Big Betrayal

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Big Betrayal
Artist Deep Cut
Arrangement Big Man (in-game)
Lyricist Big Man (in-game)[1]
Vocals Anna Sato
Laura Yokozawa
Shiver (in-game)
Frye (in-game)
Big Man (in-game)
Game Splatoon 3
Heard in
Splatoon 3
Splatfest Battle
Tricolor Battle
Featured in Splatoon 3 Jukebox
Ordertune – disc 3, track 1
Ordertune – disc 4, track 29 (2nd Deep Cut Concert)
Genre EDM
BPM 152
Key signature A minor, B♭ minor
Length 1:31 (first verse)
2:55 (first loop with both verses)
1:42 (music video)

Big Betrayal is a song performed by Deep Cut. It is one of five songs that can play during Splatfest battles in Splatoon 3, added into rotation during Drizzle Season 2023 and first being used in the Shiver vs. Frye vs. Big Man Splatfest.


Big Betrayal is a midtempo EDM track with elements of house and J-pop. The first half of the track is in the key of A minor, opening with a lighter chord progression that revolves around the v and bVI (E minor and F major) with synth leads panned left and right that resemble sirens. This transitions into the section in which Shiver and Frye harass Big Man in the music video, with electric bass and synthesizers that share a unison bass line. When the sung vocals begin, the song modulates to Bb minor, with Shiver and Frye singing hits along with the instrumental backing. The chorus comes in after a 1-bar break with the idols harmonizing with a vocoder to a punchy, syncopated melody and is followed by a halftime section similar to Till Depth Do Us Part that loops into the intro.

Big Betrayal contains two verses, both sung to the same music.

Big Betrayal features production techniques that are not often heard in Deep Cut's vocal tracks, such as sample splicing and abrupt cuts in the backing track, which are more prominent in their non-vocal tracks such as Deep Cut's Theme and Surprise and Shine.


The music video gives official lyrics for Big Betrayal. Most of the lyrics are nonsensical; however, the speaking portion is translated. The English version of the music video has several differences in its romanization of the sung lyrics compared to the Japanese version. There are only lyrics available for the first half of the song, as the second is not featured in the music video.

The Ordertune booklet provides the rest of the lyrics, as well as the second half of the dialogue, and the phonetics behind the dialogue.

Translation needed
Translate the second half of the dialogue, as well as bring the phonetics behind the dialogue from the Ordertune booklet edit
Big Betrayal
Deep Cut Japanese Lyrics[2] Translated/Romanized
Localized Lyrics[3]
Shiver Frye Big Man
のう、マンタロー この写真は なんじゃ?
ハイカラな女子に囲まれて ヘラヘラしておる
このお調子者は だれなんじゃろな?
YO, Big Man, what's this photo?
Who's this happy guy laughing and surrounded by those Inkopolis girls?
Yo, Big Man. Wanna explain this photo?
'Cause it looks like a thoughtless, careless chump...
cozying up to those Inkopolis sisters!
一体だれなのか まだ□&○%$■☆♭*!
That's the unidentified singer Ian BGM,
who the heck could it be? Still- □&○%$■☆♭*!
Ay! Ay! Ay-
(No, no, no! That's just Ian BGM!
Uh-I think he's a vocalist of no relation whatsoever-)
オマエさん しらばっくれるのも
You're just pretending not to
You think we're that
あ〜ら マンタローはん、
楽しそうで よろしおすなぁ?
Oh~ Big Man,
it's nice seeing you having fun with them.
Awww, don't worry.
It's nice to see you having fun with new friends.
ほんなら ずっと ハイカラの オトモダチと
遊ばはったら ええんとちゃいます?
Boohoo, well then why don't you play with
your Inkopolis friends ALL the time?
Maybe you should spend ALL your
time with them if they're so great!
これには 深い理由が!ボクはバンカラと
There's a good reason! I thought that
a song would put Splatsville and Inkopolis
on even better terms...%△#?%◎&@★!
Ay- Ay... AY! (Alright, listen- It's just-
I want artists from Splatsville and Inkopolis to get along!
And I thought that doing a collab would-)

If you don't bring us any money,
then you can't say those things,
You wanted a collab?
Well, I want cold, hard cash!
Next time we get a piece, capisce?
Squid language
ダンダンダン! Dandandan! Dandandan!
デリ ユーベン ミトチュレ Deri yūben mitochure Deri yuuben mito chure...
バンバンバン! Banbanban! Banbanban!
うぇに まてしなだり Weni mateshinadari Uweni mate shina dari...
ダッダンレト ワニ ユートンチナ デイデ
ダロッテ ウティンナダリチ
Daddanreto wani yūtonchina deide
Darotte utinnadariti
da darento wani yuuton cheena deyde...
darotte utcin nadariti...
バッカンレイ! Bakkanrei! bakkan rei!
ナチュンリト バートゥ
ユニン ティソ マトゥ
ソービンチェ ヌトファ ピシャゲルド!
Nachunrito bātu
Yunin tiso matu
Sōbinche nutofa pishagerudo!
Nachunrito baatoo...
yunin tiso matoo...
sohbinche nutofa pishagerdo!
イーチェンム ニティロ
ドーチェンティマ ディテロ
Īchenmu nitiro
Dōchentima deitero
Ichenmu nitiiro...
dochentima deitero...
ダッピニ デーチェンタリ ティーノゥ Dappini dēchentari tīnow dappini dechentari teii nou...
ネーチャンディ バッティロ
ニュエティンガ チェド
バーチェンリー マンダニ ピシャゲルド!
Nēchandi battiro
Nyuetinga chedo
Bāchenrī mandani pishagerudo!
neechandei battiro...
nyuetinga chedo...
baachenrii mandani pishagerdo!
イルキヌファ チャンリ
ニューエンディヤン ベテロ
Irukinufa chanri
Nyūendiyan betero
Irukinufa chanri...
nyuuendiyan betero...
ワッティハ ミダンタニ ビーノゥ Wattiha midantani bīnow wattiha midanrani bii nou...
チョッペリ ミュラ チェンニーロ! Chopperi myura chennīro! chopperi myura chen niiro!
おんどりゃー! ま〜〜だ話は終わっとらんぞ!?
アネゴとコラボはいい、じゃがワシらにキッチリ 話をつけてからってーのが
筋じゃないんかの? あん?
いいからコブシで ぶつかってこーーい!!
みっちり たたきこんであげましょかぁ?
Squid language
ダンダンダン! Dandandan! Dandandan!
デリ ユーベン ミトチュレ Deri yūben mitochure Deri yuuben mito chure...
バンバンバン! Banbanban! Banbanban!
うぇに まてしなだり Weni mateshinadari Uweni mate shina dari...
ダッダンレト ワニ ユートンチナ デイデ
ダロッテ ウティンナダリチ
Daddanreto wani yūtonchina deide
Darotte utinnadariti
da darento wani yuuton cheena deyde...
darotte utcin nadariti...
バッカンレイ! Bakkanrei! bakkan rei!
なちゅりと ばて
ゆにひそ まと
そてちぬ とや しばぃたんど!
Nachurito bade
Yunihiso mato
Sotechinu toya shibaitando!
どちゅてま いけど
dochutema ikedo
ばってに せぶくし みーよー Batteni sebukushi mīyō
せちゅりて そや
にてしま けど
まてりはだに しばぃたんど!
Sechurite soya
Niteshima kedo
Materihadani shibaitando!
いびぬか たり
うきしや ねても
Ibinuka tari
ukishiya netemo
ばってに みはたり しーよー Batteni mihatari shīyō
チョッペリ ミュラ チェンニーロ! Chopperi myura chennīro! chopperi myura chen niiro!

Music video

The music video for Big Betrayal was released on 25 August 2023. It features text with a translation of the conversation at the start of the song, followed by a transcription of the nonsensical lyrics of the sung portion. The music video only includes the first verse of the song.

Other versions

Big Betrayal (Live)

During the Splatoon 3 Live Concert at Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO, an extended version of Big Betrayal is used.

In this version, the arguing is changed to instead focus on Big Man allowing Off the Hook onstage when they arrived unexpectedly during Shiver and Frye's break.

Translation needed
Need translation of Japanese, French (NOE), German, Italian, Spanish (NOA), Spanish (NOE), Chinese (Traditional), and Korean lyrics edit
Singer Legend
S: Shiver F: Frye B: Big Man

Japanese dialogue[4]

ウツホ(意訳):ゴルァー! マンタロー これはどういうことじゃ
なんでワシら大事ライブ テンタなんたらがいよったんかのぉー?!

マンタロー(意訳):ってって 今回はちがうって!

ウツホ(意訳):バッカモーン! 横取りを だまって見てたなら 同罪じゃー!!

フウカ(意訳):あ〜ら マンタローはんさすがおすなぁ
ほんで、テンタクルズはんと どうナシつけるんか 教えてくれはります?

本日 うれしいサプライズを%△#?%◎&@★[a]


ウツホ(意訳):ま〜だ 話わっとらんぞ!

マンタロー(意訳):でもでも! ハイカラなものをってこそ

ウツホ(意訳):ぐぉー! 目キラキラさせるな!!

フウカ(意訳):お〜い [b]おいおい
からへと大物相手に いそがしそやね?
ウチらのコトは もうど〜でもようなったんやろ

マンタロー(意訳):ちがうよ! ボクがいちばん大事なのは ふたりバンカラ×△☆#♭●□★※!

フウカ(意訳):ほんなら! 態度「誠意」 見してもらいましょかぁ


ウツホ(意訳):ワシらキズナ絶対じゃ! 裏切には

マンタロー(意訳):鉄槌… ピシャゲルド

English dialogue (NOA)[5]

F (translation):Yo, Big Man!
You wanna explain yourself?!
Did I just see Off the Hook stealing the
spotlight at OUR big show?!

B (translation):Ay! Ay— (Wait, wait! It's not what you think!
I didn't know they were—)

F (translation):ZIP IT! If you saw the takeover happening,
why didn't you stop them?!

S (translation):My, my, Big Man.
You have so MANY friends.
Maybe you can tell us how to
settle up with Off the Hook?

B (translation):Ay? "Ay—" (Um, a thank-you email?
"What a nice surprise—")

S (translation):Have you come down
with Inkopolis fever?!
I'm asking how much
to charge them!

F (translation):DON'T think you're out
of the woods yet!
What's so great about Inkopolis?
It's getting weird how much
you love those has-beens!

B (translation):Ay! Ay— (No way! Nothing's more important
than you two and Splatsville to—)

F (translation):Oh, don't give me that
roe-eyed look!
A REAL Splatlandian would
settle it with a dance battle!

S (translation):How tragic...
You just hop from megastar
to megastar, don't you?
We must be so boring to you.

B (translation):Ay! Ay— (No Way! Nothing's more important
than you two and Splatsville to—)

S (translation):If you really mean that,
then act like it!

S (translation):Do you still remember
the Deep Cut pledge, Big Man?

F (translation):The group comes first!
Anything less would be...

B (translation):Ay... (A big...betrayal...)

English dialogue (NOE)[6][7][8]

F (translation):Yo, Big Man! You wanna explain
Did I just see Off the Hook stealing the
spotlight at OUR big show?!

B (translation):Ay! Ay— (Wait, wait! It's not what
you think! I didn't know they were—)

F (translation):ZIP IT! If you saw the takeover happening,
why didn't you stop them?!

S (translation):My, my, Big Man.
You have so MANY friends.
Maybe you can tell us how to settle up
with Off the Hook?

B (translation):Ay? "Ay—" (Um, a thank-you email?
"What a nice surprise—")

S (translation):Have you come down with Inkopolis fever?!
I'm asking how much to charge them!

F (translation):DON'T think you're out of
the woods yet!
What's so great about Inkopolis?
It's getting weird how much you love
those has-beens!

B (translation):Ay— (But the more Inkopolitans we know,
the more we can hype the Splatla—)

F (translation):Oh, don't give me that roe-eyed look!
A REAL Splatlandian would settle it
with a dance battle!

S (translation):How tragic...
You just hop from megastar to megastar,
don't you?
We must be so boring to you.

B (translation):Ay! Ay— (No way! Nothing's more important
than you two and Splatsville to—)

S (translation):If you really mean that, then act like it!

S (translation):Do you still remember the Deep Cut
pledge, Big Man?

F (translation):The group comes first!
Anything less would be...

B (translation):Ay... (A big...betrayal...)

Dutch dialogue[9][10]

F (translation):Yo, Ray! Wat moet dit voorstellen?!
Zag ik daarnet Tentacool de show

(Yo, Big Man! What is the meaning of this?!
Did I see Off the Hook steal the show just now?)

B (translation):Ay! Ay— (Wacht, wacht! Het is niet
wat je denkt! Ik wist niet dat ze—)

(Ay! Ay— (Wait, wait! It is not what you think!
I didn't know they—)

F (translation):KLEP DICHT! Je zag toch wat ze deden?
Waarom stopte je ze niet?

(SHUT IT! Surely you saw what they were doing?
Why didn't you stop them?)

S (translation):Ray toch, Ray toch.
Je wilt ook IEDEREEN te vriend houden.
Misschien heb je ook een idee hoe we dit met
Tentacool kunnen regelen?

(Oh Big Man, Oh Big Man.
You want to get along with EVERYONE.
Perhaps you also have an idea how
we can arrange this with Off the Hook?)

B (translation):Ay? "Ay—" (Eh, met een dankmailtje?
"Wat een leuke verrassing—")

(Ay? "Ay—" (Uh, with a thank-you email?
"Such a fun surprise—")

S (translation):Zit je hoofd opeens vol inkt?
Ik bedoel hoeveel we ze in rekening
moeten brengen!

(Is your head suddenly full of ink?
I mean how much we should charge them!)

F (translation):Denk maar NIET dat we het
hierbij laten zitten!
Wat is er zo geweldig aan Inkopolis?
Beetje vreemd, hoe dol je op
die losers bent!

(But DON'T think we leave it at that!
What is so amazing about Inkopolis?
A bit odd, how fond you are of those losers!)

B (translation):Ay— (Maar hoe meer we bekend zijn in
Inkopolis, hoe meer we Splatla—)

(Ay— (But the more we are known in Inkopolis,
the more we Splatla—)

F (translation):O, bespaar me die droeve blik!
Een ECHTE Splatlander lost zoiets op
met een dance-battle!

(Oh, spare me that miserable glance!
A TRUE Splatlandian solves such a thing
with a dance battle!)

S (translation):Zo triest...
Je hopt gewoon van megaster naar
megaster, hè?
Je zult ons wel een saai
stelletje vinden.

(So sad...
You simply hop from megastar to megastar, eh?
You must find us a boring bunch.)

B (translation):Ay! Ay— (Echt niet! Niets is belangrijker
dan jullie twee en Splatsville om—)

Ay! Ay— (I really don't! Nothing is more important
than you two and Splatsville to—)

S (translation):Als je dat echt meent, moet je
je daar ook naar gedragen!

(If you truly mean that,
you should act accordingly!)

S (translation):Herinner je je nog de Deep Cut-eed?

(Do you still remember the Deep Cut oath?)

F (translation):De groep komt eerst! Al het andere

(The group comes first!
Everything else means...)

B (translation):Ay... (Een groot...verraad...)

(Ay... (A great... betrayal...)

French dialogue (NOA)[11]

F (translation):Oh, Raimi!
Tu peux m'expliquer ça?
J'ai rêvé ou Tentacool est venu nous
piquer la vedette en plein méga concert?

(Yo, Big Man! Can you explain this? Am I dreaming or did Off the Hook just steal the spotlight at our big concert?)

B (translation):Ay, ay! (Non, non! C'est pas ce que tu crois!
Je savais pas que...)

(Ay, ay! (No, no! It's not what you think!
I had no idea that...))

F (translation):Arrête un peu! Pourquoi tu les as laissé
faire quand elles ont débarqué?

(Hold it! Why did you just let it happen?)

S (translation):Dis-moi, Raimi...
Toi qui as tellement d'amis...
À ton avis, comment on pourrait
être quittes avec Tentacool?

(Tell me, Big Man... You have so many friends... How could you think we would be cool with Off the Hook?)

B (translation):Ay? « Ay... » (Euh, un petit courriel, peut-être?)
(« Quelle merveilleuse surprise d'avoir... »)

(Ay? "Ay..." (Uh, a little email, maybe?) ("Wouldn't it be a nice surprise to have a..."))

S (translation):T'as un rhume de cerveau,
ou quoi?
Je te demande combien
elles vont payer!

(Are you not listening, Big Man? I'm askin' ya how you think they'll pay for this!)

F (translation):Tu vas pas t'en sortir
aussi facilement!
Qu'est-ce que ça a de si génial,
T'aimes beaucoup trop ces ringards,
c'est louche!

(You're not getting out of this that easy, man! What's so great about Inkopolis, anyhow? You love those suckers way too much, it's gross!)

B (translation):Ay! (Mais plus on connaît de gens à Chromapolis,
plus on peut faire la pub de la Contrée Cla...)

(Ay! (But the more we get to know folks from Inkopolis, the more publicity we get for the Splatlands!))

F (translation):Oh, essaie pas
de m'embobiner!
Un vrai claboussien réglerait
ça par un défi de danse!

(Oh, don't try to convince me! A real Splatlandian would solve this via dance battle!)

S (translation):La vie est si dure pour toi...
Toujours à passer d'une
superstar à l'autre...
Tu dois t'ennuyer ferme,
mon pauvre Raimi...

(Oh, your life is so hard, huh... Always switching from one superstar to another... You've gotta be getting bored, poor Big Man...)

B (translation):Ay! (Non! Rien n'est plus important pour moi
que la Cité-Clabousse et vous deux...)

(Ay! (No! Nothin's more important to me than Splatsville and you two...))

S (translation):Si tu le penses vraiment,
alors prouve-le!

(If you really think it, then show us!)

S (translation):T'as pas oublié le serment
des Tridenfer, Raimi?

(Ya haven't forgotten our Deep Cut motto, have ya, Big Man?) F (translation):Le groupe avant tout!
Sinon, tu te rends coupable...

(The group above all else! Otherwise, you're guilty...)

B (translation):Ay... (De haute... trahison...)

(Ay... (Of the biggest... betrayal...))

French dialogue (NOE)[12][13]

F (translation):Oh, Raimi ! Tu peux m'expliquer ça ?
J'ai rêvé ou les Tenta-Cool sont venues
nous piquer la vedette en plein méga
concert ?

(Yo, Big Man ! Can you explain this to me ? Am I dreaming or are Off the Hook coming to steal the spotlight from us in the middle of a mega concert ?)

B (translation):Ay, ay ! (Non, non ! C'est pas ce que
tu crois ! Je savais pas que...)

(Ay, Ay !(No, no ! This isn't what you're thinking !I didn't know they...))

F (translation):Arrête un peu ! Pourquoi tu les as
laissées faire quand elles ont débarqué ?

(Stop It! Why did you let them do when they showed up ?)

S (translation):Dis-moi, Raimi...
Toi qui as tellement d'amis...
À ton avis, comment on pourrait
être quittes avec les Tenta-Cool ?

(Tell me Big Man...You have so many friend... In your opinion, how could we be even with Off the Hook ?)

B (translation):Ay ? « Ay... » (Euh, un petit mail, peut-être ?)
(« Quelle merveilleuse surprise d'avoir... »)

(Ay ? « Ay...» (Hm, a little email, maybe ?) (What a wonderful surprise to have...))

S (translation):T'as un rhume de cerveau, ou quoi ?
Je te demande combien elles vont payer !

(Are you braindead, or what ? I'm asking you how much they're gonna pay !)

F (translation):Tu vas pas t'en sortir
aussi facilement !
Qu'est-ce que ça a de si génial,
Chromapolis ?
T'aimes beaucoup trop ces ringards,
c'est louche !

(You're not going to get away so easily ! What does Inkopolis have that's so amazing ?)

B (translation):Ay ! (Mais plus on connaît de gens à Chromapolis,
plus on peut faire la pub de la Contrée Cla...)

(Ay ! (But the more we know peopke in Inkopolis, the more we can do ads for The Splatl...))

F (translation):Oh, essaie pas de m'embobiner !
Un vrai Claboussien réglerait ça par
un défi de danse !

(Hey, don't try to fool me! A real Splatlander would solve this with a dance challenge !

S (translation):La vie est si dure pour toi...
Toujours à passer d'une superstar
à l'autre...
Tu dois t'ennuyer ferme,
mon pauvre Raimi...

(Life is so hard for you... Always going from one superstar to another... You must be really bored my poor Big Man...)

B (translation):Ay ! (Non ! Rien n'est plus important pour
moi que Cité-Clabousse et vous deux...)

(Ay ! (No ! Nothing is more important to me than Splatsville and you guys..))

S (translation):Si tu le penses vraiment,
alors prouve-le !

(If you really mean it then prove it !)

S (translation):T'as pas oublié le serment
des Tridenfer, Raimi ? (You diddn't forget the Deep Cut oath, Big Man ?)

F (translation):Le groupe avant tout !
Sinon, tu te rends coupable...

(The band before anything ! Else, you make yourself guilt...)

B (translation):Ay... (De haute... trahison...)

(Ay...(Of big...betrayal...)

German dialogue[14]

F (translation):Mantaro, mein Lieber!
Erzähl mal, was das soll!
Du lässt TentaCool UNSER
Konzert kapern?

B (translation):Ay! Ay-- (Warte, Muri, warte! Ich
wusste doch nicht, dass die beiden--)

F (translation):STILL, DU! Hättest sie doch aufhalten
können mit deinen Riesenflossen!

S (translation):Mantaro, Mantaro...
Was du alles für Freunde hast.
Sag doch, wie könnte man
TentaCool denn erreichen?

B (translation):Ay? „Ay--" (Äh, eine Dankeschön-Email?)
(„Toll, dass ihr extra für uns--")

S (translation):Hast du Inkopolis-Fieber?
Ich will GELD von denen sehen!

F (translation):Mit dir sind wir noch nicht fertig!
Was ist so toll an Inkopolis?
SPLATSVILLE ist doch jetzt angesagt!

B (translation):Ay-- (Aber je mehr Leute wir dort kennen, desto
mehr Werbung können wir für Splatsvil--)

F (translation):Gaaah, dass ich nicht lachse!
In Splatsville löst man so was
mit 'nem Tanz-Battle!

S (translation):Ojemine, wie traurig...
Lachst dir immer neue Megastars an!
Langweilst du dich so sehr mit uns?

B (translation):Ay! Ay-- (N-nicht doch! Was Wichtigeres
als ihr beide und Splatsville gibt es für mi--)

S (translation):Dann verhalte dich auch so! Klar?

S (translation):Mantaro!
Den großen Surimi-Schwur bitte!

F (translation):Das Syndicate zuerst!
Alles andere wäre...

B (translation):Ay... (Ein Riesen...verrat...)

Italian dialogue[15]

F (translation):Mantaleo, vuoi darci una spiegazione?!
Quelle erano le Tenta Cool e hanno appena
rubato la scena durante il NOSTRO

B (translation):Man! Man... (Aspetta, aspetta! Non è
come pensi, non sapevo che...)

F (translation):ZITTO! Perché allora non le hai fermate
quando le hai viste salire sul palco?!

S (translation):Wow, Mantaleo, quanti amici hai!
Forse puoi dirci come regolare i conti
con le Tenta Cool?

B (translation):Man? "Man..." (Uhm, con un'e-mail di
ringraziamento? "Che bella sorpresa...")

S (translation):Ma che hai, la febbre di Coloropoli?!
Ti sto chiedendo quanto farle pagare!

F (translation):Non pensare di cavartela
cosi facilmente!
Cos'ha di tanto speciale Coloropoli?
Il tuo amore per quei dilettanti inizia
davvero a preoccuparmi!

B (translation):Man... (Ma più gente di Coloropoli conosciamo,
più possiamo sponsorizzare Splatt...)

F (translation):Non mi impietosisci!
Un vero splattoniano la risolverebbe
con una danza all'ultimo tentacolo!

S (translation):Che tragedia...
Passi da una megastar all'altra, eh?
Quanto devi annoiarti con noi!

B (translation):Man! Man... (No! Non c'è niente di più
importante di voi due e Splatville per...)

S (translation):Se è quello che pensi davvero,
allora dimostralo!

S (translation):Ti ricordi ancora il patto del Trio Triglio,

F (translation):Il gruppo viene prima di tutto!
Qualsiasi altra cosa sarebbe...

B (translation):Man... (Un grave... tradimento...)

Spanish dialogue (NOA)[16]

F (translation):¡¿Qué rayos está
pasando aquí, Rayan?!
¡¿Qué hacían las Cefalopop robándose toda
la atención en NUESTRO concierto?!

B (translation):¡Zasss! (¡No! ¡No es lo que parece!...
Yo no tenía idea de que iban a...)

F (translation):¡EXCUSAS! ¡Te quedaste ahí pasmado
y no hiciste nada para detenerlas!

S (translation):Nuestro querido Rayan, siempre
con tantas y tantas amistades...
Ya nos dirás cómo hacemos para compensar
lo ocurrido con Cefalopop después de esto.

B (translation):¿Zasss? (¿Les mando un mensaje de
agradecimiento? ¿Y las invito a...?)

S (translation):¡¿Pero qué dices?!
¡Me refiero a la compensación
que nos deben!

F (translation):¡No trates de escabullirte!
¿A qué viene tanto
interés por Cromópolis?
¡Esos mediocres te
tienen embobado!

B (translation):Zasss... (Pero... tener contactos en Cromópolis
nos beneficia para promocionar nuestro...)

F (translation):¡No pongas esa cara!
¡Ya sabes que en Tintelia
arreglamos los asuntos con baile!

S (translation):Qué lamentable...
Nosotras te aburrimos y prefieres
pasar el rato con otras superestrellas,

B (translation):¡Zasss! (¡Claro que no! Para mí ustedes y
el estilo tinteliano son lo más import...)

S (translation):Si eso es cierto,

S (translation):¿Acaso olvidaste el
juramento del Clan Surimi?

F (translation):¡Nuestro grupo es lo primero!
Y quien no esté de acuerdo...

B (translation):Zasss... (Es un traidor... ya....)

Spanish dialogue (NOE)[17]

F (translation):¡¿Qué está pasando aquí, Rayan?!
¡¿Qué hacían las Cefalopop acaparando
el protagonismo en nuestro concierto?!

B (translation):¡Zasss! (¡No es lo que parece! Esto...
Yo no tenía ni idea de que iban a...)

F (translation):¡EXCUSAS! ¡Te has quedado ahí pasmado
y no has hecho nada para detenerlas!

S (translation):Nuestro querido Rayan, siempre
con tantas y tantas amistades...
Ya nos dirás cómo hacemos para compensar
lo ocurrido con Cefalopop después de esto.

B (translation):¿Zasss? (¿Les mando un mensaje de
agradecimiento? ¿Y las invito a...?)

S (translation):¡¿Nos tomas el tentáculo o qué?!
¡Me refiero a pedirles una indemnización!

F (translation):¡No trates de escabullirte!
¿A qué viene tanto interés
por Cromópolis?
¡Esos mediocres te tienen embelesado!

B (translation):Zasss... (Pero... tener contactos en Cromópolis
nos beneficia para promocionar nuestro...)

F (translation):¡Basta de pamplinas!
¡Ya sabes que en Tintelia no nos van
las medias tintas!

S (translation):Qué lamentable...
Nosotras te aburrimos y prefieres
codearte con otras superestrellas, ¿no?

B (translation):¡Zasss! (¡Que no! Para mí vosotras y
el estilo tinteliano sois lo más import...)

S (translation):Si eso es cierto, ¡demuéstralo!

S (translation):¿Acaso se te ha olvidado el
juramento del Clan Surimi?

F (translation):¡Nuestro grupo es lo primero!
Y quien no esté de acuerdo...

B (translation):Zasss... (Es un traidor... ya....)

Chinese (Traditional) dialogue[18]
















Korean dialogue[19]

우츠호:어이, 만타로! 이게 어찌 된 일이냐!
왜 우리의 소중한 라이브에서 텐타뭐시기가 노래를 부른 것이야~!

만타로:만타~!!(잠깐, 잠깐, 이번엔 아니야! 나도 전허 몰랐□&○%$■☆♭*!)

우츠호:바보 녀석! 그 행패를 조용히 보고 있던 너도 똑같으니라~!!

후우카:어~머, 만타로 씨 발이 참으로 넓으시네예
자, 그럼 텐타클즈 분들과 어떻게 마무리할지도 알려 주시겠지예?

만타로:음… 우선은 감사의 메일을 보내야지
오늘은 기쁜 서프라이즈를%△#?%◎&@★!

후우카:어떻게 되갚아 줄지 묻고 있다 카이!!
오더폴리스스러운 소리나 하고 있을 기가?!

우츠호:그게 끝이 아니니라!
날이 갈수록 심해지는 오더폴리스를 향한 곽심…
내 더 이상 좌시할 수 없 느니라, 만타로!

만타로:하지만! 오더폴리스를 알아야
카오폴리스를 더욱 번창시킬 수 ◎$♪×△\&?#!

우츠호:눈 반짝이지 말거라!!
카오폴리스 출신은 주먹으로 얘기해야 하거늘~!!!

후우카:잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐…
거물들 상대로 바빠 보이는구마!
우리는 이제 아무래도 좋은가 보다

만타로:아니야! 나에게 가장 소중한 건 두 사람과 카오폴리스 ×△☆#♭●□★※!

후우카:그렇다면 태도로 「성의」를 보여 보그래이!

후우카:만타로, 삼합파의 맹세는 잊지 않았겠제?

우츠호:우리들의 인연은 절대적이다! 배신자에게는…

만타로:만타…(철퇴를… Big Betrayal…)


SRL Musicology here with major news—a new song from Deep Cut just dropped! Titled Big Betrayal, this tune tells the story of Big Man's secret solo project as Ian BGM…and the consequences when Shiver and Frye found out about it. Listen to it here & during the upcoming Splatfest.
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[20]
This new song from Deep Cut, titled Big Betrayal, tells the story of Big Man's secret solo project as Ian BGM…and the consequences when Shiver and Frye found out about it. Listen to it here and during the upcoming #Splatoon3 Splatfest.
— @NintendoEurope on Twitter[21]



  • Each idol's main concerns as expressed in the translated argument portion of the song in the music video reflect the stances they held in the Money vs. Fame vs. Love Splatfest.
    • Shiver is concerned with Big Man making money without giving his bandmates a cut, in alignment with her representing Team Money.
    • Frye is concerned with Big Man's association with the Squid Sisters damaging Deep Cut's reputation amidst Inkopolis and Splatsville's ongoing rivalry, in alignment with her representing Team Fame.
    • Big Man is concerned with helping build friendly relations between Inkopolitan and Splatlandian musicians through music collaborations, in alignment with him representing Team Love.
    • Additionally, in the interview between Marie, Marina, and Big Man in Splatune 3, Big Man hints at their positions by saying that Shiver wants to be rich and Frye wants to be famous, but that he wants to bring Inkopolis and the Splatlands together.
  • This is one of the few songs to include a word from a real language in its lyrics, namely the phrase "pishagerudo" (ピシャゲルド), which is part of the Japanese name of the song.
  • Big Betrayal is one of the only songs in the franchise to have any of their lyrics translated, with the others being Suffer No Fools, Three Wishes, Splatlands Third Junior High School Anthem, Robo ROM-en theme song, and DJ Octavio's remix of Bomb Rush Blush.
  • This song seems to have a very similar beginning to a song written by Bentley Jones called "Dreams of an Absolution", which uses a part from a song that released in 1998 called "Music Sounds Better With You" by Stardust.


Big Betrayal refers to Big Man's involvement in the production of Liquid Sunshine with the Squid Sisters without informing Shiver and Frye, who see this as a betrayal within the context of the rivalry between Splatlandians and Inkopolitans. Big may also refer to Big Man.

Names in other languages

The name of the song is the same as English in all languages except for Japanese.

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 鉄槌ピシャゲルド
Tettsui Pishagerudo
Smackdown Crackdown; "Smackdown" comes from ピシャゲルド (pishagerudo), a Hiroshima dialect corruption of ひしゃげるぞ (hishageruzo, "I'll beat you up"). "Crackdown" comes from 鉄槌 (tettsui), which means "iron hammer", which figuratively can refer to cracking down on incorrect activity.


  1. The Ordertune booklet noted an exclamation mark at the end of this line, but the dialogue animation is truncated in the video, leaving the exclamation mark unseen.
  2. The transcript in the Ordertune booklet has no space at this position.
  3. The Chinese version of the dialogue omits the reference to Inkopolis.


  1. Twitter @SplatoonJP on Twitter
  2. Nintendo of Japan Big Betrayal music video
  3. Nintendo of America Big Betrayal music video
  4. YouTubeスプラトゥーン3 バンカライブ 轟(ゴウ) [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO]
  5. YouTubeSplatoon 3 Live Concert featuring Deep Cut [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO] (Nintendo of America)
  6. YouTubeSplatoon 3 live concert featuring Deep Cut [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO] (Nintendo UK)
  7. YouTubeSplatoon 3 live concert featuring Deep Cut [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO] (NintendoAU)
  8. YouTubeConcerto Splatoon 3 com os Deep Cut [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO]
  9. YouTubeSplatoon 3-liveconcert met Deep Cut [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO] (Nintendo Nederland)
  10. YouTubeSplatoon 3-liveconcert met Deep Cut [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO] (Nintendo België)
  11. YouTubeConcert en direct Splatoon 3 Live avec Tridenfer [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO] (Nintendo of America)
  12. YouTubeConcert Splatoon 3 avec les Tridenfer [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO] (Nintendo France)
  13. YouTubeConcert Splatoon 3 avec les Tridenfer [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO] (NintendoBelgique)
  14. YouTubeSplatoon 3-Livekonzert mit Surimi Syndicate [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO]
  15. YouTubeConcerto del Trio Triglio di Splatoon 3 [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO]
  16. YouTubeConcierto en vivo de Splatoon 3 con la presentación del Clan Surimi [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO]
  17. YouTubeConcierto de Splatoon 3 interpretado por el Clan Surimi [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO]
  18. YouTube蠻頹Live轟[Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO]
  19. YouTube스플래툰 3 삼합파 콘서트 굉 [Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO]
  20. Twitter @SplatoonNA on Twitter
  21. Twitter @NintendoEurope on Twitter