Competitive:Triple Splashdown

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Triple Splashdown

Triple Splashdown

Base damage 60 (Min. Splash)
220 (Direct Hit)
60(x2) (Fist Splash)
220(x2) (Fist Direct)
Base duration
Ink consumption
Special points
Special depletion
Strengths Heavy damage, combined damage splats most enemies, defuses bombs, less predictable than its predecessor
Weaknesses Vulnerable during activation, small turfing radius per fist
For information about Triple Splashdown, see Triple_Splashdown.

Splatoon 3

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Triple Splashdown is a special weapon in Splatoon 3.


The Triple Splashdown is a revamped version of the Splashdown. It has most common use in Tower Control because it easily wipes out all opponents on and near the tower. It is also good for the defending team in a Tricolor Turf War to get rid of opponents trying for the Ultra Signal.


This special should be paired with longer ranged specials so as to have a well rounded team.


Triple Splashdown has limited range and major start lag. Just like it's predecessor, anyone who activates it can be splatted in midair. The two fists that spawn alongside the player are also succeptible to this.