Stamp 'Em Out

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Revision as of 20:12, 29 February 2024 by Pialpha1 (talk | contribs) (corrected music file name)
04-10: Ink Fast, Hotshot
Return of the Mammalians missions
04-12: The Path to Perfect Penmanship

Stamp 'Em Out
Use the Splatana Stamper to reach the goal.
Site Landfill Dreamland
Fee Power Egg Alternas 30
Lives 3
Clear Rewards
Power Egg Alternas 1600
Clear Rewards
Power Egg Alternas 600
Music Don't Flinch
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Stamp 'Em Out
In this mission, you will make effective use of the Splatana Stamper to reach the goal.
O.R.C.A. describing the stage

Stamp 'Em Out is the 41st level in Splatoon 3's story mode, Return of the Mammalians.


This level utilizes the new weapon type, the splatana, and coaches the player on the basics of the Splatana Stamper. There are many types of splatana-themed obstacles for beginners, including some traps where a wall slides down, revealing Octarian enemies and Power Eggs.

Enemies and Mechanics

First Introduced

Previously Introduced



USA English (North America)

Agent 1's Quotes

A splatana! These are really fun. Hold to do a sweet charged slash!
Wow, nice!
And there we go—to the launchpad!

Agent 2's Quotes

THAT made me jump...
For REALLY stubborn crates, hold , get in close, and get 'em with a charged slash.
I smell danger...and food. Those two kinda smell the same to me.
Great job! Let's get outta here.

Names in other languages

Translation needed
The section or page is missing non-English translations or material from other localizations edit
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 私という歴史を刻む、和の空間。
A Japanese-style space to carve a history called myself.
Use the Splatana to reach the goal.
Netherlands Dutch Een veeg teken
Bereik het doel met behulp van de Stempelzwieper!
A bad omen
Reach the goal with the aid of the Splatana Stamper!
Germany German Schwertstreich-Konzert
Setze das Stempel-Splatana ein und erreiche das Ziel!
Sword stroke concert[a]
Use the Splatana Stamper and reach the goal!
Russia Russian Печатью их, печатью!
Доберитесь до цели с помощью сплат-печателя.

Pechat'yu ikh, pechat'yu!
Doberites' do tseli s pomoshch'yu splat-pechatelya.
Stamp them, stamp!
Reach the goal with Splatana Stamper.
Mexico Spanish (NOA) A sacudidas limpias
Alcanza la meta usando un azotintador.
Spain Spanish (NOE) A sacudidas con quien acuda
Alcanza la meta usando un azotintador.
China Chinese (Simplified) 刻下名为我的历史,和式空间。

Kè xià míngwéi wǒ de lìshǐ, héshì kōngjiān.
Shǐyòng guāshuǐdāo dǐdá zhōngdiǎn.
Carve down a history called myself, a Japanese-style space.
Use the Splatana Stamper to reach the goal.

Translation notes

  1. In addition to containing Schwertstreich (sword stroke), the title also contains the word Streichkonzert (concert for strings).