Flow and Craymond
Species | Sea slug, mainly based on a Hypselodoris apolegma nudibranch[1] (Flow) Emperor shrimp (Craymond) |
Hair color | Orange/Pastel Green (Flow) |
Age | Unclear, presumed 20+ (Flow; see Age) Unspecified (Craymond) |
Gender | Female (Flow) Male (Craymond) |
Location | Galleria |
Shop | Headspace |
“ | Now this right here is Flow. You'll find her working at Headspace, Inkopolis's spot for hats and helmets. From the way she talks, she might seem a bit loopy, but that's just part of her mysterious vibe. Word has it she's a bit older than most of her Inkling customers, and teasing them is one of her favorite pastimes. The little guy who lives among her tendrils is her erstwhile companion, Craymond, an unhinged emperor shrimp who's always got her back. | ” |
Flow and Craymond are characters in the Splatoon series. They are, respectively, a sea slug and an emperor shrimp who jointly operate the headgear shop Headspace. Their relationship is inspired by the symbiotic relationship of their real-life animal counterparts.
Flow's clothing style resembles a 1960s hippie look; her clothes are very loose and baggy, and their colors are earthy in tone. She wears a purple shawl with tassels over a gray shirt and a long, black dress. She wears a black beaded necklace with a teal squid shaped jewel. Flow's clothing covers both of her arms completely, and only a single foot wearing a black sandal with a red jewel visibly protrudes from under the hem of her dress. This may reference real-life sea slugs having no arms and only one foot.
She has a large, hat-like orange mantle with a constantly undulating pastel green fringe, and pastel green and orange striped rhinophores protrude from its front; it is around this mantle that Craymond hovers. Additionally, the fringe is studded with two ring piercings: a smaller metallic brown piercing in front, and a larger green piercing on the left; Splatoon 3 adds a matching green piercing on the right as well. Underneath her mantle, she wears a knotted multicolored headband with flower-shaped objects attached, and suspended are several dangling structures which resemble hair, being orange with a gradient into deep pink at the tips, that come down slightly past her shoulders. Flow's eyes are emerald green with dotted line patterns around her pupils, and she has thick orange eyebrows and dark pink eyelashes with teal tips, alongside two small white markings under each eye. She has a long tail behind her with a row of orange cerata on top of the base.
Some concept art suggests that Flow was initially going to have a more androgynous look;[3] this concept may have been derived from the hermaphroditic nature of real-life nudibranchs.
Craymond's appearance is comparatively quite simple. He is seen floating on the side of Flow's mantle, and he is a small shrimp, with the entirety of his body being of a peachy tan color. He also has small front-facing conjoined cartoon-style eyes and no visible mouth.
Personality and traits
Flow is a very spacy and lax woman, to the point where the local Inklings have taken to calling her their "crazy aunt".[4] This is also demonstrated through her speech, making extensive use of vague new-age terminology such as "aura", "spirit", and "energy". She also enjoys drinking alcohol, and loves to tease children she finds cute while drunk.[5] As Headspace focuses on gear worn on the head, Flow's version of New You reflects a contemplative or mindful tone as well as higher vocals, linking it to the head. It is simpler and more soothing, matching Flow's calm yet spacey personality. It also has sounds of a ukulele and maracas, referencing her characterization as a hippie.
According to concept art from The Art of Splatoon 2, Flow was first conceptualized as having a "no-strings attached" friendship with Spyke. The book implies that she befriends men easier than women, and that she tends to scare girls away at times given her "rough around the edges" personality, but she has lots of friends and is rather popular, especially with older crowds, due to her cute appearance. She would "innocently like a boyfriend", making her one of the few characters mentioned to be seeking a relationship (alongside Crusty Sean). This concept art information has not been confirmed to apply to Flow's character in the final release of Splatoon 2.
Mentions of Flow's age have been indirect, inconsistent, and vague. The Squid Research Lab[2] and The Art of Splatoon 2 describe her as a "bit older" than her customers, but also state that her "baby face" makes her true age completely indiscernible. Pieces of concept art also describe her as having the "vibe" of a "20-something party girl".[3] Her aforementioned fondness for alcohol and the fact that she is implied to have been traveling extensively since at least 2007 Mollusc Era (approximately ten years before the start of Splatoon 2) would heavily suggest she is at least of legal age. Ultimately, it can be reasonably presumed that Flow is likely at least in her twenties, if not older, as of Splatoon 2. Her age in Splatoon 3 would consequently also be several years older than that.
In contrast to Flow's calm demeanor, Craymond is anxious and quick to jump at things; he is described as "unhinged" by the Squid Research Lab[2]. After Flow finishes talking, as in the case of Annie and Moe, he loudly blurts out accompanying phrases; unlike Moe's consistent rudeness, these phrases range from polite to panicked to occasionally outright nonsensical.
Despite the contrast in personality, he gets along well with Flow and looks after her, such as by eating parasites.[5] The Squid Research Lab also states that he "always [has] her back", and he is shown in concept art laying a blanket over an inebriated and passed-out Flow.[3] Flow's statement in the Splatoon 2 relationship chart of "What would I do without you?" seems to indicate she finds Craymond's companionship invaluable, although Craymond's corresponding sentiment of "What would she do without me?" could indicate his lighthearted exasperation at some of her lax tendencies.
Before Splatoon 2
Flow is regularly mentioned as having been a frequent traveler, even going on trips overseas. While on a working holiday, she met the owner of Headspace, which ultimately resulted in her becoming the store's manager.[3] She also appears in Sunken Scroll 7 of Octo Canyon, alongside an "Ika Airlines" flight ticket. Text shown in the Sunken Scroll also implies that her traveling significantly predates the events of even Splatoon; stamps on the passport page appear to show the year 2007, while the photo that is prominently featured dates back to 2010.
She also met Craymond in her travels, finding him floating around her head unexpectedly while on a trip, remarking as such with amusement. In reality, she was actually lost on said trip and had not noticed yet; Craymond, not wanting to "sit by and not help", joined up with her.[3]
Splatoon 2
Flow and Craymond collectively serve as the staff of Headspace, located in Inkopolis Square's Galleria. As the name of the shop suggests, they sell all manners of headgear.
Additionally, they were both on Team Chaos for Chaos vs. Order, apparently owing to their "hope to open a new world's third eye to the exciting possibilities of chaos".[6]
Splatoon 3
Flow and Craymond return in Splatoon 3: Expansion Pass, again serving as the shopkeepers of Headspace in Inkopolis Square. Additionally, like other shopkeepers, Flow appears as a rival in Tableturf Battle. In both cases, they may only be interacted with after beating Side Order.
Splatoon 2

Dialogue | ||
Condition | ||
When a player below level 4 enters the shop: | Flow: "Whoa, friend... I could feel your aura before you even set foot in my shop. Your eagerness is palpable. But I'm afraid I can't sell you my wares until you're truly ready for them. Until you're able to channel that energy into bettering yourself. Once you make it to level 4, I think you'll be ready, but I don't want to rush it. It should happen organically or not at all. Now go! Realize your potential, friend! I have no doubt you'll find yourself after a couple dozen Regular Battles." |
When a player of level 4 or above enters the shop: | Flow: "Ah, hello my little inkfish. Welcome to Headspace. You know, of course, that each piece of gear can grant you an ability, don't you? Well, if you want the nitty-gritty, just push to read up on it." |
Craymond: "CRAYMOND!" |
Additional info when a player at Level 4 or higher enters the shop for the first time (after version 2.0.0): | Flow: "Oh hey, that reminds me... We've started a new service here. You know how the versions you buy from the SplatNet gear shop come with different primary abilities, right? Well, you can now trade in that SplatNet gear for what we've got here. Gear you can trade in has a 🔁 on it, so try it out!" | |
When a player of level 7 or above enters the shop: | Flow: "Ah... If it isn't my favorite little inkfish. Have you come to cuttle with me? Your aura has strengthened since the last time I saw you. Let's find some nice new gear for you, yes?" |
Craymond: "LOOKIN' TASTY!" |
When a player of level 10 or above enters the shop: | Flow: "Ahh! It's my little inkfish! Just look at you! Your aura is stronger than ever!" |
Craymond: "YOU SMELL LIKE FUN!" |
When a player of level 13 or above enters the shop: | Flow: "Ah, welcome! Welcome to Headspace. WOW! Your aura is thicker than ink! I'll have to refresh my stock for you!" |
Craymond: "YOU DID IT!" |
When a player of level 16 or above enters the shop: | Flow: "Welcome to Headspace! Please take your time loo— Wait a minute! Is that you, my little inkfish?! I hardly recognized you behind that aura of yours! Your spirit is just so...fresh!" |
Craymond: "I'M MELTING!" |
When a player of level 20 or above enters the shop: | Flow: "AH! IT'S YOU! I can't believe my little inkfish has blossomed into a spiritual powerhouse. I've never basked in an aura like yours!" |
When entering the shop without an internet connection: | Flow: "Ah, hello, friend. I'd love to help you, but I'm not feeling a connection. Come back once you're connected to the Internet, and we'll start fresh." |
Craymond: "SMELL YOUR MODEM!" |
When entering the shop: | Flow: "Hmm? Ah, welcome, friend." |
Craymond: "..." |
When the player selects a piece of headgear: | Flow: "You'd like to buy it?" | |
When deciding whether to exchange a piece of headgear: | Flow: "You've got a piece of gear we carry that has a different primary ability. Wanna trade it in?" | |
After buying a piece of headgear: | Flow: "Equip it?" | |
After the player is offered to equip a purchase: | Flow: "Thanks, sweetie. If you're looking to renew yourself, just press Equip!" |
Craymond: "DON'T BE STRANGE!" |
When selecting a piece of already-owned headgear: | Flow: "Put on your inking cap, darling. You already own that one." |
Craymond: "YOU HAVE EYEBALLS?!" |
When not having enough cash: | Flow: "You may be rich in spirit, but we don't accept spirit here..." |
Dialogue | ||
Condition | ||
When a player below level 4 enters the shop: | Soezie: "Ho, watervlo... Ik voelde je aura al voor je binnenkwam... Je hebt een sterke energie. Maar ik kan je mijn spullen niet verkopen voor je er klaar voor bent. Je moet die energie van je inzetten voor zelfontplooiing. Als je niveau 4 hebt, ben je er wel klaar voor, geloof ik. Maar je moet het niet forceren. Zoiets moet organisch gaan, weet je. Ga nu maar... Ga op zoek naar je ware zelf. Je zult jezelf wel vinden na een paar standaardgevechten." (Ho, waterflea... I already felt your aura before you came in... You have strong energy. But I can't sell you my stuff before you are ready. You should use that energy of yours for self-development. When you have level 4, you are ready for it, I believe. But you shouldn't force it. Such a thing must go organically, you know. Now go... Go seek your true self. You will certainly find yourself after a couple regular battles.) |
When a player of level 4 or above enters the shop: | Soezie: "Hm...? O, halloooo. Welkom bij Hoofdmoot. Je weet toch al dat elk kledingstuk een bepaald effect heeft, hè? Nou, als je precies wilt weten hoe het zit, kies dan om verlichting te ervaren. Hmkee?" (Hm...? Oh, helloooo. Welcome to Headspace. Surely you already know that every piece of clothing has a particular ability, eh? Well, if you want to know the deal precisely, choose to experience enlightenment. Hmkay?) |
Additional info when a player at Level 4 or higher enters the shop for the first time (after version 2.0.0): | Soezie: "O, inktvisje, voor ik het vergeet... We bieden een nieuwe dienst aan. Je hebt vast wel gezien dat hetzelfde kledingstuk soms een ander hoofdeffect heeft, als je het in de Tentashop koopt. Nou, vanaf nu kun je die uitrusting uit de Tentashop hier ruilen, als we hetzelfde voorwerp hebben. Je herkent de uitrusting aan 🔁!" (Oh, little inkfish, before I forget... We offer a new service. You must have seen that the same piece of clothing sometimes has a different main ability, when you buy it in the SplatNet Gear Shop. Well, as of now you can exchange the gear of the Splatnet Gear Shop here, if we have the same item. You recognize the gear by 🔁!) | |
When a player of level 7 or above enters the shop: | Soezie: "Ooo, jij bent het, mijn inktvisje... Je aura is alleen nog maar sterker geworden sinds je vorige bezoek. Laten we samen eens kijken of we nog wat fraaie spulletjes voor je hebben, hmkee?" (Oooh, it is you, my little inkfish... Your aura has only become stronger since your last visit. Let's take a look together if we still have some fancy stuff for you, hmkay?) |
Gambo: "LEKKER, HOOR!" (NICE!) |
When a player of level 10 or above enters the shop: | Soezie: "O hallooo, watervlo! Je aura straalt als nooit tevoren... Als je jezelf toch eens kon zien..." (Oh hellooo, waterflea! Your aura shines as never before... If only you could see yourself...) |
When a player of level 13 or above enters the shop: | Soezie: "Welkom, welkom... Je bent altijd welkom in Hoofdmoot! Wauw... Je aura glanst als verse inkt. Ik zal flitsendere uitrusting voor je moeten inkopen!" (Welcome, welcome... You are always welcome to Headspace! Wow... Your aura shines as fresh ink. I will have to buy flashier gear for you!) |
When a player of level 16 or above enters the shop: | Soezie: "Welkom bij Hoofdmoot... Neem je tijd om rustig rond te kij... Ben... Ben jij het, inktvisje van me? Je aura is zo vers dat ik je haast niet had herkend!" (Welcome to Headspace... Take your time to leisurely look arou... Is... Is it you, little inkfish of mine? Your aura is so fresh that I nearly wouldn't have recognized you!) |
When a player of level 20 or above enters the shop: | Soezie: "JE... JE AURA! Zoiets heb ik nog nooit gezien... Je straalt zo fel dat ik een zonnebril nodig heb!" (YOUR... YOUR AURA! I have never seen something like that before... You shine so bright I need sunglasses!) |
When entering the shop without an internet connection: | Soezie: "Hé hallo, watervlo! Ik help je graag, maar ik voel geen connectie met je. Kom maar eens terug als je een internetverbinding hebt, oké?" (Hey hello, waterflea! I would gladly help you, but I feel no connection with you. Come back when you have an Internet connection, okay?) |
When entering the shop: | Soezie: "Hmm? O, welkom!" (Hmm? Oh, welcome!) |
Gambo: "..." (...) |
When the player selects a piece of headgear: | Soezie: "Wil je dit kopen?" (You want to buy this?) | |
When deciding whether to exchange a piece of headgear: | Soezie: "Dit voorwerp heb je al, maar dan met een ander hoofdeffect. Wil je het misschien ruilen?" (You already have this item, but with a different main ability. You want to exchange it perhaps?) | |
After buying a piece of headgear: | Soezie: "Wil je dit nu dragen?" (You want to wear this now?) | |
After the player is offered to equip a purchase: | Soezie: "Dank je, lief inktvisje. Als je jezelf opnieuw wilt vinden, druk je gewoon op UITRUSTING!" (Thank you, sweet little inkfish. If you want to find yourself again, just press GEAR!) |
When selecting a piece of already-owned headgear: | Soezie: "Wel gefocust blijven, hè? Dit heb je al, schattebout." (Let's stay focused, eh? You already have this, sweetheart.) |
When not having enough cash: | Soezie: "Je bent dan wel rijk van geest, maar met geest kun je hier niet betalen..." (You may be rich in spirit, but you can't pay with spirit here...) |
Splatoon 3
Dialogue | ||
Condition | ||
When a player below level 4 enters the shop: | Soezie: "Ho, watervlo... Ik voelde je aura al voor je binnenkwam... Je hebt een sterke energie. Maar ik kan je mijn spullen niet verkopen voor je er klaar voor bent. Je moet die energie van je inzetten voor zelfontplooiing. Als je niveau 4 hebt, ben je er wel klaar voor, geloof ik. Maar je moet het niet forceren. Zoiets moet organisch gaan, weet je. Ga nu maar... Ga op zoek naar je ware zelf. Je zult jezelf wel vinden na een paar standaardgevechten." (Ho, waterflea... I felt your aura already before you came in... You have strong energy. But I can't sell you my stuff until you are ready. You should use that energy of yours for self-development. Once you have level 4, you are ready for it, I believe. But you shouldn't force it. Such a thing has to go organically, you know. Now go... Go seek your true self. You will certainly find yourself after a couple regular battles.) |
When a player of level 4 or above enters the shop for the first time: | Soezie: "Hm...? O, halloooo. Welkom bij Hoofdmoot. Je aura is best sterk. Laten we wat mooie uitrusting vinden die daar helemaal bij past, hmm? Je weet toch al dat elk kledingstuk een bepaald effect heeft, hè? Nou, als je precies wilt weten hoe het zit, kies dan om verlichting te ervaren. Hmkee?" (Hm...? Oh, helloooo. Welcome to Headspace. Your aura is quite strong. Let's find some nice gear that suits that completely, hmm? Surely you already know that every piece of clothing has a particular ability, eh? Well, if you want to know the deal precisely, choose to experience enlightenment. Hmkay?) |
When a player of level 10 or above enters the shop for the first time: | Soezie: "O hallooo, watervlo! Je aura straalt als nooit tevoren... Als je jezelf toch eens kon zien..." (Oh hellooo, waterflea! Your aura shines as never before... If only you could see yourself...) |
When a player of level 20 or above enters the shop for the first time: | Soezie: "Welkom bij Hoofdmoot... Neem je tijd om rustig rond te kij... Ben... Ben jij het, zeekomkommertje van me? Je aura is zo vers dat ik je haast niet had herkend!" (Welcome to Headspace... Take your time to leisurely look arou... Is... Is it you, little sea cucumber of mine? Your aura is so fresh that I nearly wouldn't have recognized you!) |
When a player of level 30 or above enters the shop for the first time: | Soezie: "JE... JE AURA! Zoiets heb ik nog nooit gezien... Je straalt zo fel dat ik een zonnebril nodig heb!" (YOUR... YOUR AURA! I have never seen anything like it... You shine so bright I need sunglasses!) |
When entering the shop without an internet connection: | Soezie: "Hé hallo, watervlo! Ik help je graag, maar ik voel geen connectie met je. Kom nog eens terug als je een internetverbinding hebt gemaakt in de lobby, oké?" (Hey hello, waterflea! I would gladly help you, but I feel no connection with you. Come back once more when you have made an Internet connection in the lobby, okay? |
When entering the shop: | Soezie: "Hmm? O, welkom!" (Hmm? Oh, welcome!) |
Gambo: "..." (...) |
When the shop stocks a piece of already-owned headgear for the first time: | Soezie: "O, zeekoetje van me, we hebben een voorwerp dat precies lijkt op eentje dat je al hebt. Als je wilt, kun je de zeldzaamheid ervan verhogen of het inruilen. Een hogere zeldzaamheid kan het wapen meer ervaring geven, of een nieuw effectvakje. Als je het inruilt, krijg je iets helemaal nieuws, met nieuwe effecten. Wat je ook kiest, ik bespeur sowieso veel positieve mogelijkheden." (Oh, little manatee of mine, we have an item that looks precisely like one you already have. If you want, you can raise the star power of it or trade it in. A raised star power can make the weapon give more experience, or give a new ability slot. When you trade it in, you get something completely new, with new abilities. Whatever you choose, I sense many positive possibilities in any case.) | |
When selecting a piece of headgear: | Soezie: "Wil je dit kopen?" (You want to buy this?) | |
When selecting a piece of already-owned headgear: | Soezie: "Maar je hebt dat al, anemoontje van me. Wil je misschien de zeldzaamheid ervan verhogen, of dat voorwerp inruilen?" (But you already have that one, little anemone of mine. Do you perhaps want to raise the star power of it, or trade in that item?) | |
When deciding whether to exchange a piece of headgear: | Soezie: "Dat je het weet... de zeldzaamheid en extra effecten zullen worden gewist. Een totale reïncarnatie!" (Just so you know... the star power and secondary abilities will be erased. A total reincarnation!) | |
After buying a piece of headgear: | Soezie: "Wil je dit nu dragen?" (You want to wear this now?) | |
After the player is offered to equip a purchase: | Soezie: "Dank je, liefst zee-egeltje. Als je jezelf opnieuw uit wilt vinden, druk je gewoon op UITRUSTING!" (Thank you, dearest little sea urchin. If you want to reinvent yourself, you simply press GEAR!) |
When trying to trade in a piece of headgear that has the same main ability: | Soezie: "Hmm... Maar de hoofdeffecten hebben al dezelfde aura. Het heeft geen zin om in rondjes te zwemmen." (Hmm... But the main abilities already have the same aura. There is no sense in swimming in circles.) |
When selecting a piece of already-owned headgear with max star power: | Soezie: "Sorry, maar dat stuk uitrusting is al zo zeldzaam als maar kan." (Sorry, but that piece of gear's star power is already as raised as can be.) |
Gambo: "EEN UNICUM!" (A UNICUM!) |
When selecting a piece of headgear already bought on the same day: | Soezie: "Wel gefocust blijven, hè? Dit heb je al, schattebout." (Let's stay focused, eh? You already have this, sweetheart.) |
When selecting a piece of headgear already bought on the same day in Inkopolis Plaza: | Soezie: "O... Ik dacht dat we dat wel op voorraad hadden. Ik was vast met mijn gedachten ergens anders." (Oh... I thought we did have that in stock. I must have had my mind somewhere else.) |
When not having enough cash: | Soezie: "Je bent dan wel rijk van geest, maar met geest kun je hier niet betalen..." (You may be rich in spirit, but you can't pay with spirit here...) |
When spending at least 100,000 cash for the first time: | Soezie: "Wacht even, zeepaardje van me. Dit is een speciale badge die we alleen geven aan klanten met hele volhardende geesten. Jij hebt duidelijk zo'n geest. Deze badge bevestigt alleen maar wat we eigenlijk al wisten." (Hold on, little seahorse of mine. This is a special badge we give only to customers with very tenacious spirits. You clearly have such a spirit. This badge only confirms what we actually already knew.) |
Gambo: "PAK AAN!" (TAKE THIS!) |
When spending at least 1,000,000 cash for the first time: | Soezie: "Wauw, stralende zeester van me. Er is een badge die we bewaren voor klanten die feller schijnen dan al onze andere klanten. Het is mij nu duidelijk voor wie deze badge is bestemd. Voor degene die nooit ophoudt onze winkel te bezoeken. Dat ben jij!" (Wow, shining starfish of mine. There is a badge we keep for customers who shine brighter than all our other customers. It is clear to me now for whom this badge is destined. For those who never cease to visit our store. It is you!) |
Tableturf Battle
![]() | ||
![]() 14 Flow
![]() 15 Gnarly Eddy
![]() 13 Annie
![]() 12 Murch
![]() 14 Krak-On
![]() 7 Squeezer
![]() 7 Foil Squeezer
![]() 8 Blaster
![]() 7 Luna Blaster Neo
![]() 6 Slosher Deco
![]() 7 Dapple Dualies Nouveau
![]() 1 Burst Bomb
![]() 5 Toxic Mist
![]() 4 Torpedo
![]() 12 Ink Storm
Splatoon 2
2D artwork
Closeup of Craymond
Icon for Craymond
Flow's Polaroid-style render
Craymond's Polaroid-style render
Headspace icon
Early Headspace icon
Photograph of Flow and Craymond in a Sunken Scroll
Mem cake of Flow
Artwork of Flow and Craymond for the Chaos vs. Order Splatfest
Flow in the Splatoon 2 relationship chart
The chart in Japanese.
Concept art from Flow's section in The Art of Splatoon 2
Concept art, containing more notes regarding her character
Concept art, containing an indicator about her age
Concept art of Flow and Craymond, depicting their relationship with one another
Concept art of Flow and Craymond in Japanese
A LINE sticker of Flow and Craymond
Splatoon 3
Headspace icon
The icon for Flow and Craymond's Tableturf Battle card
Flow's Tableturf Battle card sleeves
- The Squid Research Lab says that Craymond "lives among her tendrils", despite sitting on her mantle, which has no structures that could be described as tendrils other than two rhinophores.
- The fact that Flow likes to drink alcohol could be a reference to how Spanish dancer nudibranches, the species she most resembles, eat toxic creatures such as sponges to maintain their own toxicity levels to ward off predators.
- Flow
From "Flo" (diminutive form of the female given names "Flora" or "Florence") and "flow".
- Craymond
A portmanteau of "crayfish" (although crayfish are not shrimp, they do belong to the same suborder) and the male given name "Raymond".
Names in other languages
Language | Name | Meaning |
ミウラ Miura |
A common surname; from Umiushi ("sea slug") | |
Soezie | Suzie (a female given name), and a pun on soezen ("to drowse"), given her personality | |
Flo | Similar to English name | |
Seecilia | From See ("sea") and Cesilia (a given name) | |
Macalù | From lumaca ("slug") | |
Слизя Slizya |
From слизь sliz' ("mucus", "slime") and слизняк sliznyak ("slug") | |
Iris | A female given name | |
海瑜 Hǎi yú |
From 海蛞蝓 Hǎi kuòyú ("Sea slug") | |
미우라 Miura |
Same as Japanese |
Language | Name | Meaning |
エビィ Ebī "Ebie"[7] |
From Ebi, "shrimp" | |
Gambo | From gamba ("large prawn") and Bo (a male and female given name) | |
Gambastien | From gamba ("large prawn") and Sebastien (a male given name) | |
Gambastian | From gamba ("large prawn") and Sebastian (a male given name) | |
Krill | From krill, a small crustacean | |
Мормыш Mormysh |
Мормыш Mormysh ("Gammarus") is a general name for small amphipodas | |
K. Marón | From camarón ("shrimp") | |
虾米 Xiā mǐ |
Shrimp | |
슈림 Syurim |
Shrimp |
- ↑ Nintendo Dream Vol. 282, page 12
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2
Live from Squid Research Lab — Now this right here is Flow. You'll find her...
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 The Art of Splatoon 2, pages 104-105
- ↑
Splatoon 2 Direct - Everything You Need to Know!
- ↑ 5.0 5.1
@rassicas on Twitter
- ↑
Live from Squid Research Lab — Flow & Craymond: Team Chaos "Oh, friends, what's a...
- ↑ The Art of Splatoon 2, page 104 (Japanese)