
From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
Title How to obtain Added
333x Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
5-Year-Planning Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
8-Tentacled Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
10-Tentacled Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
24-Hour Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
100% Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
A Complex Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
A Real Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
A Simple Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Abandoned Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Absentminded Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Absolute Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Abstract Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Abyssal Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Academic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Ace Jackpot (Shell-Out Silver Capsule during Sizzle Season 2023) Sizzle Season 2023
Acrobatic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Actual Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Adept Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Adored Jackpot (Shell-Out Silver Capsule during Chill Season 2023) Chill Season 2023
Advanced Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Affable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Aged Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Ageless Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Aggressive Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Airborne Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Airy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
AKA Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Alabaster Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
All-Natural Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
All-New Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
All-Out Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
All-Purpose Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Almighty Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Aloof Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Alternan Complete After Alterna Initial Release
Always-in-Our-Hearts Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Amateur Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Ambidextrous Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Ambiguous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Ambitious Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
amiibo-Collecting Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Ammo Knights Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Amped-Up Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Amusing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Anachronistic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Anarchy Battle Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Ancient Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Angelic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Antarctic Ocean Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Anticipated Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Apparent Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Apprentice[note 1] Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Aquarium-Bound Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Arcade-Hopping Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Arctic Ocean Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Artsy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Ascending Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Assertive Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Assisting Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Astonishing Jackpot (Shell-Out Silver Capsule during Drizzle Season 2023) Drizzle Season 2023
Astute Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
At-Home Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
At-Work Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Athletic Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Attacking Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Attention-Seeking Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Auspicious Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Authentic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Automated Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Avant-Garde Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Avaricious Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Awe-Inspiring Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Awesome Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Awkward Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Badlands Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Barbed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Barely Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Bargain-Binned Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Barnacle & Dime Scan a specific QR code with the SplatNet 3 app, Shell-Out or Catalog Sizzle Season 2023
Basic Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Battering Defeat 900 Battering Lento Side Order-only
Beachy Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Bearded Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Beloved Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Better-Than-You Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Big Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Big Honkin' Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Big Run Shell-Out or Catalog Sizzle Season 2023
Big-Hearted Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Big-Money Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Big-Sky Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Big-Time Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Birthday-Celebratin' Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Bland Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Blaster-Using Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Blatant Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Blissed-Out Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Blue Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Bluefin Depot Shell-Out or Catalog Chill Season 2023
Blustery Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Bohemian Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Bomb-tastic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Bonerattle Arena Shell-Out or Catalog Fresh Season 2024
Booming Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Bourgeois Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Brand-New Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Brazen Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Break-Time Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Breakin' Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Breath-Holding Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Brella-Using Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Bright Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Bright-Blue Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Brinewater Springs Shell-Out or Catalog Chill Season 2022
Brisk Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Bronzed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Brush-Using Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Brute Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Buoyant Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Burly Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Bursting Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Calamari Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Camera-Facing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Candid Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Captivated Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Captivating Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Carefree Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Careless Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Carnivorous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Cash-Stacking Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Casual Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Catch-of-the-Day Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Celestial Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Central Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Challenge Shell-Out or Catalog Sizzle Season 2023
Challenging Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Champion Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Chaotic Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Charger-Using Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Charmed Jackpot (Shell-Out Silver Capsule during Fresh Season 2024) Fresh Season 2024
Charming Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Chatty Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Cheeky Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Cheerful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Cheery Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Cherished Shell-Out or Catalog Sizzle Season 2024
Chic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Childish Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Chill Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Chilled-Out Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Choosy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Clamorous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Clandestine Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Classic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Classy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Clean Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Clever Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Climactic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Climbing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Clocked-Out Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Clockwork Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Closed-Off Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Cohock-Chargin' Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Collab-Loving Catalog Lv. 2 (Fresh Season 2023)
Shell-Out or Catalog (since Sizzle Season 2023)
Fresh Season 2023
Comfy-Cozy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Comic-Lovin' Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Comical Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Commanding Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Commencing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Common Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Competitive Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Completing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Composed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Comprehensible Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Confident Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Conspicuous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Convenient Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Cool Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Cooperative Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Cordial Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Cosmic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Country-Born Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Courageous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Covering Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Covert Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Crab-N-Go Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Crableg Capital Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Crafty Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Creative Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Crimson Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Crush Station Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Crusty Challenge 10 of Wandercrust Journey 1 Drizzle Season 2022
Cryptic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Currently Obsessed with Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Cushy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Custom Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Cute Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Cutting-Edge Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Cyber-Brainiac Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Dandy Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Dangerous Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Dapper Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Daredevilish Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Daring Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Dark Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Dauntless Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Dawning Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Day-Seizing Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Daybreaking Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Daydreamin' Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Daylit Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Daytime Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Dazzling Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
De Facto Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Dead-Tired Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Deadeye Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Decade-Experienced Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Deep Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Deep-Red Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Deep-Sea Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Defensive Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Delicate Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Delightful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Deluxe Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Dense Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Dependable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Designer-Label Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Destined Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Determined Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Die-Hard Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Dignified Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Dim Catalog Lv. 96 (Drizzle Season 2023)
Shell-Out or Catalog (since Chill Season 2023)
Drizzle Season 2023
Direct Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Discerning Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Discreet Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Diving Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
DJ Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Dodge-Rolling Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Dogged Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Double Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Downtown Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Drab Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Drained Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Drenched Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Dried-Out Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Drizzling Defeat 400 Drizzling Capriccioso Side Order-only
Dry Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Dualie-Using Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Dutiful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Dynamic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Dynamite Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Early-Bird Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Early-Morning Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Early-Summer Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Earnest Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Easy-Peasy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Easygoing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Ebullient Catalog Lv. 2 (Chill Season 2023
Shell-Out or Catalog (since Fresh Season 2024)
Chill Season 2023
Eccentric Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Economical Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Eeltail Alley Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Eggstra Work Shell-Out or Catalog Sizzle Season 2023
Elegant Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Elusive-Bounder Defeat Pinging Marciale 8 times Side Order-only
Endangered Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Endlessly Ringing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Enduring Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Energetic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Enigmatic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Enlightened Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Enlivened Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Enterprising Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Enthusiastic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Ephemeral Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Esoteric Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Essential Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Esteemed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Eternity's Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Ever-Present Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Everyday Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Everyone's Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Evil Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Exceptional Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Excited Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Exciting Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Exemplary Shell-Out or Catalog Fresh Season 2023
Exhausted Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Existing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Experienced Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Expert Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Explosive Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Exquisite Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Extraordinary Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Exuberant Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Fair Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Faithful Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Fall-Lovin' Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Fall-Themed Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Fame-Seeking Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Fan-Favorite Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Faraway Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Fashionable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Fated Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Faux Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Fearful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Feral Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Fierce Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Fiery Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Fightin' Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
First-Rate Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
First-Wave Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Fish-Lovin' Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Fishy Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Flashy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Fledgling Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Fleeing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Flexible Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Floaty Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Flounder Heights Shell-Out or Catalog Chill Season 2022
Flower-Shaped Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Flowy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Fluffy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Fluid Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Fluttering Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Flying Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Foggy Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Forevermore Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Forgetful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Formidable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Fortunate Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Forward-Plunging Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Fragrant Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Frank Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Freewheelin' Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Fresh Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Fresh-Catch Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Frizzy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Front-Line Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Frosty Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Fruit-Lovin' Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Full-Throttle Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Fully Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Fully Automatic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Fully Charged Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Fully Committed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Fun Reach Tableturf Battle Rank 6 Initial Release
Funky Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Fuzzy Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Gallant Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Gaming Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Genius Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Genteel Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Gentle Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Genuine Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Ghastly Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Giant Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Gifted Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Gigantified Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Glam Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Gleaming Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Glimmering Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Glistening Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Glorious Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Glory-Hogging Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Go-Gettin'[note 1] Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Gold Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Golden Egg–Like Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Gone Fission Hydroplant Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Gone-Fishin' Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Good-Humored Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Gorgeous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Gossip-Loving Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Goth Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Gothic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Graceful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Grateful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Greedy Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Groundbreaking Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Growing Catalog Lv. 2 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Shell-Out or Catalog (since Fresh Season 2023)
Drizzle Season 2022
Grown-Up Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Grunge Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Gullible Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Gushing Defeat 350 Gushing Trionfale Side Order-only
Gutsy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Hagglefish Market Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Half Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Half-Hearted Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Hammerhead Bridge Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Haphazard Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Hard-Workin' Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Headstrong Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Healthy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Heart-Thumping Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Heartfelt Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Hearty Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Heavy-Duty Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Heroic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Hibernating[note 2] Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Hidden Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
High-Calorie Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
High-Earning Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
High-End Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
High-Performing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
High-Rolling Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
High-Spirited Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
High-Tide Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Highly Nutritious Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Hiking Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Hip Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Hip-Hop Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Hoary Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Homebound Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Homecoming Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Hometown Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Homing Defeat 350 Homing Arpeggio Side Order-only
Honest Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Honorary Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Hopeful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Hotlantis Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Howling Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Humpback Pump Track Shell-Out or Catalog Sizzle Season 2023
Hungry Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Hungry, Hungry Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Hyped Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Ice-Cold Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Iced Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Idiosyncratic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Immediate Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Imperative Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Imperfect Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Impish Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Important Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Improved Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
In-Season Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Incandescent Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Incredible Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Indian Ocean Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Individual Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Indomitable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Indoor Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Inexorable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Infinite Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Inflexible Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Influential Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Ingenious Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Ink-Covered Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Ink-Dripping Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Ink-Sloshing Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Inkblot Art Academy Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Inkless Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Inkopolis Square's Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Inkopolis's Own Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Inkopolitan Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Inkslinging Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Innocent Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Insider Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Instant Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Instantaneous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Intellectual Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Intensifying-Harmony Defeat Parallel Canon 8 times Side Order-only
Introverted Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Intuitive Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Invigorating Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Jammin' Salmon Junction Shell-Out or Catalog Sizzle Season 2023
Jelletonal Defeat 250 Portals Side Order-only
Jet-Black Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Job-Lovin' Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Jumbo Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Junior-Grade Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Just Another Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Just-Right Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Keen-and-Nimble Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Lackadaisical Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Laid-Back Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Last Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Last Year's Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Late-Night Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Drizzle Season 2022
Late-Summer Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Lavish Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Law-Breaking Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Lax Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Layered-Rotator Defeat Asynchronous Rondo 8 times Side Order-only
Leaping Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Learned Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Legendary Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Legit Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Lemuria Hub Shell-Out or Catalog Sizzle Season 2024
Lethal Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Lifelong Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Light Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Lightly Seasoned Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Lightly Snacking Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Lightning-Fast Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Limited-Edition Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Listless Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Little Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Lively Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Livestreaming Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Lobby-Bound Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Local Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Logical Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Lonely Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Long-Awaited Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Long-Sleeved Catalog Lv. 96 (Chill Season 2022)
Shell-Out or Catalog (since Fresh Season 2023)
Chill Season 2022
Lost Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Lost-and-Found Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Lovable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Lovely Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Low-Battery Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Low-Calorie Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Low-Key Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Low-Rolling Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Low-Tide Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Lucky Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Lunchtime Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Made-to-Order Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Magical Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Magnanimous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Magnetic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Magnificent Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Mahi-Mahi Resort Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
MakoMart Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Man-o'-Wardrobe Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Maniacal Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Manta Maria Shell-Out or Catalog Fresh Season 2023
Marching Defeat 3,000 Marching Andante Side Order-only
Marlin Airport Shell-Out or Catalog Fresh Season 2024
Marooner's Bay Shell-Out or Catalog Chill Season 2022
Massive Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Meaty Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Meditative Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Meek Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Memversal Defeat Marina Agitando Side Order-only
Merciless Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Merry Catalog Lv. 95 (Fresh Season 2024) Fresh Season 2024
Mesmerizing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Metallic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Methodical Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Meticulous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Microscopic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Mid-Rush Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Midday Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Midnight Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Midsummer Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Midwinter Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Mighty Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Mild-Mannered Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Mincemeat Metalworks Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Mind-Blowing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Mind-Changing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Miraculous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Mischievous Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Misplaced Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Mod Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Modern Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Modest Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Mold-Breaking Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Monochrome Catalog Lv. 2 (Chill Season 2022)
Shell-Out or Catalog (since Fresh Season 2023)
Chill Season 2022
Most Popular Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Mostly Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Mountain-Dwelling Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Movable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Movie-Lovin' Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Moving Challenge 8 of Wandercrust Journey 6 Sizzle Season 2024
Muddy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Multifaceted Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Multiplying Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Museum d'Alfonsino Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
My Very Own Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Mysterious Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Nameless Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Narrowly Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
National Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Natural Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Nature-Loving Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Naut Couture Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Neighborly Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
New Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
New Year's Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Newish Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Newly Released Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Next Year's Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Next-Generation Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Nice Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Drizzle Season 2022
Nimble Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Nonchalant Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Nonexistent Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Nonstop Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Noontime Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Normal Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Normcore Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
North Atlantic Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
North Pacific Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Nostalgic Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Nosy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Not-So-Fresh Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Not-Streaming Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Notable Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Noteworthy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Nourishing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Novel Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Novice Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Now-Stronger Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Numb Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Occasional Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Occasionally Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Oceanic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Of-the-Moment Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Official-Grizzco Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Old-Fashioned Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Old-School Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
On-the-Job Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
On-the-Rise Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
One-in-a-Million Jackpot (Shell-Out Silver Capsule during Fresh Season 2023) Fresh Season 2023
Optimistic Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Orderly Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Organized Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Original Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Originally from Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Orthodox Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Ostensible Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Otherworldly Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Out-of-Options Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Outdoorsy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Outstanding Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Overachieving[note 1] Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Overall Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Overdone Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Overflowing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Overheated Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Overpowering Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Painful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Painted Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Pampered Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Panicking Defeat 100 Panicking Alla Mambo Side Order-only
Parallel World's Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Part-Time[note 1] Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Partying Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Passionate Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Peaceful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Peak-Condition Catalog Lv. 2 (Sizzle Season 2024) Sizzle Season 2024
Peerless Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Peppy Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Perfect Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Perpetual Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Persistent Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Persisting Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Phantasmagoric Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Phantom Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Phoenix-Like Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Picture-Taking Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Piercing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Pitch-Black Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Plain Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Playful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Plucky Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Pointy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Pool-Frequenting Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Pool-Ready Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Poser Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Positive Catalog Lv. 2 (Drizzle Season 2023)
Shell-Out or Catalog (since Chill Season 2023)
Drizzle Season 2023
Power-Concealing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Powerful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Praiseworthy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Praying Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Precocious Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Preposterous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Prestigious Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Pretty Good Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Prickly Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Private Battle Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Prized Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Pro Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Proactive Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Processed Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Procrastinating Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Profreshional[note 1] Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Promising Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Proper Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Protecting Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Protective Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Prototypical Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Puffed-Up Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Punk Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Pure Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Pushy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Quiet Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Rampaging Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Rare Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Rational Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Raw Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Ready-to-Go Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Realistic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Really Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Reasonable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Recently Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Recently Graduated Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Reckless Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Reclusive Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Reflective Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Refreshing Catalog Lv. 2 (Sizzle Season 2023)
Shell-Out or Catalog (since Drizzle Season 2023)
Sizzle Season 2023
Regal Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Regular Battle Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Reincarnated Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Relaxed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Reliable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Relieved Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Reminiscent Clear the Spire of Order with all Palettes Side Order-only
Repeating Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Replete with Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Research-Conducting Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Resilient Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Resolved Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Resourceful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Restless Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Retirement-Age Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Retro Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Revived Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Rich Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Ridiculous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Right-Handed Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Rise-and-Shine Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Rising Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Roaming Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Robo ROM-en Shell-Out or Catalog Chill Season 2023
Robust Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Rockabilly Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Rockin' Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Roller-Using Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Rookie Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Royal Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Rugged Shell-Out or Catalog Chill Season 2023
Rule-Breaking Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Running Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Sacred Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Saddle-Straddlin' Challenge 10 of Wandercrust Journey 2 Chill Season 2022
Salmon Run Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Salmonid Smokeyard Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Salty Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Same-as-Ever Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Sandy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Sanguine Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Sappy Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Satiating Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Savvy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Scheduled Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Scientific Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Scintillating Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Scorch Gorge Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Scorching Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Seafaring Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Sealed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Seasick Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Seaside Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Seasoned Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Second-Generation Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Secret Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Self-Centered Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Self-Identified Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Self-Proclaimed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Self-Taught Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Selfie-Snapping Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Sensational Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Sentimental Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Serious Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Shadowy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Sharp Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Sharp-Edged Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Sharp-Eyed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Shell-Out Jackpot (Shell-Out Silver Capsule during Sizzle Season 2024) Sizzle Season 2024
Shining Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Shipshape Cargo Co. Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Shooter-Using Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Shortcut-Taking Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Shrouded-in-Mystery Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Shy Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Side Orderly Defeat Overlorder Side Order-only
Silent Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Silver Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Simmering Catalog Lv. 96 (Sizzle Season 2023)
Shell-Out or Catalog (since Drizzle Season 2023)
Sizzle Season 2023
Simplistic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Simulated Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Sincere Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Single-Minded Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Sizzlin' Catalog Lv. 96 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Shell-Out or Catalog (since Fresh Season 2023)
Initial Release
Sketching Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Skilled Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Skyrocketing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Slacking Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Slapdash Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Sleepy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Sleeved Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Slender Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Slim Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Slippery Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Slosher-Using Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Smooth Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Snazzy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Sneaky Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Snowy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
So-Called Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Sociable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Social Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Sockeye Station Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Soft Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Soft-and-Fluffy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Solid Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Somehow Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Sometime Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
South Atlantic Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
South Pacific Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Southpaw Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Sparkling Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Spawning Defeat 100 Spawning Accordo Side Order-only
Spawning Grounds Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Speciality Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Spicy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Spineless Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Drizzle Season 2022
Splatana-Using Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Splatfest Battle's Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Splatfest's Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Splatlandian Unlocked by default
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Splatling-Using Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Splatoon Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Drizzle Season 2022
Splatsville's Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Splendid Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Sporty Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Sprightly Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Spring-Fresh Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Spring-Lovin' Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Springing Defeat 350 Springing Spiccato Side Order-only
Stable Catalog Lv. 2 (Fresh Season 2023) Fresh Season 2024
Stale Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Stalwart Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Stand-Up Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Starchy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Stark-White Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Steadfast Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Steady Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Stealthy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Steampunky Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Stewed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Stoic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Stormy Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Story Mode Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Straightforward Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Streamlined Challenge 10 of Wandercrust Journey 3 Fresh Season 2023
Strict Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Stringer-Using Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Strong-Willed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Struggling Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Stubborn Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Studious Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Sturdy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Sturgeon Shipyard Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Stylin' Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Stylish Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Suave Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Submersible Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Subterranean Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Summer-Breaking Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Summer-Fun Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Summer-Lovin' Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Sun-Dried Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Super-Duper Lucky Jackpot (Shell-Out Silver Capsule during Drizzle Season 2022) Drizzle Season 2022
Super-Rare Jackpot (Shell-Out Silver Capsule during Chill Season 2022) Chill Season 2022
Super-Scary Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
SUPERFRESH Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Superhuman Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Supernatural Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Supersonic Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Surreal Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Surviving Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Swaggering Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Swaggy Catalog Lv. 96 (Fresh Season 2023)
Shell-Out or Catalog (since Sizzle Season 2023)
Fresh Season 2023
Swanky Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Swarming Defeat 2,500 Swarming Languendo Side Order-only
Sweet Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Sweet-Toothed Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Swift Shell-Out or Catalog Fresh Season 2024
Swishy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Swole Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Swoon-Worthy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Tableturf Battling Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Tagalong Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Tailwind-Riding Catalog Lv. 95 (Chill Season 2023
Shell-Out or Catalog (since Fresh Season 2024)
Chill Season 2023
Tasteful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Tasteless Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Tear-Stained Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Tech-Minded Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Temporary Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Tenacious Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Tender Challenge 10 of Wandercrust Journey 5 Fresh Season 2024
Terrestrial Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Thank You for Catalog Lv. 95 (Sizzle Season 2024) Sizzle Season 2022
The Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
The Best Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
The City's Own Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
The Crater's Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
The Eternal Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
The Final Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
The First Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
The Genuine Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
The GOAT Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
The Great Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
The Lone Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
The One and Only Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
The Original Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
The Real Ultimate Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
The Shoal's Own Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
The Strongest Reach Tableturf Battle Rank 50 Initial Release
The True Ultimate Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
The Usual Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
The Very First Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Theoretically Possible Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Third-Eye-Opened Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Third-Gen Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
This Century's Best Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
This Year's Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
This Year's Final Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Thoughtful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Three-Star Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Thrilling Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Thunderous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Tidy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Time-Traveling Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Today's Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Tonight's Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Toon-Lovin' Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Top-Notch Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Top-Ranked Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Topical Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Total Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Towering Defeat 150 Towering Nobilmente Side Order-only
Traditional Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Trailblazing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Traveling Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Treasured Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Trending Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Trendsetting Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Trendy Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Tricolor Battle Shell-Out or Catalog Chill Season 2022
Triple Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Triumphant Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
True Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Turbo Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Turn-of-the-Century Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Twilight Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Twin Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Ultimate Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Ultra Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Um'ami Ruins Shell-Out or Catalog Fresh Season 2023
Unadorned Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unaffected Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unalloyed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unarmed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Unavailable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unblemished Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Uncommon Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Undefeated Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Underground Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Undertow Spillway Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Undiscouraged Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Undying Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unfettered Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unflappable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Unique Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unknowing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unnamed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unnoticed Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Unperceived Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Unprecedented Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Unrivaled Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Unruly Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unstoppable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Unswerving Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unthinkable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unwavering Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Unyielding Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Up-and-at-'Em Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Upright Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Upstanding Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Urbane Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Vacationing Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Veggie-Lovin' Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Veiled Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Vertebrate Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Very Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Vindictive Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Vintage Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Virtual Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Vivacious Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Vivid Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Vulnerable Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Wahoo World Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Wandercrust Challenge 10 of Wandercrust Journey 4 Chill Season 2023
Wandering Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Wannabe Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Warm-and-Cozy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Watchful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Water-Breathing Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Watered Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Watery Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Wave-Riding Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Well-Behaved Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Well-Mannered Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Well-Rounded Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Whimsical Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Whirling Defeat 150 Whirling Accelerando Side Order-only
Wibbly-Wobbly Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Wicked-Fresh Shell-Out or Catalog
Splatfest World Premiere
Initial Release
Wild Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Windy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Winter-Breaking Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Winter-Lovin' Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Winter-Ready Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Wiped-Out Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
Wise Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Wistful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Witty Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Wizened Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Won't-Lose Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Wonderful Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Woodsy Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
World-Wise Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
World's Best Shell-Out or Catalog Initial Release
World's First Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
X Battle Shell-Out or Catalog Chill Season 2022
Yesterday's Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Young Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022
Zealous Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Zesty Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2023
Zipped-Lips Shell-Out or Catalog Drizzle Season 2022


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 These are Job Titles in Salmon Run Next Wave or variations of them.
  2. Previously localized as "Beefy" prior to version 5.0.0