatNet 2 shop with a different primary ability than their default ones. Gear obtained through Salmon Run does not have a default primary ability and is instead randomly assigned from all abilities that can also appear as secondary abilities. Gear from the Nintendo Switch Online Splatnet are randomly assigned primary abilities, but have a bias towards the brands more common ability.

All pieces of gear do not have primary abilities that match the gear's gear brand's favored ability (except for a few, which were originally sold through SplatNet 2). As a result, achieving all slots on a piece of gear to be the same ability (colloquially called "pure" gear) is more difficult. However, if the player is under the effects of the drink whose flavor corresponds to the ability they want, that ability will automatically become a favored ability regardless of the brand of their gear.

Primary-only abilities and mutual exclusivity

Some abilities can only appear as primary abilities. These abilities are also tied to a certain type of gear (head, clothes, or shoes), making primary-only abilities on the same gear type mutually exclusive (e.g. the user can only have either Object Shredder or Stealth Jump since both are exclusive to the primary ability slot of shoe items) and prevent the user from stacking them (e.g. the user cannot have more than one main of Tenacity since it is exclusive to the primary ability slot of headgear items).

The groups of mutually exclusive abilities are as follows:

Game Headgear Clothing Shoes

Secondary abilities

In addition to their primary abilities, all pieces of gear have up to three slots for secondary abilities (or sub abilities,[1] casually referred to as "subs" by most players), which are stackable and provide 3 AP each.

The number of secondary ability slots that are present by default is equal to the number of stars (rarity) on the gear. If a gear has less than three secondary ability slots, they can be added by Spyke or Murch with a Super Sea Snail (or 30,000 cash at level 20 or above in Splatoon) for each slot. Super sea snails can also be used to pay for all secondary slots to be rerolled.

All gears come with empty secondary ability slots (unless obtained via ordering from another player via Spyke or Murch, which has a chance of inheriting the original gear's filled secondary ability slots). Secondary abilities on a piece of gear are obtained by getting experience points from online battles (except for Private Battles) while that gear is equipped. Higher rarity gear requires more points per slot, and each progressive secondary ability on the same gear requires more points to obtain than the previous secondary ability. In Splatoon 2, having a drink from Crust Bucket actively increases gear experience points awarded by 50%, and while the Splatfests were occurring, the Splatfest Tee instead required 7,500 points per slot for a total of 22,500 points.

The following tables show the amount of gear experience required to obtain a secondary ability on a gear item of a given rarity. Numbers denoted with asterisks (*) represent secondary ability slots that must be added by Spyke or Murch.

Amount of gear XP per slot in Splatoon
Rarity Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Total
1,000 3,000* 5,000* 9,000
2,000 6,000 10,000* 18,000
3,000 9,000 15,000 27,000
Amount of gear XP per slot in Splatoon 2
Rarity Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 Total
2,000 6,000* 10,000* 18,000
3,000 7,000 11,000* 21,000
4,000 8,000 12,000 24,000

In Splatoon 2, the player can alternatively apply ability chunks (which are specific to each secondary ability) to add or overwrite a secondary ability via Murch. Unless there are no remaining empty secondary ability slots after adding a secondary ability, adding abilities this way retains the previous amount of gear experience points. The required amount of chunks per slot depends on the number of existing copies of the desired secondary ability on one gear. The primary ability is not counted for this calculation. The amounts are:

  • 10 chunks for the first copy;
  • 20 chunks for the second copy; and
  • 30 chunks for the third copy.

For example, a gear with three secondary ability slots has one Run Speed Up and one Swim Speed Up as its secondary abilities.

  • 20 Run Speed Up chunks are needed to apply Run Speed Up to the empty third sub-slot since one sub of Run Speed Up is already present on the gear.
  • 10 Special Saver chunks are needed to apply Special Saver to the empty third sub-slot since no sub of Special Saver is already present on the gear.
  • 20 Swim Speed Up chunks are needed to replace Run Speed Up on the first sub-slot with Swim Speed Up since one sub of Swim Speed Up is already present on the gear.

Rolling probability

In Splatoon, there are 13 possible secondary abilities; in Splatoon 2, there are 14. Gear brands that affect roll probability have a ×5 chance of rolling its favored ability and a ×0.5 chance of rolling its unfavored ability. Secondary abilities are assigned using random number generation.

Probability of rolling multiple abilities of the same kind in a row in Splatoon
in a row
Favoring brand Non-favoring brand
Favored ability Unfavored ability Neutral ability Any ability
1≤ 30.303…% (10/33) 3.030…% (1/33) 6.060…% (2/33) 7.692…% (1/13)
2≤ 9.182…% (100/1089) 0.091…% (1/1089) 0.367…% (4/1089) 0.591…% (1/169)
3≤ 2.782…% (1000/35937) 0.002…% (1/35937) 0.022…% (8/35937) 0.045…% (1/2197)

In Splatoon 2, drink tickets affect the probability of receiving a specific secondary ability when enough gear experience points are obtained after an online match. Drink tickets do not affect Murch's rerolling, unlike gear brands.[2]

Probability of rolling multiple abilities of the same kind in a row in Splatoon 2
When wearing a brand that favors an ability
in a row
Chance of the brand's favored ability Chance of the brand's unfavored ability Chance of a specific neutral ability
No drink ticket or when rerolling via Murch
1≤ 28.571…% (2/7) 2.857…% (1/35) 5.714…% (2/35)
2≤ 8.163…% (4/49) 0.0816…% (1/1225) 0.326…% (4/1225)
3≤ 2.332…% (8/343) 0.00233…% (1/42875) 0.0186…% (8/42875)
With drink ticket matching the brand's favored ability
1≤ 30.000% (3/10) 2.800% (7/250) 5.600% (7/125)
2≤ 9.000% (9/100) 0.0784% (49/62500) 0.3136% (49/15625)
3≤ 2.700% (27/1000) 0.00219…% (343/15625000) 0.0175…% (343/1953125)
With drink ticket matching the brand's unfavored ability
1≤ 20.588…% (7/34) 30.000% (3/10) 4.117…% (7/170)
2≤ 4.238…% (49/1156) 9.000% (9/100) 0.169…% (49/28900)
3≤ 0.872…% (343/39304) 2.700% (27/1000) 0.00698…% (343/4913000)
With drink ticket matching a specific neutral ability
1≤ 21.212…% (7/33) 2.121…% (7/330) 30.000% (3/10)
2≤ 4.499…% (49/1089) 0.0449…% (49/108900) 9.000% (9/100)
3≤ 0.954…% (343/35937) 0.000954…% (343/35937000) 2.700% (27/1000)
When wearing a non-favoring brand
in a row
Chance of any specific ability without using
a drink ticket (or when rerolling via Murch)
Chance of the drink ticket's ability Chance of any specific ability that
is not the drink ticket's ability
1≤ 7.142…% (1/14) 30.000% (3/10) 5.384…% (7/130)
2≤ 0.510…% (1/196) 9.000% (9/100) 0.289…% (49/16900)
3≤ 0.0364…% (1/2744) 2.700% (27/1000) 0.0156…% (343/2197000)


Here are some examples to help with interpreting the table:

In Splatoon 2, the Aloha Shirt's brand is Forge which is a favoring brand as it favors Special Power Up, unfavors Ink Saver (Sub), and is neutral towards all other abilities.

  • With no drink ticket or when rerolling via Murch: The Aloha Shirt has a 2.332…% chance of rolling Special Power Up at least 3 times in a row, a 0.00233…% chance of rolling Ink Saver (Sub) at least 3 times in a row, and a 0.0186…% chance of rolling any other specific ability at least 3 times in a row.
  • With the Special-Up Smoothie drink ticket (boosts Special Power Up probability): The Aloha Shirt has a 9% chance of rolling Special Power Up at least 2 times in a row, a 0.0784% chance of rolling Ink Saver (Sub) at least 2 times in a row, and a 0.3136% chance of rolling any other specific ability at least 2 times in a row.
  • With the Sub-Saver Berry drink ticket (boosts Ink Saver (Sub) probability): The Aloha Shirt has a 20.588…% chance of rolling Special Power Up, a 30% chance of rolling Ink Saver (Sub), and a 4.117…% chance of rolling any other specific ability.
  • With any other drink ticket: The Aloha Shirt has a 21.212…% chance of rolling Special Power Up, a 0.0449…% chance of rolling Ink Saver (Sub) at least 2 times in a row and a 2.7% chance of rolling any other specific ability at least 3 times in a row.

Gear with a non-favoring brand has an equal probability of rolling any specific rollable ability. For example, in Splatoon 2, the Armor Jacket Replica has the Cuttlegear brand, which does not favor any ability.

  • With no drink ticket or when rerolling via Murch: The Armor Jacket Replica has a 7.142…% chance of rolling Swim Speed Up.
  • With a Swim-Speed Apple drink ticket (boosts Swim Speed Up probability): The Armor Jacket Replica has a 9% chance of rolling Swim Speed Up at least 2 times in a row.
  • With any other drink ticket: The Armor Jacket Replica has a 0.0156…% chance of rolling Swim Speed Up at least 3 times in a row.


Players can use more of an ability (stacking an ability) to achieve stronger effects. For exact details on the effects of stacking each gear ability, see the ability's article.

In general, the more a specific ability is stacked, the less additional effect is accumulated. The degree to which this occurs depends on the ability. To demonstrate this concept, the following charts show the stacking effects for some abilities. Note the diminishing returns as more of the same ability is used.


Spyke, who can be found in an alleyway in Inkopolis Plaza, offers to increase the number of secondary gear ability slots (to a maximum of three slots) or reroll secondary abilities in exchange for a Super Sea Snail (or 30,000 cash if the player is at level 20 or above and has no Super Sea Snails).

Some abilities do not affect certain things, and in-game descriptions do not inform players of these exceptions. For example, Bomb Range Up does not affect some bombs. Another notable example is that Run Speed Up does not affect the run speed while pushing a roller.

List of abilities

Name Description Gear Favored by Unfavored by
Bomb Range Up Makes thrown sub weapons travel farther. Any
Bomb Sniffer Enemy sub weapons appear on-screen as skull icons and non-lethal damage from them is reduced. Shoes
Cold Blooded Shortens the duration of position trackers. Clothing
Comeback Improves ink usage and recovery, swim and run speed, and special weapon charge rate for 20 seconds after respawning. Headgear
Damage Up Increases damage dealt with all weapons. Any SquidForce SquidForce Inkline Inkline
Defense Up Decreases damage taken from all attacks. Any Inkline Inkline Krak-On Krak-On
Haunt Tracks the enemy that splats the user and increases damage, defense, and run speed when the user is tracked. Clothing
Ink Recovery Up Increases ink tank refill rate only when submerging in ink. Any Tentatek Tentatek Firefin Firefin
Ink Resistance Up Decreases damage, speed, and jump penalties when standing in enemy ink. Shoes
Ink Saver (Main) Decreases main weapon ink usage. Any Splash Mob Splash Mob SquidForce SquidForce
Ink Saver (Sub) Decreases sub weapon ink usage. Any Firefin Firefin Forge Forge
Last-Ditch Effort Improves ink usage, recovery, and respawn time towards the end of a battle. Headgear
Ninja Squid The user is less visible while swimming, but reduces swim speed. Clothing
Opening Gambit Increases swim and run speed for the first 30 seconds of a battle. Headgear
Quick Respawn Decreases respawn delay. Any Skalop Skalop Zink Zink
Quick Super Jump Increases Super Jump speed. Any Zink Zink Tentatek Tentatek
Recon (ability) Opponents and their weapons are seen on width=auto while at the spawn point. Clothing
Run Speed Up Increases movement speed in humanoid form. Any Rockenberg Rockenberg Splash Mob Splash Mob
Special Charge Up Increases the rate at which the special gauge fills. Any Takoroka Takoroka Zekko Zekko
Special Duration Up Increases the duration of special weapons and gives the Inkstrike and Killer Wail shorter cooldown times. Any Forge Forge Takoroka Takoroka
Special Saver Reduces special gauge loss after being splatted. Any Zekko Zekko Skalop Skalop
Stealth Jump Hides the Super Jump landing marker, but decreases super jump speed. Shoes
Swim Speed Up Increases movement speed while swimming in squid form. Any Krak-On Krak-On Rockenberg Rockenberg
Tenacity Slowly fills the user's special gauge when their team has fewer active players than the opposing team. Headgear

Splatoon 2

Murch, who can be found in Inkopolis Square, has multiple services that can affect a gear item's secondary abilities:

Service Effect Cost
Increase Slots Adds a secondary gear ability slot to a gear item to a maximum of three slots. Super Sea Snail 1
Reroll Can only be used if the item has three filled secondary gear ability slots. It rerolls the three secondary ability slots on a piece of gear and provides one ability chunk of each replaced ability. Super Sea Snail 1
Scrub Slots Resets all the gear slots to and provides one ability chunk for each removed ability. Default Cash 20,000
Splatfest Tee Cash 2,000
Use Ability Chunks Places a specific secondary gear ability in a specific ability slot.

If an occupied slot is overwritten, one ability chunk of the overwritten ability will be provided.

The number of secondary gear abilities already on the gear that match the desired secondary ability is used to determine the cost.

Slots Filled Cost
0 Ability Chunks 10
1 Ability Chunks 20
2 Ability Chunks 30

List of abilities

Name Description Gear Favored by Unfavored by
Ability Doubler Doubles the effect of other abilities attached to the gear piece. Clothing (exclusive to Splatfest Tee and its replica)
Bomb Defense Up DX
  • Reduces damage taken from sub weapons and special weapons.
  • Shortens the duration of position trackers.
  • Increases the minimum visible distance of white silhouette trackers.
Any Inkline Inkline Krak-On Krak-On
Comeback Improves ink usage and recovery, swim and run speed, and special weapon charge rate for 20 seconds after respawning. Headgear
Drop Roller Allowing the user to perform a directional roll upon landing with Super Jump by tilting Left Stick during the Super Jump. Shoes
Haunt Tracks enemies who splat the user with white silhouettes and induces Respawn Punisher penalty when splatting enemies tracked with this ability. Clothing
Ink Recovery Up Increases ink tank refill rate both when submerged and not submerged in ink. Any Tentatek Tentatek Firefin Firefin
Ink Resistance Up Decreases damage, speed, and jump penalties when standing in enemy ink. Any SquidForce SquidForce Enperry Enperry
Ink Saver (Main) Decreases main weapon ink usage. Any Splash Mob Splash Mob SquidForce SquidForce
Ink Saver (Sub) Decreases sub weapon ink usage. Any Firefin Firefin Forge Forge
Last-Ditch Effort Improves ink usage and recovery towards the end of a battle. Headgear
Main Power Up Raises performance of main weapons. Any Annaki Annaki
Toni Kensa Toni Kensa
Inkline Inkline
Ninja Squid The user is less visible while swimming, but has reduced swim speed. Clothing
Object Shredder Increases damage dealt to non-player targets. Shoes
Opening Gambit Increases ink resistance, swim, and run speed for the first 30 seconds of a battle. Can be extended by splatting opponents while this ability is active. Headgear
Quick Respawn Decreases respawn delay if splatted repeatedly without splatting an opponent. Any Skalop Skalop Zink Zink
Quick Super Jump Increases Super Jump speed. Any Zink Zink Tentatek Tentatek
Respawn Punisher Increases respawn time and special gauge spawn penalty for the player and any enemy they splat. Clothing
Run Speed Up Increases movement speed in humanoid form. Any Rockenberg Rockenberg Splash Mob Splash Mob
Special Charge Up Increases the rate at which the special gauge fills. Any Takoroka Takoroka Zekko Zekko
Special Power Up Raises performance of special weapons. Any Forge Forge Takoroka Takoroka
Special Saver Reduces special gauge loss after being splatted. Any Zekko Zekko Annaki Annaki
Skalop Skalop
Stealth Jump Hides the Super Jump landing marker from a certain distance away. Shoes
Sub Power Up Increases performance of sub weapons. Any Enperry Enperry Toni Kensa Toni Kensa
Swim Speed Up Increases movement speed while swimming in squid or octo form. Any Krak-On Krak-On Rockenberg Rockenberg
Tenacity Slowly fills the user's special gauge when their team has fewer active players than the opposing team. Headgear
Thermal Ink Allows the player to track distant players hit with shots from their main weapon. Clothing

Retired abilities

The following abilities were once present in the game but were later removed or replaced:

Name Version Removed On Description Gear Favored by Unfavored by
Bomb Defense Up 4.3.0 Reduced damage taken by sub weapons and special weapons. Any Inkline Inkline Krak-On Krak-On
Cold-Blooded 4.3.0
  • Shortened the duration of position trackers.
  • Increased the minimum visible distance of white silhouette trackers.
Any Annaki Annaki
Toni Kensa Toni Kensa
Inkline Inkline

Version 4.3.0

In version 4.3.0, the following ability replacements took place:

Splatoon 3

Enough from the Fashion Desk! SRL Tactical Research here with the REAL scoop on gear. Although it may look fabulous, the reason you wear a piece of gear is for the ability boost it provides. And we've got the details on two NEW abilities—Intensify Action and Sub Resistance Up.
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[3]

Per the Splatoon 3 Splatfest World Premiere, the abilities listed below feature in the game. Bomb Defense Up DX and Main Power Up do not return[4], being superseded by Sub Resistance Up and Intensify Action respectively.

New to Splatoon 3, Murch can replace the primary ability of a piece of gear for 45 ability chunks. This also gives the player 6 chunks of the replaced ability. Installing primary slot-only abilities requires 15 and gives 2 chunks of three specific abilities (for a total of 45 and 6 chunks, respectively). For the Splatfest Tee, the installation cost is reduced to 6 chunks (for non-exclusive abilities) or 2 chunks of three abilities (for primary slot-only abilities).

List of abilities

Name Description Gear Favored by Unfavored by
Ink Saver (Main) Decreases amount of ink consumed by your main weapon. Any Splash Mob Splash Mob
Toni Kensa Toni Kensa
SquidForce SquidForce
Ink Saver (Sub) Decreases amount of ink consumed by your sub weapon. Any Firefin Firefin
Annaki Annaki
Forge Forge
Ink Recovery Up Increases ink-tank refill rate. Any Tentatek Tentatek Firefin Firefin
Run Speed Up Increases movement speed in Inkling or Octoling form. Any Rockenberg Rockenberg Splash Mob Splash Mob
Swim Speed Up Increases movement speed in swim form. Any Krak-On Krak-On Rockenberg Rockenberg
Special Charge Up Increases special-gauge fill rate. Any Takoroka Takoroka Zekko Zekko
Emberz Emberz
Special Saver Reduces special-gauge decrease after getting splatted. Any Zekko Zekko
Skalop Skalop
Annaki Annaki
Special Power Up Upgrades your special weapon. Any Forge Forge Takoroka Takoroka
Quick Respawn Reduces respawn time after getting splatted repeatedly without splatting any opponents. Any Skalop Skalop Zink Zink
Quick Super Jump Increases Super Jump speed. Any Zink Zink Tentatek Tentatek
Sub Power Up Upgrades your sub weapon. Any Enperry Enperry Toni Kensa Toni Kensa
Barazushi Barazushi
Ink Resistance Up Reduces damage taken and improves mobility when walking through enemy ink. Any SquidForce SquidForce Enperry Enperry
Sub Resistance Up Reduces effects and damage from sub weapons. Any Inkline Inkline Krak-On Krak-On
Intensify Action Makes Squid Rolls and Squid Surges easier to do and steadies your aim when firing after jumping. Any Barazushi Barazushi
Emberz Emberz
Inkline Inkline
Name Description Gear Component chunks
Opening Gambit Boosts your speed while moving for the first 30 seconds of battle. Headgear
Last-Ditch Effort Boosts ink-recovery rate and weapon-ink efficiency for the last 30 seconds of battle. Headgear
Tenacity Fills special gauge automatically if your team has fewer active players than the enemy. Headgear
Comeback Boosts some of your abilities for a short time after respawning. Headgear
Ninja Squid Leaves no trace when swimming in inked ground but slightly reduces swim speed. Clothing
Haunt Once you've respawned, reveals the position of the players who splatted you. Clothing
Thermal Ink Allows you to track distant players hit with shots from your main weapon. Clothing
Respawn Punisher Increases respawn time and special-gauge spawn penalty for you and any player you splat. Clothing
Ability Doubler Doubles the effect of other gear abilities attached to this gear. Clothing (exclusive to Splatfest Tee)
Stealth Jump Hides your Super Jump landing point from distant players. Shoes
Object Shredder Increases damage dealt to all non-player targets. Shoes
Drop Roller Tilting the Left Stick during a Super Jump lets you perform a roll in that direction when landing. Shoes


Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ギアパワー
Gia Pawā
Gear Power
Netherlands Dutch Effect (Splatoon 2 & 3)
Eigenschap (Splatoon[5])
France French (NOE) Bonus (Splatoon 2 & 3)
Capacité (Splatoon)
Germany German Effekt Effect
Italy Italian Abilità Ability
Russia Russian Свойство
SpainMexico Spanish Potenciador Strengthener
China Chinese (Simplified) 装备能力
zhuāngbèi nénglì (Mandarin)
Equipment Capability
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 裝備能力
zhuāngbèi nénglì (Mandarin)
Equipment Capability
South Korea Korean 기어 파워
gieo pawo
Gear Power
Portugal Portuguese Habilidade[6] Skill
 Internal GearPower[7]
Primary (gear) ability (Splatoon 2 & 3)
Base Ability (Splatoon[8])
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 基本ギアパワー
kihon gia pawā
Basic Gear Power
Netherlands Dutch Hoofdeffect (Splatoon 2 & 3)
Basiseigenschap (Splatoon[5])
Main effect
Base attribute
CanadaFrance French Bonus principal Main bonus
Germany German Haupteffekt Main effect
Italy Italian Abilità originale (Splatoon 2 & 3)
Abilità di base (Splatoon[9])
Original ability
Basic ability
Russia Russian Основное свойство
Osnovnoye svoystvo
Main ability
SpainMexico Spanish Potenciador principal Primary strengthener
China Chinese (Simplified) 基本装备能力
jīběn zhuāngbèi nénglì (Mandarin)
Basic Equipment Capability
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 基本裝備能力
jīběn zhuāngbèi nénglì (Mandarin)
Basic Equipment Capability
South Korea Korean 기본 기어 파워
gibon gieo pawo
Basic Gear Power
Portugal Portuguese Habilidade Principal[6] Primary Skill
Secondary (gear) ability (Splatoon 2 & 3)
Extra Ability (Splatoon[8])
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 追加ギアパワー
tsuika gia pawā
Additional Gear Power
Netherlands Dutch Extra effect (Splatoon 2 & 3)
Extra eigenschap (Splatoon[5])
Extra effect
Extra attribute
CanadaFrance French Bonus additionnel Additional bonus
Germany German Zusatzeffekt Additional effect
Italy Italian Abilità extra Additional ability
SpainMexico Spanish Potenciador secundario (Splatoon 2 & 3)
Potenciador desbloqueable (Splatoon[10])
Secondary strengthener
Unlockable strengthener
China Chinese (Simplified) 追加装备能力
zhuījiā zhuāngbèi nénglì (Mandarin)
Additional Equipment Capability
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 追加裝備能力
zhuījiā zhuāngbèi nénglì (Mandarin)
Additional Equipment Capability
South Korea Korean 추가 기어 파워
chuga gieo pawo
Additional Gear Power
Portugal Portuguese Habilidade Extra[6] Bonus Skill


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