Salmon Run Next Wave

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Salmon Run Next Wave

Salmon Run Next Wave
Type Online Multiplayer
Local Multiplayer
Players 1-4
Controllers Joy-Con
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller
Release Date Launch
For this mode's first iteration in Splatoon 2, see Salmon Run.

Salmon Run Next Wave, also known simply as Salmon Run, is a co-op multiplayer mode in Splatoon 3 for up to four players. It is the sequel to Salmon Run in Splatoon 2 and was revealed on 9 February 2022 during a Nintendo Direct.


Like in Splatoon 2, each Salmon Run shift consists of three waves; to complete each wave, players must collect Golden Eggs by defeating Boss Salmonids and depositing them at the egg basket to reach a given quota. Unless otherwise noted, each Boss Salmonid yields three Golden Eggs when splatted. If they are not picked up, a Snatcher will fly over after a few seconds to retrieve them.

Each player can carry only one Golden Egg at a time. While carrying a Golden Egg, players can press or to perform an Egg Throw, launching the Golden Egg in an arc similar to thrown bombs. This requires the same amount of ink as a Splat Bomb to perform, but not as much ink is actually used and there is no ink-recovery lag. Performing the Egg Throw also causes a small explosion of ink around the player that deals 100 damage to Salmonids and inks a small area around the player.

If the egg is thrown directly into the egg basket, it is collected: otherwise, it remains on the ground where it lands and does not roll. Throwing a Golden Egg into the water results in it bouncing back to where it was thrown from; if it hits a wall or a Salmonid, it is deflected and changes its trajectory. Any player may pick up a Golden Egg as normal after it has been thrown.

The quota for each of the three waves depends on the number of players present and their ranks. If the quota is not filled before the wave timer ends or the team is wiped out, their shift is terminated. After a shift ends, players are rewarded Grizzco Points based on the amount of Power Eggs and Golden Eggs collected, which can be exchanged for bonuses. All players' ranks increase by 20 points after clearing a shift, unless they are playing with a friend with a lower job title than themselves (note that Profreshionals can gain points with Eggsecutive VPs since version 1.1.1). Similarly, failing a shift reduces all participants' ranks by between 0 and 20 points based on the number of waves cleared (-20 points on the first wave, -10 on the second, and 0 on the third; the deduction is halved if at least one teammate has disconnected). Thus, failing a shift on wave 3 does not change participants' ranks.

The hazard level of a shift determines both the difficulty of the shift, such as how many bosses spawn in a time period, and determines the odds of getting silver or gold scales from an Xtrawave encounter. The hazard level is determined by a formula using the combined rank of all players in the shift. The hazard level for a completed shift can be checked by opening the Recent Jobs list from the menu in Grizzco or via SplatNet 3 (note that the display is rounded to the nearest integer but not internally), which can be used to estimate what the hazard level of the next shift will be. The maximum hazard level possible is 333%, which can only occur for a team whose ranks average Eggsecutive VP 865 or above.

Equipment for collecting eggs is provided by Grizzco, including a Grizzco uniform and a lifesaver, as well as a different supplied main weapon for each wave and two uses of a single special weapon for each shift. When players are splatted, their lifesaver appears at their last position and a teammate can revive them by inking them. Ink level and special weapon uses are displayed visually, with the lifesaver serving as an ink tank with markings, and the player's two specials appearing as packets on their headgear. Additionally, a notification saying "One player left!" now appears when only 1 player is still alive.

Known Occurrences return from Splatoon 2, with new ones being added, such as Mudmouth Eruptions and Giant Tornado.[1] Additionally, an event called Big Run, where Salmonids invade inhabited cities, happen once every few months and take place on battle stages.[2] There are also occasional Eggstra Work shifts, being 5 waves long on a fixed job scenario, with the aim being to retrieve as many Golden Eggs as possible.[3]

The difficulty of Salmon Run Next Wave is considerably higher than Salmon Run in Splatoon 2, with the hazard level, quota, and spawn rates increasing drastically, partially due to the ability to throw Golden Eggs, and the new mobility provided by moves such as Squid Surging and Squid Rolling. Because of this, the game can begin to slow at higher levels unless players maintain control of the bosses. Prior to version 6.0.0, players no longer reset to 400 upon the termination of a rotation, instead resetting back to 40, making the time taken to reach max hazard level and EVP 999 much longer.


Main article: Xtrawave

Occasionally, after a successful third wave, an Xtrawave occurs, during which a large King Salmonid and multiple other Boss Salmonids appear. The primary objective is not to deposit eggs but to defeat the King Salmonid. During this wave, players are supplied with egg cannons; these convert Golden Eggs into powerful projectiles that deal 800 damage each[4] and do not consume ink, but break on contact (even if they hit the ground). The egg cannon can be used to splat all Lesser Salmonids and most regular Boss Salmonids in one shot by hitting their weak point (if applicable), and they are largely used to damage the King Salmonid. If the player is holding an egg, a special weapon-esque notification encourages them to attack the King Salmonid with it. Players have 100 seconds to defeat the King Salmonid, and the wave ends prematurely if no players remain alive. If players fail to defeat the King Salmonid, the shift is still considered cleared.

If an Xtrawave is due to occur, the victory jingle after wave 3 will be slightly distorted, and the final triumphant horn will be immediately followed by a siren and a large, orange notification saying "EMERGENCY!". This is then followed by a short cutscene of the King Salmonid emerging from the water and roaring. The crew members then Super Jump back to the start point, or a unique lowered start point if the third wave was low tide, and the text "XTRAWAVE" will appear as they land. The Xtrawave also takes place with a unique red sky, rather than the normal orange sky or the night environment used for most Known Occurrences, and will use the same tide level as the previous wave (i.e. if wave 3 took place at high tide, the Xtrawave will too).

An Xtrawave is guaranteed to occur when the Salmometer, a King Salmonid-shaped meter appearing below the player's rank bar while they are in the Grizzco Lobby, is full for every player in the group. Otherwise, the chance of an Xtrawave occurring scales based on the total value. A minimum team smell of 5 is required for the chances of an Xtrawave occurring to begin.[5] The meter fills after every shift, whether successful or not, and empties for everyone in the party when the special wave occurs. The Salmometer also resets between different rotations. If everyone in a team starts with a smell of 0, the chance of an Xtrawave happening is 0% for the first two rounds, 10% for the 3rd round, 30% for the 4th round, 60% for the 5th round, and 100% for the 6th round, if no Xtrawave happens until the 6th round.[6] Until wave 3 is complete, there is no way of knowing whether or not a shift will result in an Xtrawave, unless one is aware of the Salmometer levels of their teammates.

Fish scales

Damaging the King Salmonid during an Xtrawave rewards the player with fish scales, a precious resource that has three types: bronze, silver, gold; the less common varieties of which are associated with higher hazard levels.[7] Fish scales can be exchanged for Splashtag banners, locker room items, and Grizzco-approved alternate work outfits.[7]

The Xtrawave grants the player scales ranging from 2 to 13; two for entering the Xtrawave, one for every 12.5% damage the team dealt to the King Salmonid (a maximum of eight for a victory), and one for every ten seconds remaining on the clock when the King Salmonid is defeated (a maximum three for 30 seconds or more left).[8]

Getting silver and gold scales is random, with the chance percentage correlates to the hazard level using the formula 5 + 15/333 * H for silver and 3/333 * H for gold, where H stands for hazard level percentage. At max hazard level (333%), there is a 20% chance per scale to be silver, and a 3% chance per scale to be gold.[8][9] The list below shows some calculated examples.

List of approximate rare fish scale odds[10]
Hazard level Silver fish scale Gold fish scale Team average rank for that hazard level
0% 5% 0% Apprentice 0/99
20% 5.9009% 0.1802% Part-timer 0/99
111% 10% 1% Profreshional +1 55/99
130% 10.8559% 1.1712% Profreshional +2 50/99
168% 12.5676% 1.5135% Eggsecutive VP 40
200% 14.0090% 1.8018% Eggsecutive VP 200
222% 15% 2% Eggsecutive VP 310
333% (max.) 20% 3% Eggsecutive VP 865+

Big Run

Main article: Big Run

Big Runs are a special event where Salmonids invade the city, causing a multiplayer stage to become a temporary Salmon Run stage. Players can then fight against the invading Salmonids and collect their Golden Eggs on the reworked stage. Big Runs share similarities to Splatfests, as they are announced one week in advance, last for 48 hours, and feature final results with rewards for participating players.

Eggstra Work

Main article: Eggstra Work

Eggstra Work is a special event involving shifts lasting 5 waves, on a fixed job scenario, with the aim being to score as many golden eggs as possible. Similarly to Big Runs, players are awarded prizes after the end of the Eggstra Work based on their performance relative to the playerbase at large.[3] Unlike Big Runs, these run concurrently with the regular Salmon Run stage rotations, allowing players who do not wish to participate/are unable to participate in the Eggstra Work to still play regular Salmon Run.


Unlike in Splatoon 2, Grizzco Industries is almost always open for business - this includes during Splatfests. The only exception is during server maintenance, during which all multiplayer services are disabled.[2]

Salmon Run rotations usually change every 40 hours (a day and 16 hours). Rotation change happens at 00:00, 16:00, or 08:00 UTC, in order and repeating. However, Big Runs always start at 00:00 UTC, therefore disrupting the usual schedule. The Salmon Run rotation immediately preceding the Big Run will be shortened or lengthened to fit the schedule of the Big Run, with the shortest duration being 24 hours, and the longest being 56 hours. The rotation following the Big Run keeps the usual duration.

Big Run rotations last for 48 hours (two full days), presumably always starting (and then ending) at 00:00 UTC. Big Runs only happen once per season, and usually in place of that month's Splatfest. Any player can play in a Big Run, regardless of rank. Finally, unlike most regular rotations, Big Runs are publicly announced in-game a few days in advance of occurrence. After a Big Run ends, the normal rotation schedule resumes immediately.

Loaned weapons

Almost all main weapons are usable in Salmon Run Next Wave, with the exceptions being the Splatterscope, the E-liter 4K Scope, and any variant main weapons such as the Tentatek Splattershot (as their usual distinguishing mechanical attributes of different sub and special weapons would not apply in this mode). The damage dealt by main weapons is adjusted for Salmon Run when compared to other multiplayer modes, especially for charging weapons or weapons with slow firing rates - for example, the Splat Roller deals 200 damage rather than the usual 150 with a horizontal flick, while the Heavy Splatling and Nautilus 47 are both buffed to deal 35 damage per shot when fully-charged. The dummies in the Salmon Run waiting area reflect these changes to damage scaling.

Like in Splatoon 2, the only sub weapon available in Salmon Run Next Wave is the Splat Bomb.

Unlike in Splatoon 2, there are more than four special weapons available in Salmon Run Next Wave. Special weapons are loaned out at random at the beginning of each shift, do not change between waves, and are unaffected by rotations. Since version 6.0.0, a team will always be assigned at least two specials that are capable of attacking Salmonids at a distance (marked with a ‡ in the list below). The available special weapons are:

Each player receives two of their assigned special to use during the regular waves. If an Xtrawave occurs, all players are provided a fixed number of special uses, regardless of how many they had used in prior waves: one use against most King Salmonids, and two uses when facing a Triumvirate.


There are seven stages available for Salmon Run Next Wave.

Image Name Description Release date
Spawning Grounds Returning from Splatoon 2, Spawning Grounds is set near a large dam in the Inkadia region, with minimal changes. It features a wide variety of terrain on each corner of the map. A multilayered slope leading to three small piers is located just behind the basket. To the right is a grated walkway overlooking the lower grounds. To the left, slopes go down to small sandbar. During low tide, the sandbar expands exponentially, revealing three protruding landmasses. Initial release
Sockeye Station Sockeye Station is set in a setting similar to that of Spawning Grounds, but appears to be in the Splatlands. It was first shown off in the first Salmon Run Next Wave trailer.[11] It features a large, elevated platform in the center, which has spiraling ramps leading to the top. There is a sandy shore and a long dock on the bottom. During low tide, there are walkways leading to the water. Initial release
Gone Fission Hydroplant Gone Fission Hydroplant is set next to a massive hydroplant in the ocean. It features large, elevated walls surrounding the egg basket. There are ramps leading to the top of the platforms. Ramps and gaps in the wall lead to the surrounding low ground. There is a grate over one of the gaps, functioning as a bridge. During low tide, platforms are revealed over the water, with many gaps. Initial release
Marooner's Bay Returning from Splatoon 2, Marooner's Bay is set on the wreckage of a large boat, with minimal changes. It features a large ship marooned on a sandbar. Its stern has three ramps down onto the beach where there are three piers on the starboard side. During low tide, a sandbar rises behind the ship, revealing a large ring of land and one smaller protrusion. This stage contains propellers which Inklings and Octolings can use to power lifts that rise from the ground. 1 December 2022
Jammin' Salmon Junction Jammin' Salmon Junction is set on a collapsed multilane highway, which has been turned into a concert venue. It features long, uphill terrain with the egg basket at the top area. It is all divided by a long body of water in the center, which opens up into a larger pit. There are lower side areas. On the top there is a long grated bridge on the side, over the lower ground, and a small grate in the center. On low tide, there are two long pathways, also divided by a thin body of water. 1 June 2023
Salmonid Smokeyard Returning from Splatoon 2, Salmonid Smokeyard is set on a small island with two lone structures. Ramps on each structure lead down to the sandbar while propeller platforms connect the tops of both structures. In the crevice between the two structures is a long rectangular pool of water. During low tide, a large dock reveals itself to the side of the island. 1 September 2023
Bonerattle Arena Bonerattle Arena is set in an abandoned prison that has been converted into a dueling arena by Salmonids. It is centered around an octagonal platform with the egg basket in the center, and is the only Salmon Run stage to feature inkrails. 1 March 2024

Big Run stages

Big Run is an occasional event in Salmon Run Next Wave, in which the Salmonids invade the Splatlands and/or Inkopolis. Each time a Big Run occurs, the Salmonids invade at least one particular multiplayer stage, changing its layout and flooding it with water for the duration of the event.

Stage(s) Description Big Run(s) Rare weapon(s) King Salmonid(s)

Wahoo World
Wahoo World was the first multiplayer stage to be played on during Big Run. It was revealed during the Splatoon 3 Direct, and was shown again during the Chill Season 2022 announcement trailer. 10 December 2022 to 12 December 2022 Grizzco Blaster Cohozuna
14 December 2024 to 16 December 2024 Grizzco Blaster, Grizzco Brella, Grizzco Charger, Grizzco Slosher, Grizzco Stringer, Grizzco Splatana, Grizzco Dualies, Grizzco Roller Triumvirate

Inkblot Art Academy
Inkblot Art Academy was the second multiplayer stage to be played on during Big Run. It was revealed in a Fresh Season 2023 promotion on 20 February 2023. During this Big Run, Horrorboros made its first appearance during Xtrawaves. 4 March 2023 to 6 March 2023 Grizzco Brella Horrorboros

Undertow Spillway
Undertow Spillway was the third multiplayer stage to be played on during Big Run. It is the first stage from the Splatlands to be a part of Big Run. It was revealed in a Sizzle Season 2023 promotion on 19 May 2023. 10 June 2023 to 12 June 2023 Grizzco Charger Cohozuna, Horrorboros

Um'ami Ruins
Um'ami Ruins was the fourth multiplayer stage to be played on during Big Run. It was revealed in a Drizzle Season 2023 promotion on 17 August 2023. During this Big Run, the Grizzco Dualies were available for the first time. 2 September 2023 to 4 September 2023 Grizzco Dualies Cohozuna, Horrorboros

Barnacle & Dime
Barnacle & Dime was the fifth multiplayer stage to be played on during Big Run. It was revealed in a Chill Season 2023 promotion on 15 November 2023. During this Big Run, Megalodontia made its first appearance during Xtrawaves. 2 December 2023 to 4 December 2023 Grizzco Blaster, Grizzco Brella, Grizzco Charger, Grizzco Slosher, Grizzco Stringer, Grizzco Splatana, Grizzco Dualies Megalodontia

Eeltail Alley
Eeltail Alley was the sixth multiplayer stage to be played on during Big Run. It was revealed in a Fresh Season 2024 promotion on 23 February 2024. 9 March 2024 to 11 March 2024 Grizzco Blaster, Grizzco Brella, Grizzco Charger, Grizzco Slosher, Grizzco Stringer, Grizzco Splatana, Grizzco Dualies Cohozuna, Horrorboros, Megalodontia

Multiple Sites
Wahoo World, Inkblot Art Academy, Undertow Spillway, Barnacle & Dime, Um'ami Ruins, Eeltail Alley
During the BIG Big Run, all six multiplayer stages were available again at random. The return of every stage was teased during the Sizzle Season 2024 trailer on 16 May 2024 and confirmed via social media on 24 May 2024. 8 June 2024 to 10 June 2024 Normal: Grizzco Roller
Xtrawave exclusive: Grizzco Blaster, Grizzco Brella, Grizzco Charger, Grizzco Slosher, Grizzco Stringer, Grizzco Splatana, Grizzco Dualies, Grizzco Roller
Grand Splatlands Bowl
This Big Run took place at the location of the Grand Festival on the weekend before the Splatfest. It was revealed on social media on 23 August 2024. 7 September 2024 to 9 September 2024 Grizzco Blaster, Grizzco Brella, Grizzco Charger, Grizzco Slosher, Grizzco Stringer, Grizzco Splatana, Grizzco Dualies, Grizzco Roller Triumvirate

Wildcard rotation

Wildcard rotations return in Salmon Run Next Wave, the first starting on 1 October 2022 at 16:00 (UTC).[12] All types of wildcard rotations from Splatoon 2 return, including all-wildcard rotations, single wildcard rotations, in which only one of the four weapons is random, and rare-only rotations[13].

During an all-wildcard rotation, or a rare-only rotation, the only weapon available in the testing range is the Splattershot. After a shift ends, players are still equipped with the weapon they ended the shift with in the testing range, but it is replaced with the Splattershot when the bihourly multiplayer stage rotation happens, or when they interact with the weapon-equipping container. During single-wildcard rotations, players may only equip the non-wildcard weapons in the testing range.

Grizzco-brand weapons return for wildcard rotations and four new weapons, the Grizzco Stringer, Grizzco Splatana, Grizzco Dualies, and Grizzco Roller, have been added.

For a history of wildcard rotations, see Salmon Run Next Wave data.


Main article: Known Occurrence

There are nine different events in Salmon Run Next Wave, with some having variants. Seven of the events return from Salmon Run in Splatoon 2.

Job scenario

A feature added in version 2.0.0 allows saving and replaying job scenarios. It allows players to replay a previous Salmon Run shift. Job scenarios can be accessed from the Grizzco Terminal, and can be shared via codes. These job scenarios can also be viewed from SplatNet 3. Big Run and Eggstra Work job scenarios cannot be saved. Unlike Battle replays, the players' inputs are not saved. Due to this, it is not possible to watch a replay of the original shift. Players must play the job scenarios using Private Jobs.

Job title

The Profreshional title has been usurped by Eggsecutive VP, providing a shining new rung on the corporate ladder. Your earning power will increase with a higher title, but the job sites will get more intense too.

We've even recorded a 333% increase in hazard level at the sites where Eggsecutive VPs work.

All job titles from Splatoon 2 return. A new title, Eggsecutive VP[7], has been added following the Profreshional title.

Title / Rank Pay Grade
(Rank Points 0 - 49)
Pay Grade
(Rank Points 50-99)
IDV Hazard level range
Intern (2 tutorials) ×1.00 ×1.00 N/A N/A
Apprentice (0 - 99) ×1.50 ×1.55 0 - 99 0.0% - 19.8%
Part-Timer (0 - 99) ×1.60 ×1.65 100 - 199 20.0% - 39.8%
Go-Getter (0 - 99) ×1.70 ×1.75 200 - 299 40.0% - 59.8%
Overachiever (0 - 99) ×1.80 ×1.85 300 - 399 60.0% - 79.8%
Profreshional (0 - 99) ×1.90 ×1.95 400 - 499 80.0% - 99.8%
Profreshional +1 (0 - 99) ×2.00 ×2.05 500 - 599 100.0% - 119.8%
Profreshional +2 (0 - 99) ×2.10 ×2.15 600 - 699 120.0% - 139.8%
Profreshional +3 (0 - 99) ×2.20 ×2.25 700 - 799 140.0% - 159.8%
Eggsecutive VP (0 - 999) ×2.30 ×2.35
See below for EVP ≥100
800 - 1665 160.0% - 333.0%

At Eggsecutive VP, the pay grade is calculated as 2.3 + floor([Rank Points] / 50) × 0.05. The highest possible pay grade is ×3.25 at Eggsecutive VP 950 - 999.

IDV stands for internal difficulty value and is how the game keeps track of the difficulty without using job titles and rank points. One IDV is worth 0.2% hazard level, which is capped at 1665 for Eggsecutive VP 865 - 999, equivalent to hazard level 333%.

As in Splatoon 2, titles are retained across Salmon Run rotations, but the point ranges are reset to the 40-point mark within the player's current title, including the new Eggsecutive VP title. Beginning in version 6.0.0, players who have previously earned badges on a particular stage will start new rotations at a higher level within Eggsecutive VP:

  • Bronze (for reaching EVP 400): reset to 200
  • Silver (for reaching EVP 600): reset to 300
  • Gold (for reaching EVP 999): reset to 400

At ranks Go-Getter and above, it is possible to manually demote oneself by pressing in the menu of the Grizzco Lobby.


On the result screen that displays the performance of each player, there are five numbers. The top left number is the quantity of Golden Eggs delivered to the basket by the player, the number in brackets in the top left is the quantity of Golden Eggs assisted (thrown) by the player and ultimately delivered to the basket by another player, the bottom left number is the quantity of Power Eggs collected, the top right number is how many times the player revived another player, and the bottom right number is how many times the player had to be revived.

Completion of a round of Salmon Run Next Wave grants players Grizzco Points, which they can redeem at the exchange desk inside Grizzco Industries for bonuses. The points earned after any run are calculated with the formula (G/100)(E+P/200)+50*C, where G is the pay grade number after any raises or penalties, E is the number of Golden Eggs collected, P is the number of Power Eggs collected, and C is 1 upon completing all 3 rounds successfully, 2 upon successfully defeating the King Salmonid, otherwise 0. (However, due to a bug as of version 1.2.1, C is equal to 2 even if losing to the King Salmonid.) All counts are rounded down to the nearest integer. Players also earn Catalog Points which increase their catalog level (300 points per wave cleared, including if the Xtrawave is cleared). If the player participates in an Xtrawave and damages the King Salmonid, they receive fish scales.[7]

Every 100 Grizzco Points (200/400 after reaching 1200/4000 points in a rotation, or 2400/5200 for a Big Run rotation) earns the player one bonus "capsule", which come in different colors representing the type of the contents, or a piece of gear. The main ability of this item is randomly determined when the bonus is redeemed. It usually has up to three randomly filled secondary gear ability slots. If the player receives gear they already have, they can either replace the old gear with the new version or receive ability chunks (equal to the filled slots) instead.

Reward[15] Type Percent chance to obtain
50% 40% 10%
Blue capsule Drink ticket Cash 5,000 One drink ticket Four drink tickets
Green capsule Ability chunks Cash 5,000 Two ability chunks Four ability chunks
Orange capsule Food ticket Cash 5,000 One 1.5× cash ticket One 2× cash ticket
Pink capsule Gear One filled ability slot Two filled ability slots Three filled ability slots
Showcased Gear
Yellow capsule Cash Cash 5,000 Cash 16,000 Cash 32,000
Random fish scale capsule[a][b] Fish scales Bronze Fish Scales 10 Silver Fish Scales 3 Gold Fish Scale 1
Reward[16] Type Percent chance to obtain
80% 20%
Silver fish scale capsule[b] Silver fish scales Silver Fish Scales 3 Silver Fish Scales 6
Gold fish scale capsule[b] Gold fish scales Gold Fish Scale 1 Gold Fish Scales 2


  1. Only available during Eggstra Work.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Added in version 9.0.0.

Normal, non-superbonus capsules have a 50% chance of providing a poor reward, a 40% chance of providing a good reward, and a 10% chance of providing an excellent reward. At 600 and 1200 points, the player earns a superbonus, which always contains the 10% chance reward. The type of superbonus capsule is fixed for the length of a rotation. After 1200 points, the player only earns the current gear or pink capsules until the rotation ends. During a Big Run, all types of rewards can appear up to 2400 points, with additional superbonuses at 1800 and 2400. The capsules of the rewards until the second superbonus are different for every player.

Pink capsules contain gear aside from the one currently in rotation. During the first gear rotation, when the Bream-Brim Cap was the only gear piece available, pink capsules did not appear as a reward.

The exchange desk stores only a maximum of 99 capsules. Each additional capsule that the player receives without collecting the previous rewards will be lost.


Gear by Grizzco Industries is obtained from Salmon Run bonus rewards. When obtained, each gear reward has random initial star power and abilities. The star power is initialized from 0 to 2 stars with all secondary ability slots filled, while the initial primary ability cannot be any primary-exclusive one. If the player receives gear they already have, they can either replace the old gear with the new version or exchange the new gear for ability chunks (equal to the secondary abilities, but not the primary ability) instead. A new piece of gear is added each month, similar to Splatoon 2.

Gear Type Brand Availability Ability Release date
Bream-Brim Cap Headgear Grizzco Grizzco Salmon Run Next Wave Salmon Run Next Wave Random Initial Release
Lo-Vis Visor Headgear 1 October 2022
Brain Strainer Headgear 31 October 2022
Astro Helm Headgear 2 December 2022
Five-Alarm Helmet Headgear 1 January 2023
360 All-Scopes Headgear 1 February 2023
Astro Wear Clothing 1 March 2023
Deep Sinker Helm Headgear 1 April 2023
Commander Tunic Clothing 1 May 2023
Commander Cap Headgear 31 May 2023
See-an-Enemy HUD Headgear 30 June 2023
Retro Future Suit Clothing 1 August 2023
Retro Future Helmet Headgear 1 September 2023
Brinestone Jacket Clothing 30 September 2023
Brinestone Boots Shoes 1 November 2023
3D Glasses Headgear 1 December 2023
Hacker Jacket Clothing 31 December 2023
Trevally Derby Rollers Shoes 31 January 2024
SplatJack 5000 Clothing 1 March 2024
El Rey Calamar Headgear 1 April 2024
Knockout Boots Shoes 1 May 2024
Cooler Jacket Clothing 31 May 2024
Octavio Dome Headgear 1 July 2024
Hard Hat Replica Headgear 31 July 2024


The Grizzco Item shop

By defeating or damaging a King Salmonid, players are rewarded with fish scales that they can use to purchase work suits, gear, decorations, stickers, or banners. Most items are locked by default, however, the rest are unlocked by spending more scales. There are two milestones for spending scales at the shop. The first milestone requires spending at least Bronze Fish Scales 100 and Silver Fish Scales 10 to unlock, while the second milestone requires spending at least a total of Bronze Fish Scales 350, Silver Fish Scales 40, and Gold Fish Scales 4.[17] All items are made purchasable after the second milestone is reached.

Work suits

Main article: Work suit
Name Cost Purchasable?
Orange Slopsuit Unlocked by default[a] Initially
Green Slopsuit Silver Fish Scales 10 Initially
Yellow Slopsuit Silver Fish Scales 10 Initially
Orange Gloopsuit Silver Fish Scales 15 Initially
Pink Slopsuit Silver Fish Scales 30 After first milestone
Blue Slopsuit Silver Fish Scales 30 After first milestone
Yellow Gloopsuit Silver Fish Scales 50 After first milestone
Peach Gloopsuit Silver Fish Scales 50 After first milestone
Lime Gloopsuit Silver Fish Scales 50 After first milestone
Brown Gloopsuit Silver Fish Scales 75 After second milestone
Black Slopsuit Silver Fish Scales 100 After second milestone
White Slopsuit Silver Fish Scales 100 After second milestone
Black Gloopsuit Silver Fish Scales 150 After second milestone
Polka-Dot Slopsuit Silver Fish Scales 150 After second milestone
Camo Slopsuit Silver Fish Scales 150 After second milestone
Koi Slopsuit Silver Fish Scales 150 After second milestone
Berry Gloopsuit Silver Fish Scales 150 After second milestone
Silver Slopsuit Silver Fish Scales 150 After second milestone
Gold Slopsuit Silver Fish Scales 150 After second milestone
Iridescent Slopsuit Silver Fish Scales 150 After second milestone


Main article: Gear
Name Cost Purchasable?
Beekeeper Hat Bronze Fish Scales 100 Initially
Worker's Head Towel Bronze Fish Scales 100 Initially
Squiddor Polo Bronze Fish Scales 100 Initially
Crustwear XXL Bronze Fish Scales 100 Initially
Angry Rain Boots Silver Fish Scales 15 Initially
Nonslip Senseis Silver Fish Scales 15 Initially
Wooden Sandals Silver Fish Scales 15 Initially
Headlamp Helmet Bronze Fish Scales 300 After first milestone
North-Country Parka Bronze Fish Scales 300 After first milestone
Office Attire Bronze Fish Scales 300 After first milestone
Flipper Floppers Bronze Fish Scales 300 After first milestone
Anchor Life Vest Gold Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
Garden Gear Gold Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
Dev Uniform Gold Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
Friendship Bracelet Gold Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
Dust Blocker 2000 Bronze Fish Scales 800 After second milestone
Welding Mask Bronze Fish Scales 800 After second milestone
Octoleet Goggles Bronze Fish Scales 800 After second milestone
Sailor Cap Bronze Fish Scales 800 After second milestone
Octoleet Armor Bronze Fish Scales 800 After second milestone
SRL Coat Bronze Fish Scales 800 After second milestone
Octoleet Boots Bronze Fish Scales 800 After second milestone
Cap of Legend Gold Fish Scales 30 After second milestone
Worker's Cap Gold Fish Scales 30 After second milestone
Juice Parka Gold Fish Scales 30 After second milestone


Main article: List of locker decorations in Splatoon 3
Name Cost Purchasable?
Flipper-Flopper Bronze Fish Scales 50 Initially
Scrapper Bronze Fish Scales 80 Initially
Chinook Silver Fish Scales 5 Initially
Steelhead Silver Fish Scales 5 Initially
Golden Egg box Gold Fish Scale 1 Initially
Smallfry Gold Fish Scale 1 Initially
Salmonid Rush wave Gold Fish Scale 1 Initially
Fish Stick Bronze Fish Scales 120 After first milestone
Maws Bronze Fish Scales 160 After first milestone
Mothership Silver Fish Scales 20 After first milestone
Mudmouth Silver Fish Scales 20 After first milestone
Stinger Silver Fish Scales 20 After first milestone
Chum Gold Fish Scales 4 After first milestone
Snatcher Gold Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
Griller Bronze Fish Scales 320 After second milestone
Drizzler Bronze Fish Scales 320 After second milestone
Slammin' Lid Bronze Fish Scales 320 After second milestone
wooden Mr. Grizz replica Bronze Fish Scales 999 After second milestone
Flyfish Silver Fish Scales 80 After second milestone
Big Shot Silver Fish Scales 120 After second milestone
Cohock Gold Fish Scales 15 After second milestone
Steel Eel Gold Fish Scales 15 After second milestone
egg basket Gold Fish Scales 15 After second milestone
Goldie Gold Fish Scales 100 After second milestone


Main article: List of locker stickers in Splatoon 3
Name Cost Purchasable?
TS-SCHL graffiti Bronze Fish Scales 15 Initially
TS-SAL graffiti Bronze Fish Scales 30 Initially
SR-WRNZ sign Bronze Fish Scales 30 Initially
GCI-OFDA sticker Bronze Fish Scales 30 Initially
TS-SWD graffiti Bronze Fish Scales 50 Initially
GCI-DNG poster Bronze Fish Scales 50 Initially
SR-HXGN sign Bronze Fish Scales 50 Initially
GCI-FRI neon Silver Fish Scales 3 Initially
TS-ORBRS graffiti Silver Fish Scales 3 Initially
SD0-2S graffiti Silver Fish Scales 3 Initially
Grizzco Industries logo Gold Fish Scale 1 Initially
SD0-K graffiti Gold Fish Scales 2 Initially
TS-TWR graffiti Bronze Fish Scales 60 After first milestone
TS-C0HK graffiti Bronze Fish Scales 80 After first milestone
TS-RLPL graffiti Bronze Fish Scales 80 After first milestone
SD0-? graffiti Bronze Fish Scales 80 After first milestone
GCI-FSH sticker Bronze Fish Scales 80 After first milestone
TS-STLH graffiti Silver Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
TS-SN3K graffiti Silver Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
TS-OBS graffiti Silver Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
TS-FSC0 graffiti Silver Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
GCI-BW sticker Silver Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
GCI-NMLSMN neon Silver Fish Scales 10 After first milestone
SR-UDTRG sign Silver Fish Scales 10 After first milestone
GCI-WTD poster Gold Fish Scales 3 After first milestone
TS-WHPL graffiti Bronze Fish Scales 160 After second milestone
TS-SMFR graffiti Bronze Fish Scales 160 After second milestone
TS-LGF8Z graffiti Bronze Fish Scales 160 After second milestone
SD0-SQDS graffiti Bronze Fish Scales 160 After second milestone
GCI-NHW poster Bronze Fish Scales 160 After second milestone
GCI-NHPT poster Bronze Fish Scales 160 After second milestone
GCI-N0SLMN poster Bronze Fish Scales 160 After second milestone
GCI-SMNKTCH neon Silver Fish Scales 25 After second milestone
SR-BWRBGNR sign Silver Fish Scales 25 After second milestone
GCI-XLSMN neon Silver Fish Scales 50 After second milestone
TS-FLT graffiti Silver Fish Scales 50 After second milestone
SD0-STR graffiti Silver Fish Scales 50 After second milestone
TS-MWZ graffiti Gold Fish Scales 10 After second milestone
TS-CMP graffiti Gold Fish Scales 10 After second milestone
TS-C0HZ graffiti Gold Fish Scales 10 After second milestone


Main article: Banner
Banner Cost Purchasable?
Bronze Fish Scales 10 Initially
Bronze Fish Scales 60 Initially
Bronze Fish Scales 100 Initially
Bronze Fish Scales 100 Initially
Bronze Fish Scales 100 Initially
Gold Fish Scales 2 Initially
Bronze Fish Scales 150 After first milestone
Bronze Fish Scales 150 After first milestone
Bronze Fish Scales 250 After first milestone
Bronze Fish Scales 250 After first milestone
Bronze Fish Scales 250 After first milestone
Gold Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
Gold Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
Gold Fish Scales 5 After first milestone
Bronze Fish Scales 400 After second milestone
Bronze Fish Scales 600 After second milestone
Bronze Fish Scales 600 After second milestone
Bronze Fish Scales 800 After second milestone
Bronze Fish Scales 800 After second milestone
Bronze Fish Scales 800 After second milestone
Silver Fish Scales 999 After second milestone
Gold Fish Scales 20 After second milestone
Gold Fish Scales 33 After second milestone
Gold Fish Scales 333 After second milestone
Gold Fish Scales 333 After second milestone
Gold Fish Scales 333 After second milestone


Main article: Badge#Salmon Run Next Wave

Salmon Run Next Wave offers a variety of badges related to stages, bosses and the Big Run and Eggstra Work events.

Eggsecutive VP <Number> at <Stage> Reached!
200 400[18] 600[19] 999[20]
Spawning Grounds
Sockeye Station
Salmonid Smokeyard
Marooner's Bay
Gone Fission Hydroplant
Jammin' Salmon Junction
Bonerattle Arena
Lifetime Grizzco Points
<Number> Grizzco Point Club
Image In-game description
MAX Hazard Level Cleared
Boss Salmonids
<Boss Salmonid> Splats x <Number>
100 1,000 10,000
Steel Eel
Fish Stick
Slammin' Lid
Big Shot
King Salmonids
<King Salmonid> Splats x <Number>
10 100 1,000
Dethroned a Triumvirate
Big Run
Got a <Rarity> or Higher Decoration in Big Run Note
Bronze [21][22][23]
Silver [21][24][25]
Gold [21][26]
Eggstra Work
Top <Percent> in Eggstra Work! Note
50% [27]

Changes from Salmon Run in Splatoon 2

There are multiple changes in Salmon Run Next Wave compared to the original Salmon Run, including:

  • The Test Range serves as the lobby and shop where rewards are given and fish scales can be traded, as well as the current weapons available can be tested.
  • The training area now allows players to call any Boss Salmonid they want to practice on, instead of going through a specific order.
  • Players can now choose the gear they wear during Salmon Run and set up private matches between friends outside of the Shoal.
  • Matches can no longer start with fewer than four players. Instead, the player must try again to find players if matching takes longer than 160 seconds.
  • In matches, the host of the room is not always the player who creates it, instead being the player who has the fastest and most stable network.
  • Players have the ability to throw Golden Eggs to reach their quota more easily, with the quotas increasing in number to compensate.
  • The highest rank is no longer Profreshional, instead, it is Eggsecutive VP, which is four ranks greater.
  • At the highest rank, players no longer start with rank points based on the previous shift, with it being determined by their highest badge for the ongoing map instead.
  • The moon is no longer visible during Known Occurrences, and the sky becomes considerably darker as a result.
  • The Mothership now makes splashes when it appears from and re-enters the water.
  • Goldie Seeking has been greatly altered, with Lesser Salmonids no longer spawning from incorrect Gushers. Instead, they spawn constantly from the shore in smaller numbers, as well as from the Gusher that the Goldie is inside of, making these waves considerably easier.
  • Fishing Frenzy no longer plays during the Mothership and Goldie Seeking, instead being replaced by Frothy Waters.
  • Scoped chargers can no longer appear as weapons in rotations, nor be given during wildcard rotations.
  • An Xtrawave can sometimes occur after a shift, containing a boss fight with a King Salmonid and providing the player with fish scales once it is damaged and the shift is over.
  • Four new Boss Salmonids can appear: Fish Sticks, Big Shots, Flipper-Floppers, and Slammin' Lids.
  • Steelhead explosions are now much larger and deal more damage, as well as inking a larger area.
  • Flyfish behavior is now constant once weakened regardless of which basket was damaged, the remaining one now only targets the closest player.
  • Two new Known Occurrences can occur: Mudmouth Eruptions and Giant Tornadoes.
  • Enemies can now use the propeller lifts on Marooner's Bay to reach the basket faster if a targeted player lifts it up for them.
  • Salmonid pathing is no longer bound by nodes, making Lesser Salmonids and Goldie movement much more direct. When combined with the increased damage and knockback from lessers, this makes lessers much more dangerous than in Splatoon 2.
  • Snatchers now fly, can carry up to eight Golden Eggs, and escape faster than their grounded counterparts from the prior game.
  • The overall difficulty peak is greater, having more bosses, higher quotas, and a higher hazard level than the previous game. This in turn causes gameplay to slow at higher levels if players do not manage bosses correctly.
  • Many of the lines from Mr. Grizz, especially those which describe Known Occurrences, have changed, and have a friendlier tone in the English version compared to the previous game due to being more accurately translated from the Japanese version.


Fictional band Song name Audio sample
Happy Little Workers - 24/7 Mix
Salmon Run opening
Hazard Level MAX!! version:
Surge & Submerge
Deluge Dirge
Fishing Frenzy
Frothy Waters
Frantic Aspic
Toxic Anoxic
You Got Them! (Salmon Run) 1
They Got You! (Salmon Run)
You Got Them! (Salmon Run) 2
You Got Them! (Salmon Run) 3 - Go Off, King!
You Got Them! (Salmon Run) 4 - Bye, King
Not Bad (Do Better)
Anarchy Splatcast (Big Run)
Bait & Click (Mutation)
Bait & Click
Double Clickbait
Grizzco feat. Deep Cut
Happy Little Workers - 24/7 Deep Mix
Not Bad (Catch Ya Better)
N/A Fish Stick chant


SRL HR dept. here. No, it's not another mandatory seminar about conserving printer toner. Rather, we're confirming that Salmon Run is available 24/7 in the Splatoon 3 game! That means you can work nonstop to climb the corporate salmon ladder - maybe all the way to Eggsecutive VP!

Now, at the end of the day, it's all about that paycheck. And we think Salmon Run workers are handsomely rewarded! Diligent employees who have collected fish scales can trade them in for bonus items like designer work suits. As always, we support a healthy work-splat balance.

— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[28][29]
Salmon Run is open for business 24/7 in #Splatoon3, and you can team up with friends in private lobbies too! If you defeat the big 'ol King Salmonid, you may earn some rare fish scales that can be exchanged for snazzier uniforms.
— @NintendoEurope on Twitter[30]


Click to view the quotes for Salmon Run Next Wave. View the quotation page.


Artwork and renders


Salmonid Field Guide

Promotional screenshots

In-game screenshots


  • The Salmometer is internally referred to as "smell". This, as well as wording in the Employee Handbook, may imply that the Salmometer is a metaphor for the King Salmonid gradually learning the scent of the crew members as they keep returning to the same location.
  • As of version 6.0.0, the Salmometer reflects the type of King Salmonid that will appear in the case of an Xtrawave, whereas it would previously always be shaped like a Cohozuna.
  • The first ever Salmon Run Next Wave rotation on 8 September 2022, which took place on Sockeye Station, had the weapons Splattershot Jr., Splat Dualies, Splat Roller, and Splat Charger. This weapon combination is identical to the first ever Salmon Run rotation in Splatoon 2 (which took place on Spawning Grounds).
    • This stage and weapon combination were later reused on 24 December 2023.
  • The Grizzco helicopter seen in Salmon Run Next Wave has collision. Ordinary this cannot be seen due to the helicopter flying far out of reach, but on extremely rare occasions during a lag spike, players can collide with it when Super Jumping back at the end of a shift.[31]

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese サーモンラン NEXT WAVE
Sāmon ran NEXT WAVE
Salmon Run NEXT WAVE
Netherlands Dutch Salmon Run - De nieuwe golf Salmon Run - The new wave
France French (NOE) Salmon Run - La nouvelle vague Salmon Run - The new wave
Germany German Salmon Run - Die nächste Welle Salmon Run - The next wave
Italy Italian Salmon Run - Prossima ondata Salmon Run - Next wave
Russia Russian Salmon Run - Новая волна
Salmon Run - Novaya volna
Salmon Run - New wave
Spain Spanish (NOE) Salmon Run - Nueva ofensiva Salmon Run - New offense
China Chinese (Simplified) 鲑鱼跑 NEXT WAVE
Guīyú pǎo NEXT WAVE
Salmon Run NEXT WAVE
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 鮭魚跑 NEXT WAVE
Guīyú pǎo NEXT WAVE (Mandarin)
gwai1 jyu2 paau2 NEXT WAVE
Salmon Run NEXT WAVE
South Korea Korean 새먼 런 NEXT WAVE
Saemeon reon NEXT WAVE
Salmon Run NEXT WAVE
Job scenario
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese バイトシナリオ
baito shinario
Part-time job scenario
Netherlands Dutch Bewaarde klus Saved shift
CanadaFrance French Scénario de mission Mission Scenario
Germany German Schicht-Szenario Shift scenario
Italy Italian Scenario di lavoro Work scenario
Russia Russian Настройки смены
Nastroyki smeny
Shift settings
SpainMexico Spanish modelo de tarea
China Chinese (Simplified) 打工剧本
dǎgōng jùběn
Work script[note 1]
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 打工劇本
dǎgōng jùběn (Mandarin)
daa2 gung1 kek6 bun2
Work script[note 1]
South Korea Korean 아르바이트 시나리오
aleubaiteu sinalio
Part-time job scenario

Salmon Run Next Wave pay grades

Pay grade
Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese 評価
Netherlands Dutch Beoordeling Evaluation
CanadaFrance French évaluation Evaluation
Germany German Bewertung Evaluation
Italy Italian Valutazione Evaluation
Russia Russian Должность
Job title
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Grado Grade
Spain Spanish (NOE) Valoración Evaluation
China Chinese (Simplified) 评价
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 評價
píngjià (Mandarin)
ping4 gaa3 (Cantonese)
South Korea Korean 평가
Internal name Meaning
Coop[32] Salmon Run is a co-operative PvE mode.
Job titles (pay grade names)
# English Japanese Dutch French German Italian Russian Spanish
00 Apprentice かけだし アルバイター
(Novice Part-Timer)
(temporary worker)
Aprendiz eventual
(Eventual Apprentice)
新手 打工仔
(Novice Employee)
新手 打工仔
(Novice Employee)
초보 아르바이트생
(Novice Part-Timer)
01 Part-Timer はんにんまえ アルバイター
(Half-Rate Part-Timer)
(Part-time employee)
Subordinado eventual
(Eventual Subordinate)
半吊子 打工仔
(Half-Rate Employee)
半吊子 打工仔
(Half-Rate Employee)
견습 아르바이트생
(Apprentice Part-Timer)
02 Go-Getter いちにんまえ アルバイター
(Full-Fledged Part-Timer)
Vaste kracht
(permanent worker)
Semi-pro Fachpersonal
(Specialized staff)
Старший бригадир
Starshiy brigadir
(Senior brigadier)
Supervisor Capataz eventual
(Eventual Overseer)
独当一面 打工仔
(Self-Supporting Employee)
獨當一面 打工仔
(Self-Supporting Employee)
일반 아르바이트생
(General Part-Timer)
03 Overachiever じゅくれん アルバイター
(Skilled Part-Timer)
Pro Führungskraft
(Promising Worker)
Зам. начальника
Zam. nachal'nika
(Deputy chief)
Gerente eventual
(Eventual Manager)
熟练 打工仔
(Skilled Employee)
熟練 打工仔
(Skilled Employee)
전문 아르바이트생
(Professional Part-Timer)
04 Profreshional

Profreshional Part-Timer[b]
たつじん アルバイター
(Master Part-Timer)
Parttime baas[b]
(part-time boss)
Prodige stagiaire[b]
(Intern prodigy)

(Side Job Boss)
Professionista tirocinante[b]
(Professional Trainee)
Начальник на полставки[b]
Nachal'nik na polstavki
(Part-time chief)
Jefe eventual
(Eventual Boss)
达人 打工仔
(Master Employee)
達人 打工仔
(Master Employee)
달인 아르바이트생
(Master Part-Timer)
05 Profreshional +1 たつじん+1 アルバイター
(Master +1 Part-Timer)
Baas +1
(boss +1)
Parttime baas +1[b]
(part-time boss +1)
Prodige +1
(Prodigy +1)
Boss +1

Nebenjob-Boss +1[b]
(Side Job Boss +1)
Professionista +1
(Professional +1)
Professionista tirocinante +1[b]
(Professional Trainee +1)
Начальник +1
Nachal'nik +1
(Chief +1)
Jefe +1
(Boss +1)
Jefe +1 eventual
(Eventual Boss +1)
达人+1 打工仔
(Master +1 Employee)
達人+1 打工仔
(Master +1 Employee)
달인 아르바이트생 +1
(Master Part-Timer +1)
06 Profreshional +2 たつじん+2 アルバイター
(Master +2 Part-Timer)
Baas +2
(boss +2)Parttime baas +2[b]
(part-time boss +2)
Prodige +2
(Prodigy +2)
Boss +2

Nebenjob-Boss +2[b]
(Side Job Boss +2)
Professionista +2
(Professional +2)
Professionista tirocinante +2[b]
(Professional Trainee +2)
Начальник +2
Nachal'nik +2
(Chief +2)
Jefe +2
(Boss +2)
Jefe +2 eventual
(Eventual Boss +2)
达人+2 打工仔
(Master +2 Employee)
達人+2 打工仔
(Master +2 Employee)
달인 아르바이트생 +2
(Master Part-Timer +2)
07 Profreshional +3 たつじん+3 アルバイター
(Master +3 Part-Timer)
Baas +3
(boss +3)
Parttime baas +3[b]
(part-time boss +3)
Prodige +3
(Prodigy +3)
Boss +3

Nebenjob-Boss +3[b]
(Side Job Boss +3)
Professionista +3
(Professional +3)
Professionista tirocinante +3[b]
(Professional Trainee +3)
Начальник +3
Nachal'nik +3
(Chief +3)
Jefe +3
(Boss +3)
Jefe +3 eventual
(Eventual Boss +3)
达人+3 打工仔
(Master +3 Employee)
達人+3 打工仔
(Master +3 Employee)
달인 아르바이트생 +3
(Master Part-Timer +3)
08 Eggsecutive VP でんせつ アルバイター
(Legendary Part-Timer)
Parttime legende[b]
(part-time legend)
(Side Job Legend)
Генеральный директор[b]
General'nyy direktor
(General director)
Director Director eventual
(Eventual Director)
传说 打工仔
(Legendary Employee)
傳說 打工仔
(Legendary Employee)
전설의 아르바이트생
(Legendary Part-Timer)
Job titles (pay grade names) (SplatNet 3)
English Japanese Dutch French German Italian Russian Spanish
(Latin America)
Apprentice かけだし Uitzendkracht
(temporary worker)
Apprendista Рабочий
新手 新手 초보
Part-Timer はんにんまえ Parttimer
(Part-time employee)
Tirocinante Бригадир
半吊子 半吊子 견습
Go-Getter いちにんまえ Vaste kracht
(permanent worker)
Semi-pro Fachpersonal
(Specialized staff)
Carrierista Старший бригадир
Starshiy brigadir
(Senior brigadier)
Supervisor Capataz
独当一面 獨當一面 일반
Overachiever じゅくれん Leidinggevende
Pro Führungskraft
Promessa Зам. начальника
Zam. nachal'nika
(Deputy chief)
熟练 熟練 전문
Profreshional たつじん Baas
Boss Professionista Начальник
达人 達人 달인
Profreshional +1 たつじん+1 Baas +1
(boss +1)
Prodige +1
(Prodigy +1)
Boss +1 Professionista +1 Начальник +1
Nachal'nik +1
(Chief +1)
Jefe +1
(Boss +1)
达人+1 達人+1 달인 +1
Profreshional +2 たつじん+2 Baas +2
(boss +2)
Prodige +2
(Prodigy +2)
Boss +2 Professionista +2 Начальник +2
Nachal'nik +2
(Chief +2)
Jefe +2
(Boss +2)
达人+2 達人+2 달인 +2
Profreshional +3 たつじん+3 Baas +3
(boss +3)
Prodige +3
(Prodigy +3)
Boss +3 Professionista +3 Начальник +3
Nachal'nik +3
(Chief +3)
Jefe +3
(Boss +3)
达人+3 達人+3 달인 +3
Eggsecutive VP でんせつ Legende
Dirigente Гендиректор
(General director)
传说 傳說 전설

Translation notes

  1. 1.0 1.1 "Script" as in a screenplay.


  1. Nominally priced at "Bronze Fish Scales 0" in the shop menu.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 This pay grade name has been changed in version 2.1.0

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 YouTube GameExplain EXCLUSIVE: New Mudmouth Boss in Salmon Run - Splatoon 3 Gameplay. GameExplain.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Splatoon 3 Splatoon™ 3 – Catch up on all the latest from the Splatoon 3 Direct – Official Nintendo Site
  3. 3.0 3.1 Twitter @SplatoonNA on Twitter
  4. Splatoon3 - スプラトゥーン3 攻略&検証 Wiki > Extra Wave
  5. Twitter @OatmealDome on Twitter
  6. Twitter @Levi_Athen_9 on Twitter
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Splatoon 3 Splatoon™ 3 – Confidential Report: Squid Research Lab dives deep into the Splatlands – Official Nintendo Site
  8. 8.0 8.1 YouTube Salmon Run Scales and Rewards Explained! - Splatoon 3 Salmon Run
  9. GitHub Splatoon 3 - Salmon Run Database
  10. YouTube Ultimate Cohozuna Xtra Wave Guide - Splatoon 3 Salmon Run
  11. YouTube Splatoon 3 - Salmon Run Next Wave Trailer - Nintendo Switch
  12. YouTube HUGE Event Week for Salmon Run - Splatoon 3 Salmon Report
  13. Twitter @OatmealDome on Twitter
  14. 14.0 14.1 GitHub Splatoon 3 - Manual Database
  15. GitHub Salmon Run Database
  16. GitHub Salmon Run Database
  17. Twitter @LeanYoshi on Twitter
  18. When a new shift begins on a stage, owners of the respective stage's bronze badge will automatically start the shift at a job title of Eggsecutive VP 200.
  19. When a new shift begins on a stage, owners of the respective stage's silver badge will automatically start the shift at a job title of Eggsecutive VP 300.
  20. When a new shift begins on a stage, owners of the respective stage's gold badge will automatically start the shift at a job title of Eggsecutive VP 400.
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 If a player is granted silver or gold, they receive the lower-tier badges too if not acquired before.
  22. Prior to version 6.0.0, this badge's description was 'Top 50% in Big Run!'
  23. From version 6.0.0 to version 6.1.0, this badge's description was 'Got a Bronze Decoration in Big Run'.
  24. Prior to version 6.0.0, this badge's description was 'Top 20% in Big Run!'
  25. From version 6.0.0 to version 6.1.0, this badge's description was 'Got a Silver Decoration in Big Run'.
  26. Prior to version 6.0.0, this badge's description was 'Top 5% in Big Run!'
  27. If a player reached Top 20% or Top 5% they receive the lower-tier badges too if not acquired before.
  28. Twitter @SplatoonNA on Twitter
  29. Twitter @SplatoonNA on Twitter
  30. Twitter @NintendoEurope on Twitter
  31. Twitter @Killjoy_spl on X
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 GitHub Leanny on GitHub