Flowers vs. Dumplings: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎External links: category is now generated by infobox)
(→‎Dialogue: the - is part of the word itself)
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|C2Aeng=The opponents are: Just seeing can excite the mood! Nourishment for the heart! "Flower" and..!
|C2Aeng=The opponents are: Just seeing can excite the mood! Nourishment for the heart! "Flower" and..!
|M2A=見るだけじゃ物足りない! 食べてハッピー♪ カラダの栄養補給! 「団子」です!
|M2A=見るだけじゃ物足りない! 食べてハッピー♪ カラダの栄養補給! 「団子」です!
|M2Aeng=Just seeing is not enough! Eating happy-♪ Nourishment for the body! "Dumpling"!
|M2Aeng=Just seeing is not enough! Eating happy♪ Nourishment for the body! "Dumpling"!

Revision as of 09:58, 21 April 2019

Flower vs. Dumpling
Team   Flower   Dumpling
Region Japan
Start 3 March 2018, 06:00 UTC
End 4 March 2018, 06:00 UTC
Score method category tally
Result type combined
Popularity 42.60% 57.4%
Wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Solo wins 51.49% 48.51%
Team wins 51.71% 48.29%
Normal clout % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Pro clout % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Score 2 1
Winner Flower
Start 16 September 2024, 18:59 UTC
End 17 September 2024, 18:59 UTC
Popularity % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Solo wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Team wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Normal clout % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Pro clout % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Score Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Start 16 September 2024, 18:59 UTC
End 17 September 2024, 18:59 UTC
Popularity % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Solo wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Team wins % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Normal clout % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Pro clout % Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".%
Score Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Flower vs. Dumpling (花 vs 団子) was a Splatfest event in Splatoon 2. It was held in Japan only. It was announced on 23 February 2018. The results were given on 4 March 2018.


The names of the teams are a reference to the Japanese idiom 花より団子 (Literally "[To prefer] flowers over dumplings"), meaning a person that prefers spiritual and mental things to satisfy them over the materialistic and practical.

Flower vs. Dumpling featured the 8th Shifty Station layout, "Kakutei".


  • Europe and Japan became known for their winning streaks for Pearl and Marina respectively, however, Japan was the first to refer to a winning streak in-game, as during the Flower vs. Dumpling Splatfest announcement, Pearl angrily complained about losing so many Splatfests in a row. Pearl ended up winning that Splatfest.




ヒメ's dialogue イイダ's dialogue Region
「今回はコレ! どっちを選ぶ? 花VS団子――!」

(This time, it's this! Which do you choose? Flower versus dumpling-!)
「おお~、春の足音を感じる お題ですね~♪」

(Ooh~, I can feel spring's footsteps approach in this title~♪)
「対決するのは、 見るだけで気分ウキウキ! ココロの栄養補給! 「花」と!」

(The opponents are: Just seeing can excite the mood! Nourishment for the heart! "Flower" and..!)
「見るだけじゃ物足りない! 食べてハッピー♪ カラダの栄養補給! 「団子」です!」

(Just seeing is not enough! Eating happy♪ Nourishment for the body! "Dumpling"!)
「… … … ハァー…」

(... ... ... haaa-...)
「ヒメセンパイ、 番組中におっきなタメ息ういて どうしたんですか?」

(Pearl-senpai, why are you breathing so heavily in the middle of the show?)
「… … … ぱい…」

(... ... ... "pai"...)
「エ? なんです?」

(Eh? What's that?)
「… んぱい… んだよ…」

(... it is.. ."-npai"...)
「エ? 「センパイ」? センパイはヒメセンパイで ワタシはセンパイじゃないですよ?」

(Eh? "Senpai"? If Pearl-senpai is my senpai, I can't be your senpai, right?)
「ちげーよ! 連敗って言ったんだよ! ココさいきんのフェス ずーっと負けてんの!」

(Wrong! I was saying "renpai"! I've been losing Splatfests for so long!)
「エエ~~~?! センパイ気にしてんですか~? フェスの後は「楽しかったな!」って言ってますよね?」

(Ehhhh~~~?! Does senpai feel like that~? Weren't you saying "It was fun!" after the Splatfest?)
Notes: The word 連敗 {Renpai} means "consecutive losses" and sounds like 先輩 {Senpai}, the honorific for one's elder in an equal standing.
At this point, Pearl's team has lost the last six (Japanese) Splatfests in a row.
「まーな! アタシはみんなとフェスで盛り上がれて スゲー楽しいけど、 みんな応援してくれっからなー…」

(Well! I was caught up in everyone's excitement and it was really fun, but everyone was supposed to support me too...)
「みんなのために落ちこんでる ヒメセンパイかわいい…」

(You put yourself down for everyone's sake - Pearl-senpai is so sweet...)
「んぁー! ウダウダ考えてもしゃーねーか! 気分を 切りかえっぞ! ちょうどお題もそんな感じだしな!」

(Huh-! Don't even THINK about it! Time to change the mood! Just like the theme says!)
「こういう時は キレイなお花とか ながめてさ、 気分をリフレッシュさせるのが 一番だよな!」

(A time like this calls for looking at pretty flowers, it's the best thing for making the mood refreshed!)
「センパイ! 花を見るだけじゃ元気は出ません! こういう時は あま~いものを食べなくっちゃ!」

(Senpai! Looking at flowers is not enough to keep happy! A time like this calls for eating swe~et things!)
Notes: 元気 could also mean "healthy" in the physical sense, but in this context they are only talking about improving Pearl's mood.
「んだよ、 イイダ! アタシは甘いもん食ったら すぐ元気になるよーな 単純なヤツじゃねーんだよ!」

(Hey, Marina! I'm not one of those simple folk that cheer up just by eating some sweet stuff!)
「キレイなもんみて、 ココロが満たされることで 元気になれんだよ! デリケートなラッパーなんだよ!」

(Looking at pretty things, and satisfying your heart is what makes you happy! I'm a delicate rapper, you know!)
「ア~! センパイそれってワタシのこと 「単純なヤツ」って言ってるんですか?!」

(Ah~! Is senpai saying I'm one of those "simple folk" you were talking about?!)
「そりゃあ、 ワタシは楽屋のお菓子まっさきに 食べちゃいますけど…」

(Yeah, I'd eat candy in the dressing room right away but...)
「楽屋に届く花束よりも先に 差し入れのお菓子に キャーキャー言ってるもんな!」

(I'd prefer a bouquet of flowers over this candy you're always stuffing into your face!)
「機材の調整に すっごい頭使うんです! 脳には 糖分が必要なんですから!」

(Setting up my gear is really cranial work! My brain needs high sugar content to function, is why!)
「それに『腹が減ってはナワバリできぬ!』って 言うじゃないですか♪」

(Besides, don't they say that "If you're hungry you can't do anything"?♪)
Notes: Marina is bastardizing the idiom 腹が減っては戦ができぬ, literally "If you're hungry you can't fight" - having the same meaning as the English idiom "An army marches on its stomach".
「だれのコトバだよ… まー、 花よりも実を取るってのは イイダらしー気もするな…」

(Whose words are those... Well, I suppose picking fruit over flowers is the Marina thing to do...)
「じゃあこうしましょう! センパイはお花担当で ワタシは差し入れ担当!」

(Well, let's do it that way then! Senpai will be in charge of flowers, and I'll be in charge of things you stuff into yourself!)
「ゲッ?! 聞き直った…」

(Huh?! I thought I heard you say...)
Notes: As Pearl notes, Marina's words are (unintentionally?) a double entendre.


ヒメ's dialogue イイダ's dialogue Region

「「花」の勝ちーーー!! ヨッシャーーー! ひさびさに勝ったー!!」

("Flower"'s victory---!! Yes---! I've finally won-!!)

「う~ん… あと少しだったのに~…」

(Um~ph... It was so close~...)

「「花」のみんな、 ありがと! 花みたいにカラフルな立ちまわり イカしてたぜ!」

(Everyone in team "Flower", thank you! You were lively in running around with your desire to look at flowers!)

「「団子」のみなさんも とてもがんばってましたよ~」

(Everyone in team "Dumpling" also totally did their best~!)
Notes: Pearl is making a pun on the word いかした, "to be lively", by emphasizing the word イカ, "squid".

「しっかしアレだな、 やっぱフェスは楽しいな! 今回とくに気合い入れてたから 腹へったー!」

(Alright, THIS TIME the Splatfest was really fun! And getting so caught up in it made me hungry-!)

「ウフフ、 センパイが そう言うと思って おだんご用意しときました~♪」

(Ohoho, I thought senpai would say that, so I prepared some dumplings~♪)
Notes: Pearl is referring to the announcement dialogue for this Splatfest

「やるじゃん、 イイダ! んじゃあ ウチので ちょっと早めの お花見やっちゃうか!!」

(Way to go, Marina! This way, we can go home faster to look at the flowers!!)

「贊成! ヒメセンパイのお家の屋内庭園、 手入れ用の重機が 特注なんですよね~」

(Great! The indoor garden at Pearl-senpai's house has custom-made heavy garden-care machinery, doesn't it~♪)

「花や団子よりも 重機かよ?!」

(You prefer heavy machinery over both flowers and dumplings, don't you?!)

「ささ、 早く行きましょ~」

(Yes yes, let's go quickly~♪)

Top 100


Rank Name Splatfest Power Weapon Headgear Shoes
1 てんせいれなさーん* 2871 Slosher Deco Hickory Work Cap Trail Boots
2 てんととん 2820 Splat Brella Jungle Hat White Kicks
3 ゆうしゃ 2773 Enperry Splat Dualies Camo Mesh Red-Mesh Sneakers
4 ふゆどら 2759 Slosher Deco Tennis Headband Red Hi-Horses
5 ku 2739 Hero Brella Replica Studio Headphones Purple Sea Slugs
6 はり~♪ 2738 Slosher Deco Tinted Shades Arrow Pull-Ons
7 はなびらぴかちゅー♭ 2728 Slosher Deco FishFry Biscuit Bandana White Seahorses
8 Ωぷぅ 2695 Splat Brella Double Egg Shades Turquoise Kicks
9 それいけ!むらりん 2689 Splat Brella Tinted Shades White Norimaki 750s
10 ヒカキンヒーロー7 2685 Splat Brella Eminence Cuff Gold Hi-Horses
11 ねるなよトドよぉ 2685 Slosher Deco Studio Headphones Blue Slip-Ons
12 にんそく››にんにく 2683 Hero Blaster Replica Camo Mesh White Kicks
13 マグマミキサーむらた 2680 Splat Brella Face Visor White Laceless Dakroniks
14 あれっくす  2678 Slosher Deco Safari Hat Mawcasins
15 ΩMooM 2674 N-ZAP '85 Camo Mesh Blue Slip-Ons
16 てぃーなみ ん 2673 Slosher Deco Hickory Work Cap Arrow Pull-Ons
17 はなよりえとな 2664 Slosher Deco House-Tag Denim Cap Red-Mesh Sneakers
18 しゆらゆらゆら 2662 Slosher Deco FishFry Biscuit Bandana Orange Arrows
19 ごうほう★なはらん~ 2660 N-ZAP '85 Fake Contacts Purple Sea Slugs
20 ヒカキンヒーロー0 2659 Sploosh-o-matic Camo Mesh Mawcasins
21 P* 2659 Splattershot Snorkel Mask Plum Casuals
22 ラピス・ラズリ 2659 Slosher Deco Squash Headband Hunter Hi-Tops
23 ASK_Seraph 2656 Slosher Deco Camping Hat Red Hi-Horses
24 さばみそのワルツ 2656 Slosher Deco FishFry Biscuit Bandana Trail Boots
25 のわーる 2655 Slosher Deco Camo Mesh Black Norimaki 750s
26 ユレイラル/デンナマ 2654 Aerospray RG MTB Helmet Birch Climbing Shoes
27 MB_なかぺん 2654 Slosher Deco FishFry Visor Arrow Pull-Ons
28 くいぼ*らっきぃ! 2653 Blaster Bamboo Hat Blue Slip-Ons
29 ごうほう☆かちゅらん 2652 L-3 Nozzlenose 18K Aviators Mawcasins
30 Rioria♭_UC 2649 Slosher Deco Studio Headphones Punk Whites
31 みn 2648 Hero Splatling Replica Classic Straw Boater Gold Hi-Horses
32 のけもん* 2646 N-ZAP '85 King Facemask Smoky Wingtips
33 ひろじゅん 2641 Sploosh-o-matic Paisley Bandana Hunter Hi-Tops
34 にんそく››ヨッシー 2638 Blaster 18K Aviators Snow Delta Straps
35 ヒカキンヒーロー4 2638 Bamboozler 14 Mk I Studio Headphones Moist Ghillie Boots
36 ふき  よつぎ 2637 Slosher Deco Tennis Headband Kid Clams
37 はごろも 2637 Slosher Deco Retro Specs Punk Whites
38 ああああああああああ 2636 Hero Splatling Replica Takoroka Visor Orange Arrows
39 ながはまねる 2635 Slosher Deco Woolly Urchins Classic Plum Casuals
40 くち 2633 Enperry Splat Dualies Hickory Work Cap Cyan Trainers
41 しばたりえ 2632 Sploosh-o-matic Woolly Urchins Classic Blueberry Casuals
42 ヒカキンヒーロー5 2629 Slosher Deco Jellyvader Cap Kid Clams
43 RuN 2629 Splat Brella King Flip Mesh Navy Enperrials
44 ふぇりすちゃん 2629 Heavy Splatling Deco Takoroka Visor Moist Ghillie Boots
45 K♂TTA 2628 Heavy Splatling Deco Takoroka Visor White Kicks
46 !MB!さっぷ! 2625 Slosher Deco Bobble Hat Arrow Pull-Ons
47 りかさもち 2625 Splat Brella Takoroka Mesh Navy Enperrials
48 でぶおわりん♪ 2619 Hero Brella Replica 18K Aviators Arrow Pull-Ons
49 (*ふみ*) 2619 Sploosh-o-matic Camo Mesh Blueberry Casuals
50 あず♪ 2618 Slosher Deco Streetstyle Cap Arrow Pull-Ons
51 EMP♪かえる€ 2616 Aerospray RG Tinted Shades Red-Mesh Sneakers
52 くれたん 2616 Splattershot Jr. FishFry Visor Hunter Hi-Tops
53 SV_らぁせ 2615 N-ZAP '85 Visor Skate Helmet School Shoes
54 ばなな 2615 Herobrush Replica Camo Mesh Blue Laceless Dakroniks
55 てやいづはかみ 2615 Slosher Deco FishFry Biscuit Bandana Navy Enperrials
56 はなよりするめ 2613 Hero Brella Replica Safari Hat Green Laceups
57 ときをかけるようじょ 2613 Splat Brella King Flip Mesh Red Hi-Horses
58 ゴリラ仝1まさキング 2613 Slosher Deco Special Forces Beret Strapping Reds
59 あじつきたまごボーロ 2612 Sploosh-o-matic Camo Mesh Snow Delta Straps
60 ちーくん 2612 Splat Brella King Flip Mesh Arrow Pull-Ons
61 あちぇろ 2610 Slosher Deco FishFry Visor Purple Sea Slugs
62 にょんそく-ぶたコロ 2609 Slosher Deco Classic Straw Boater Red Hi-Horses
63 Airis 2608 L-3 Nozzlenose King Flip Mesh Blueberry Casuals
64 ねこまんま 2608 Slosher Deco Visor Skate Helmet Black Norimaki 750s
65 Sunuu_GGG 2607 Splat Brella King Flip Mesh Power Boots
66 とわりん_UC 2607 Slosher Deco Eminence Cuff Red & Black Squidkid IV
67 ★ アルパカ ★ 2606 Aerospray RG Squidvader Cap Red & Black Squidkid IV
68 ヌロワンヌ 2605 Slosher Deco FishFry Biscuit Bandana Orange Arrows
69 。。。 2604 Slosher Deco Half-Rim Glasses Arrow Pull-Ons
70 ヤドランズ ちあき 2604 Slosher Deco Fake Contacts Purple Sea Slugs
71 Code:512 2603 Aerospray RG Hickory Work Cap Blue Slip-Ons
72 ケラウノス 2601 Slosher Deco Tennis Headband Strapping Whites
73 ポチャチャ 2601 Slosher Deco Takoroka Mesh White Norimaki 750s
74 2601 Splat Roller Sneaky Beanie Purple Hi-Horses
75 もももやし 2601 Slosher Deco Bamboo Hat Red & Black Squidkid IV
76 Ŕekí$はろうぃん 2600 Heavy Splatling Deco King Flip Mesh Red Sea Slugs
77 おいる 2600 Sloshing Machine Neo House-Tag Denim Cap Orange Arrows
78 あいうえおあ 2598 Splat Brella Welding Mask Gold Hi-Horses
79 2598 Slosher Deco Backwards Cap Red Sea Slugs
80 ごうまんのつみ 2597 Splat Brella Takoroka Visor Sunny Climbing Shoes
81 ばくふうもんすたー 2595 Sploosh-o-matic Squid Hairclip Strapping Whites
82 Regu 2593 Slosher Deco Camo Mesh Black Norimaki 750s
83 おデデ~ 2593 Mini Splatling Squidfin Hook Cans White Laceless Dakroniks
84 そふ 2592 N-ZAP '85 Fake Contacts Cherry Kicks
85 ぱうだす_UC 2588 Dapple Dualies Camping Hat Green Iromaki 750s
86 ゆちゃぬ 2588 Slosher Deco Bamboo Hat Pro Trail Boots
87 まよめんたる 2587 Splat Brella Studio Headphones Turquoise Kicks
88 ふらわーネトくま★☆ 2586 Splattershot Retro Specs Black Trainers
89 iko=ru 2585 Enperry Splat Dualies Paisley Bandana Kid Clams
90 かけるん 2585 Sploosh-o-matic Camo Mesh Blue Slip-Ons
91 ヲン 2585 Slosher Deco Squid Facemask Blue Slip-Ons
92 ゆえ 2584 Slosher Deco Squidlife Headphones Turquoise Kicks
93 AG_カルボ 2583 Hero Brella Replica Studio Headphones N-Pacer Au
94 フラウィーちゃん 2583 Aerospray RG Camping Hat Birch Climbing Shoes
95 ※>~<※ 2582 Mini Splatling Fake Contacts Navy Enperrials
96 【あほんだら!】 2582 Slosher Deco Woolly Urchins Classic Orange Arrows
97 たむさん 2582 Aerospray RG Hickory Work Cap Red-Mesh Sneakers
98 くいぼ*まつり! 2581 N-ZAP '85 Jellyvader Cap Sunset Orca Hi-Tops
99 たいやき 2580 Slosher Deco Hickory Work Cap Black Norimaki 750s
100 おちゃ#S-たすき 2579 Slosher Deco Camo Mesh Hunter Hi-Tops


Rank Name Splatfest Power Weapon Headgear Shoes
1 m i n t 2767 Sploosh-o-matic Tinted Shades Purple Iromaki 750s
2 おDNGミリンケーキ 2766 Hero Brella Replica White Headband Moist Ghillie Boots
3 セア$¢φψΙΨ†¡ 2714 Bamboozler 14 Mk I King Flip Mesh Piranha Moccasins
4 Lapis   † 2705 Slosher Deco Camo Mesh Orange Arrows
5 HJ☆ろんつ 2703 Sloshing Machine Neo Woolly Urchins Classic Moist Ghillie Boots
6 ヒカキンヒーロー2 2699 Slosher Deco 18K Aviators Arrow Pull-Ons
7 UM†やみのま 2696 Splat Brella Takoroka Visor Arrow Pull-Ons
8 Ren〆Zone 2696 Slosher Deco Retro Specs Hunter Hi-Tops
9 とある 2686 Flingza Roller Bobble Hat White Arrows
10 †きんぱつようじょ† 2685 Hero Brella Replica King Flip Mesh Orange Arrows
11 わらび・~・ 2679 Slosher Deco 18K Aviators Black Norimaki 750s
12 うめづ be けんし 2678 Slosher Deco Motocross Nose Guard White Arrows
13 ほーく 2677 Aerospray RG MTB Helmet Turquoise Kicks
14 ホークアイるり 2675 Blaster Noise Cancelers Black Dakroniks
15 KW∀ターボー 2673 Slosher Deco Blowfish Bell Hat Punk Whites
16 ふくしそうた6だんΩ 2666 Heavy Splatling Deco King Flip Mesh Crazy Arrows
17 Hide-A 2657 Splat Brella MTB Helmet Power Boots
18 ぴょんキッズごう2★ 2654 Splat Brella King Flip Mesh Arrow Pull-Ons
19 ごうほう◎まひらん 2653 L-3 Nozzlenose Paisley Bandana Purple Sea Slugs
20 がんばります 2647 Mini Splatling King Flip Mesh Black Trainers
21 はやとぅ~ん[NS] 2647 N-ZAP '85 Camo Mesh Purple Sea Slugs
22 こぺそく_こぺ 2646 Slosher Deco FishFry Biscuit Bandana Snow Delta Straps
23 あるす 2641 Slosher Deco Woolly Urchins Classic Red-Mesh Sneakers
24 めーる 2637 Blaster Skull Bandana Red & Black Squidkid IV
25 まつみ ゆう♪ 2631 Hero Brella Replica Bike Helmet Red Hi-Horses
26 せるてぃあのたけみん 2630 Sloshing Machine Neo Urchins Cap Blue Slip-Ons
27 S686 2625 Custom Blaster Camo Mesh Piranha Moccasins
28 ぷに 2623 Mini Splatling King Flip Mesh Blue Moto Boots
29 どーる 2622 Slosher Deco FishFry Biscuit Bandana Polka-dot Slip-Ons
30 Sera 2622 Sploosh-o-matic King Facemask Blue Slip-Ons
31 rikuball 2620 Splat Brella Studio Headphones Purple Sea Slugs
32 ねくまー 2619 Splat Brella Studio Headphones Kid Clams
33 kvmq 2618 Splat Brella Visor Skate Helmet Purple Sea Slugs
34 ぴよ 2618 Slosher Deco Fake Contacts Orange Arrows
35 ゆゆのアトリエ 2618 Slosher Deco House-Tag Denim Cap Clownfish Basics
36 めるてぃーどりーむ 2614 Enperry Splat Dualies Jellyvader Cap Red-Mesh Sneakers
37 しらぼー 2613 Dapple Dualies Nouveau Bamboo Hat Blue Slip-Ons
38 2613 Aerospray RG Motocross Nose Guard Samurai Shoes
39 おだんごにんじんちゃ 2613 Hero Brella Replica Lightweight Cap Navy Enperrials
40 だうかみのししょう♪ 2613 Hero Brella Replica Woolly Urchins Classic Arrow Pull-Ons
41 tama 2611 Slosher Deco Hickory Work Cap Orange Arrows
42 りゅぬぁってゃ 2609 N-ZAP '85 Stealth Goggles Blue & Black Squidkid IV
43 ぼくほろうです 2608 Splat Brella Studio Headphones Black Flip-Flops
44 なっとう 2607 Slosher Deco Paintball Mask Red-Mesh Sneakers
45 たこカス 2606 Hero Brella Replica Hickory Work Cap Arrow Pull-Ons
46 NZ〆ねおちゴリラ〆 2605 Sloshing Machine Neo Bobble Hat Red Iromaki 750s
47 さかにょん 2605 Slosher Deco Hickory Work Cap LE Soccer Shoes
48 はとりちせ 2599 N-ZAP '85 Woolly Urchins Classic Orange Arrows
49 kro 2598 Hero Brella Replica Short Beanie Mawcasins
50 Route_B 2598 Heavy Splatling 18K Aviators Black Seahorses
51 わわわ 2595 Splat Brella Eminence Cuff Snowy Down Boots
52 リビア 2594 Splat Brella Tinted Shades Orange Arrows
53 フーちゃん†EMP 2594 Hero Brella Replica 18K Aviators Navy Red-Soled Wingtips
54 あへいんだいすき♪ 2594 Heavy Splatling FishFry Biscuit Bandana Clownfish Basics
55 ばにらice 2594 Slosher Deco Jellyvader Cap LE Soccer Shoes
56 SH√ゆごらて**♪ 2594 Slosher Deco Classic Straw Boater Orange Arrows
57 NZ〆グリオ〆 2592 Splattershot Jellyvader Cap Black Flip-Flops
58 まふゆ 2592 Slosher Deco FishFry Biscuit Bandana Piranha Moccasins
59 NL*NanoRry 2591 Enperry Splat Dualies Camo Mesh Kid Clams
60 きのこ 2587 Hero Roller Replica Streetstyle Cap Blue Slip-Ons
61 ヒナタ〆 2585 Slosher Deco FishFry Biscuit Bandana Orange Arrows
62 るなーん 2584 Aerospray RG FishFry Biscuit Bandana Oyster Clogs
63 きみのとなりのブス 2584 N-ZAP '85 Safari Hat Red & Black Squidkid IV
64 まりお 2583 Slosher Deco Fake Contacts White Arrows
65 †さとそく†リト♭ 2582 Slosher Deco Hickory Work Cap Orange Arrows
66 サトウ 2581 Enperry Splat Dualies Hickory Work Cap Strapping Whites
67 へいぽん♪ 2581 Splat Brella 18K Aviators Orange Arrows
68 パリピぽっぽちゃん 2580 Slosher Deco Studio Headphones Turquoise Kicks
69 テルミ 2579 Inkbrush Nouveau Takoroka Visor Snow Delta Straps
70 OBA 2578 Sploosh-o-matic Camo Mesh Milky Enperrials
71 Reit.9 2578 Sploosh-o-matic Jellyvader Cap White Norimaki 750s
72 はるん 2578 N-ZAP '85 King Flip Mesh Black Norimaki 750s
73 ひ。 2577 Slosher Deco Camo Mesh Punk Whites
74 2577 Slosher Deco Woolly Urchins Classic Black Norimaki 750s
75 うどんてんちょオプレ 2576 Slosher Deco Hickory Work Cap Arrow Pull-Ons
76 ますた∀ 2576 Slosher Deco Jungle Hat White Norimaki 750s
77 Amm!かのん 2575 Enperry Splat Dualies Straw Boater Red-Mesh Sneakers
78 つくもちゃん 2575 Aerospray RG Fake Contacts LE Soccer Shoes
79 しまっちゃうおじさん 2575 Slosher Deco Takoroka Visor White Kicks
80 クイボチャクチクイボ 2575 Blaster Dust Blocker 2000 White Norimaki 750s
81 NZ〆syui〆 2574 N-ZAP '85 Squidvader Cap Smoky Wingtips
82 こさぁ!あけおめ 2574 Enperry Splat Dualies Takoroka Mesh School Shoes
83 エンジョイガラガッサ 2574 Slosher Deco Snorkel Mask Punk Whites
84 MARIC_ふろすと 2572 Enperry Splat Dualies Straw Boater Blueberry Casuals
85 らこたんです 2570 Slosher Deco House-Tag Denim Cap Hunter Hi-Tops
86 ボロニェーゼ 2570 Hero Brella Replica King Flip Mesh Orange Arrows
87 まぬかはにー♭ 2569 N-ZAP '85 Jellyvader Cap Birch Climbing Shoes
88 Ρ〆∞ことう 2569 Firefin Splat Charger Hickory Work Cap Black Dakroniks
89 けろがさきけろお 2567 N-ZAP '85 Tennis Headband Red & Black Squidkid IV
90 あすなろJDですも♪ 2567 Heavy Splatling FishFry Biscuit Bandana Angry Rain Boots
91 こぺそく_~„~) 2565 Slosher Deco Black Arrowbands Blueberry Casuals
92 なまやけ 2565 Splat Brella Eminence Cuff Red Hi-Tops
93 Bahamut*なめ 2565 Slosher Deco Retro Specs Moist Ghillie Boots
94 agm(*) 2564 Rapid Blaster Squidvader Cap Plum Casuals
95 ('~'ゝ) 2564 Blaster Firefin Facemask White Norimaki 750s
96 .はなs 2564 L-3 Nozzlenose Jellyvader Cap Hero Snowboots Replicas
97 おどるす♪(´∀`) 2563 Heavy Splatling Fake Contacts Moist Ghillie Boots
98 Ľôľì_Âčê 2563 Mini Splatling King Flip Mesh Punk Cherries
99 そつぎょうせい 2561 Splat Brella Tinted Shades Arrow Pull-Ons
100 こころのみだれたνυ 2561 Splattershot Takoroka Visor Hunter Hi-Tops

See also

External links