Fake Plastic Station

From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
A04: Roll Out Station
Deepsea Metro Line A
A06: Bounce with Me Station
A00: Central Station
Deepsea Metro Line A

"Looks like the real thing..."
Fake Plastic Station
Get to the goal!
Station A05
Test Fee CQ Points 100
Lives × 3
and rewards
CQ Points 600
Mem cake Inkling Girl (Orange)
Music #13 shade (non-vocal)

Fake Plastic Station is the first test in Splatoon 2's paid downloadable content, Octo Expansion. It is the first station to be unlocked after Central Station.


The player must make their way through the Abandoned Station, answer the Telephone when arriving in A00 Central Station, and then follow C.Q. Cumber's instructions to access this test.


Fake Plastic Station stats
Area Enemies Armor Main weapon Special weapon Sub weapon
Checkpoint 1 1x Sanitized Octoling 1x Armor N/A N/A N/A
Checkpoint 2 2x Sanitized Octolings 1x Armor N/A N/A N/A
Final checkpoint 1x Sanitized Octoling 1x Armor N/A 1x Splashdown N/A

Checkpoint 1

When the player begins the test, they find themselves in a small corridor that leads to an area full of trees and some crates with Power Eggs and armor in them. A cutscene plays, showing a Sanitized Octoling appearing from the ink on top of the pillar in the center of the area when the player approaches it. She uses an Octo Shot and occasionally throws a Splat Bomb. Splatting the Sanitized Octoling opens the gate to the next area, passing the second checkpoint.

Checkpoint 2

The second battle starts off similar to the first one and consists of an Octoling using the Hero Roller and another Octoling using the Hero Brella. They both use Splat Bombs. Splatting them both allows the player to enter the next area and get to the third and final checkpoint.

Final checkpoint

The third and final battle consists of a single Sanitized Octoling using the Hero Dualies and Splat Bombs but starts off by using the Inkjet for a while. Splatting her opens a giant gate, allowing the player to reach the goal.


Mem cake

You paint the turf with graceful strokes.
With watchful eye, I breathe a sigh.
From sniper's perch, I go for broke.

Completing this test awards the player with the Inkling Girl (Orange) mem cake.

Enemies and mechanics


Translation needed
Identify and add the regions the "English" quotes are from. edit


C.Q. Cumber's Quotes

When the player enters this station for the first time:

C.Q. Cumber
At each station, the available weapons will be displayed atop the equipper. CQ points are required to take each test. We'll grant you 1,000 to start with. The test fee indicates the number of CQ points needed to take the test. The reward is how many CQ points you will earn for passing the test. Now go ahead and press A to select a weapon.
C.Q. Cumber
This area we're in now is called a station platform. You can find me here at each stop. If you'd like more info about a certain test, come talk to me. I'm always happy to help.
C.Q. Cumber
This is a turnstyle. Press A to pay the test fee and begin the test. If you don't have enough CQ points to take a test, you'll have to come back to it.

Advice before starting the test:

C.Q. Cumber
To pass this test, you must shoot and then touch the goal.
C.Q. Cumber
The visibility here is quite poor, so be careful.
C.Q. Cumber
Good luck.
C.Q. Cumber
C.Q. Cumber
Take care out there.
C.Q. Cumber
C.Q. Cumber
Once again...

During the test:

C.Q. Cumber
When the goal is activated, touch it to pass the test.

Cap'n Cuttlefish's Quotes

Cap'n Cuttlefish
Trees?! Man this subway is weird...
Cap'n Cuttlefish
Octolings are your friends, right? Maybe try talking to them?
Cap'n Cuttlefish
Egad! Are they really going to attack a fellow Octarian?
Cap'n Cuttlefish
You might wanna talk a little louder!
Cap'n Cuttlefish
That gate is open! I guess taking them out was a good idea after all.
Cap'n Cuttlefish
More trouble! Double trouble!
Cap'n Cuttlefish
Get 'em before they get you! That's the number one rule of the battlefield!
Cap'n Cuttlefish
Seems like they'd be friendly to you, yet they're attacking... But why?!
Cap'n Cuttlefish
Well, whatever... The next gate has opened up, so get a move on!
Cap'n Cuttlefish
They're still comin'!
Cap'n Cuttlefish
Wha—? Where'd they get one of those?!
Cap'n Cuttlefish
Don't panic! Hide in the trees, and scope out the lay of the land.
Cap'n Cuttlefish
Phew...you made it through somehow.
Cap'n Cuttlefish
The gate is open! Is this the way out?
Cap'n Cuttlefish
Octarians hunting Octarians... What has the world come to?!

Octoling's Quotes

Target acquired.
Seek and destroy.


ナマコ車学's Quotes

When the player enters this station for the first time:

駅に着いたら まずドレッサーの上で ブキが支給されまス
チャレンジには NAMACOポイント が必要でス 最初なので、 1000 チャージしておきましタ
「チャレンジ料」とは、この駅をチャレンジするのに必要な NAMACOポイントのことを指しまス
では Aで 使うブキを選んでくださイ
申しおくれましたが、ここは 肌のホーム であリまス
駅についての情報が知リたいときは、 ワタクシ ナマコ車業 まで気軽にご質問くださイ
これは 改札 であリまス
A でタッチをすると、NAMACOポイントから チャレンジ料 が差し引かれ スタートしまス
NAMACOポイントが足リない場合は、 チャレンジができないので出直してきてくださイ

アタリメ司令's Quotes

改札をぬけたら義とは... 一体、どうなっとるんじゃ?
タコゾネスは おヌシの仲間じゃろ? 話しかけてみんか?
ヌッ?! きゃつめ、仲間を攻撃するつもリか!
どうやら 話が通じるフンイキでは なさそうじゃぞ!
ファゥ! 道が開けた... 倒すのが正解のようじゃな
新手じゃ! 今度は2体とな!
むう... やられる前にやれィ! 戦場の鉄則じゃ!
きゃつら 魂がぬけとるようじゃ... おヌシ、心当たリは?
まぁよ... 次の道が開いたようじゃし、先に進むかの
フォー! なんともハイカラなブキじゃのっ!!
あわてるな! 木にかくれて様子を見!
ふう... なんとか切リぬけたのっ
門が開いたぞィ! ここから出られるかめ?
タコがタコをおそうとは... 一体どうなっとるんじゃ

オクトリング's Quotes

…タイショウヲ カクニン
タイショウヲ カクニン... シマッセヨ



  • This station has "Gayla Sky Spy" kites floating around in the background. These kites of the Japanese brand Gayla were popular in the seventies.
    • Instead of having their normal shape, the kites found in this level are squid shaped.
    • B16 Pop Rock Station and D06C01 Radical Rails Station have these kites floating around in the background as well.
  • Fake Plastic Station and A00 Central Station are the only two adjacent stations with numbers that are not immediate successors and predecessors.


The title of this station, along with the stage itself, is a reference to Fake Plastic Trees, a song by Radiohead from their album The Bends.

The subtitle, "Looks like the real thing...", is a reference to a line in the lyrics of the aforementioned song.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese アブない女子の聖地
森を抜けて ゴールせよ!

Abunai joshi no seichi:
Rūga Mori Eki
Mori o nukete gōru seyo!
Sanctuary of dangerous girls:
Rūga Forest Station[note 1]
Get through the forest to the goal!
Netherlands Dutch Door de bommen het bos niet zien
Het Octo-amazonewoud
Baan je een weg door het bos naar het doel!
Can't see the forest for the bombs[note 2]
The Octo amazon forest
Pave a way through the forest to the goal!
Canada French (NOA) Cognons-nous dans les bois...
Bosquet de la Bagarre
Atteins l'arrivée à travers bois!
Let's brawl in the woods...
Fight Grove
Reach the goal through the forest!
France French (NOE) Cognons-nous dans les bois...
Bosquet de la Baston
Atteins l'arrivée à travers bois !
Let's brawl in the woods...
Fight Grove
Reach the goal through the forest!
Germany German Holla, die Waldfee!
Kämpfe dich durch den Wald ans Ziel!
Holla, the forest fairy![note 3]
Kessbien forest[note 4]
Fight your way through the forest to the Goal!
Italy Italian Tipe toste all'orizzonte
Bosco delle amazzoni
Fatti strada nel bosco fino al traguardo!
Tough girls on the horizon
Forest of the amazons
Make your way through the forest to the finish!
Russia Russian ...Зов джунглей!
Проберись к цели через лес!

...Zov dzhungley!
Proberis' k tseli cherez les!
...Call of the jungle!
Plankton Village Station
Get to the goal through the forest!
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Cómprate un bosque y entíntate
Cruza el bosque hasta la meta.
Buy yourself a forest and ink it
Valley of the dangerous one
Cross the forest to the goal.
Spain Spanish (NOE) Guerreras al acecho
Cruza el bosque hasta la meta.
Lurking female warriors
Amazon valley
Cross the forest to the goal.

Translation notes

  1. A pun on "Mori-gāru" (forest girl), the fashion style for young women invoking a soft, forest-like feeling.
  2. "Door de bomen het bos niet zien" is a Dutch phrase for "to lose the overview because of all the details".
    Note that "bommen" means "bombs", and "bomen" means "trees".
  3. An expression of surprise.
  4. Probably from "kesse Bienen" which can be translated as "saucy chicks", in reference to the Octoling enemies.