Warm Innerwear vs. Warm Outerwear
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Which do you want in the winter?
Warm Innerwear vs. Warm Outerwear
Warm Innerwear vs. Warm Outerwear
Teams | あたたかいインナー (Warm Inner) あたたかいアウター (Warm Outer) |
Region | Japan |
Start | 9 December 2017 at 06:00 UTC |
End | 10 December 2017 at 06:00 UTC |
Length | 24 hours |
Winner | Warm Outerwear |
Warm Innerwear vs. Warm Outerwear[1] was a collaboration Splatfest event in Splatoon 2. It was held in Japan only. It was announced on 1 December 2017. The results were given on 10 December 2017.
The event was themed after two product lines from the retailer Uniqlo. The products were HEATTECH as Innerwear and ULTRA LIGHT DOWN as Outerwear.
Warm Innerwear vs. Warm Outerwear featured the 5th Shifty Station layout, Fancy Spew.
Shifty Station
Category | あたたかいインナー (Warm Innerwear) | あたたかいアウター (Warm Outerwear) |
Popularity | 43.23% | 56.77% |
Solo wins | 50.35% | 49.65% |
Team wins | 49.80% | 50.20% |
Score | 1 | 2 |
Results with exact counts were released through SplatNet.
Region | Participants | Solo wins | Team wins | |||
Alpha | Bravo | Alpha | Bravo | Alpha | Bravo | |
JP | 457,476 | 600,535 | 1,180,248 | 1,163,838 | 133,079 | 134,173 |
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「ユニクロ プレゼンツ! 冬に欲しいのはどっち? あったかアイテム対決ーー!」 (Uniqlo Presents! Which do you want for winter? The warm item face-off--!) |
イイダ 「寒い季節にピッタリのテーマですね~!」 (This theme exactly matches the cold season~!) |
ヒメ 「対決するのは、 薄くても あったかポカポカ! 寒くなったらますはコレ「あたたかいインナー」と!」 (The opponents will be: Even though it's thin, it's warm and cozy! You'll not be cold in this "Inner Wear" and..!) |
イイダ 「寒い日だってコレがあれば大丈夫! 頼れるパートナー「あたたかちアウター」になります!」 (Even on a cold day, you'll be fine in this! The reliable partner "Outer Wear"!) |
ヒメ 「「あたたかいインナー たい あたたかいアウター」って なんかカンフーみたいだな! あたたたたたたーッ!!」 ("Inner Wear versus Outer Wear" makes me wanna watch kung-fu! Atatatatatata-!!) |
イイダ 「カンフー映画みたいに アツイ戦いが くり広げられそうですね!!」 (Wanting to watch a kung-fu movie, hot fights will spread out, right!!) |
Notes: The Japanese splatfest name translates literally to "Warm Inner Wear vs. Warm Outer Wear". The word あたたかい, "warm", is pronounced atatakai, so saying the Splatfest title sounds like "atatatata atatatata" | ||
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「今回のお題だと、 ヒメセンパイは インナーのほうが好きそうですよね~」 (Regarding the theme for this time, Pearl-senpai likes inner wear, right~?) |
ヒメ 「だな! アタシは動きやすさ重視だかんなー 着ぶくれしねーから、 好きな服と合わせやすいし!」 (Yup! I put emphasis on easy mobility, plus it's easy to match to your favorite clothes!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「そういうイイダは いろんなアウター持ってるよなー」 (That's right, Marina, you own a lot of different outer wear, yeah?) |
イイダ 「ワタシは ふ頭や造船所に やく行くんで サッと着られるアウターを重宝してます~」 (When I go to the wharf and the shipyard, I look for outer wear that can be slipped on quickly~) |
Notes: For some reason, Marina does not use the first kanji in the word 埠頭. | ||
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「でもセンパイって 冬場でも薄着ですよね… いくら動きやすくても 寒くないんですか?」 (But senpai, wearing thin clothes in wintertime... Even if it's easy to move, are you not cold?) |
ヒメ 「動いてりゃ あたたかくなるからな! それに 最近のインナーは薄くてあたたかいから マジ最強!」 (If you move around, you'll keep warm! Also, the newest inner wear is warm despite being thin - it's really powerful!) |
イイダ 「最近のアウターだって 軽くてあたたかいですし 風が冷たくも平気なんですよ~」 (The newest outer wear is warm despite being light - even in cold wind you will be unconcerned~) |
ヒメ 「なんだよソレ、 無敵じゃん! 「最強 VS 無敵」 どっちが勝つんだ?!」 (What is this, it's invincible! "Powerful versus Invincible", which will win?!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「も~、 どっちも冬場の大事なアイテムじゃ ないですか~ どっちが強いとかないですよ?」 (Well~, which is the more important item in winter times~ is not which is more powerful, right?) |
ヒメ 「ムムッ… たしかにそうだな…」 (Mmm... That's true, I guess...) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「冬場のインナーとアウターは どっちも ひちゅじゅひん… だからなー! 迷うよな、 イイダ!」 (In wintertime, both inner wear and outer wear are both necessary... So-! We are lost, Marina!) |
イイダ 「… … …」 (... ... ...) |
Notes: Pearl is distorting the word 必需品, "Necessities" | ||
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「そ、 そうですね~♪」 (R... right~♪) |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「まぁ でも、 いろいろ着回しできますし アウターは無敵ですよね~」 (But, you can wear all kinds of things, so outer wear is invincible~) |
ヒメ 「ちょっ! イイダ?! さっき どっちも良いって 言ってだじゃん!」 (Wha-! Marina?! Didn't you just say that either one is good?) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ's dialogue | イイダ's dialogue | Region |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「きゃ~! 「あたたかいアウター」~~~!!」 (Squee~! "Warm Outer Wear"~~~!!) |
ヒメ 「ゲッ?! まじかよーーー!」 (Huh?! You gotta be kidding---!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「-」 |
イイダ 「「あたたかいアウター」のみなさん、 やりましたね! この調子で冬も乗り切れそうですね~♪」 (Everyone on team "Outer Wear", you did it! In this case, we'll make it past this winter too~♪) |
ヒメ 「「あたたかちインナー」もがんばったの、 見てたからな! もーちょいだったかー!」 (Team "Inner Wear" did their best too, I was watching! It was so close-!) |
イイダ 「-」 |
ヒメ 「アウターのやつらも スゲーいい動きするじゃん! 今年はアウターも着てみっかな!」 (The outer wear guys also had great mobility! This year, I'll try wearing outer wear too!) |
イイダ 「でしょ~? じゃあ今回はワタシがセンパイのアウターんであげますね♪」 (Is that so~? Well, this time, I'll pick out your outer wear, okay♪) |
ヒメ 「エー… イイダが服選び出すとスゲー長いんだよな… まぁでも しゃーねー、 今回はイイダ選んでもらうか!」 (Ehh-... Marina, picking out clothes with you always takes so long... But fine, I'll let you pick them out for me this time!) |
イイダ 「ワタシのオススメアウターで、 センパイを 無敵のアウター派にしちゃいます!」 (My recommendations on outer wear will make senpai into a member of the invincible outer wear faction!) |
Top 100
Warm Innerwear
Warm Outerwear
Splatfest icon
Warm Innerwear team icon
Warm Outerwear team icon
Promotional images
In-game screenshots
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
Japanese | インナー/アウター Innā/Autā |
Inner/Outer |
Dutch | Onderkleding / Bovenkleding | Underwear / Outerwear |
French | Chaud dessous/Chaud dessus | Hot under/Hot over |
German | Unter-/Oberbekleidung | Under/Outerwear |
Italian | Abiti in casa/Fuori casa | Clothes at home/Outside |
Russian | Термоодежда / зимняя куртка Termoodezhda / zimnyaya kurtka |
Thermo clothing / Winter jacket |
Spanish | Prenda interior/exterior | Inner/Outer garment |
External links
- SplatoonJP announcement of the event
- SplatoonJP reminder post for the event
- SplatoonJP announcement of the winner