Blaster (weapon class)

From Inkipedia, the Splatoon wiki
(Redirected from Blaster (type))
A promotional image for Splatoon 3 featuring the Range Blaster.
For the main weapon with the same name, see Blaster.

Blasters are one of the main weapon classes in the Splatoon series.

Blasters are fully-automatic weapons that fire large globs of ink that travel forward and conclude their path with an explosion. They typically have a relatively low fire rate and high ink consumption compared to many other weapons.


While blasters have been in the Splatoon series since Splatoon, games prior to Splatoon 3 classified them as shooters because the two classes share a few technical characteristics. In Splatoon 3, blasters are classified as a separate weapon class.

List of blasters

Note: The series are arranged by their respective order in the weapon select screen with the Main filter.

Series Description Variants Games

Luna Blaster
A blaster with short range but above average fire rate, blast radius, and ink efficiency. It is capable of splatting an opponent with one direct hit. Luna Blaster
Luna Blaster Neo
Kensa Luna Blaster
Order Blaster Replica

The standard blaster. Has a slow firing speed but is well-rounded otherwise. Blaster
Custom Blaster
Hero Blaster Replica

Range Blaster
A revised version of the Blaster that boasts higher range at the cost of a slower fire rate. Range Blaster
Custom Range Blaster
Grim Range Blaster

Clash Blaster
A blaster that fires huge short-ranged blasts in very quick succession, but its low damage makes it hard to splat opponents with it. Clash Blaster
Clash Blaster Neo

Rapid Blaster
A blaster that fires long range blasts at a good fire rate, with reduced damage and blast radius. Rapid Blaster
Rapid Blaster Deco
Kensa Rapid Blaster

Rapid Blaster Pro
This modified version of the Rapid Blaster can hit at even longer ranges, but has a slower fire rate, and uses more ink per shot. Rapid Blaster Pro
Rapid Blaster Pro Deco

A slow-firing, one-shot capable blaster with two firing modes, short-range and long-range. The short-range mode is triggered by pressing after jumping, and fires a huge short-ranged blast. The long-range mode is triggered by pressing on the ground, and fires a long-ranged, high-velocity shot with a small blast radius. Notably, this mode can also be triggered in the air by falling without a preceding jump, or by jumping immediately after pressing . S-BLAST '92

Special blasters

The following blasters are only available outside of battles as part of other modes:

Weapon Description Games

Hero Blaster
A blaster similar to the blaster only used in Octo Canyon. Upon completion of all missions in Octo Canyon using the Hero Blaster, the player will unlock the Hero Blaster Replica for use in battles.

Grizzco Blaster
A modified rare weapon based on the Blaster, only available in Salmon Run and Salmon Run Next Wave. Its stats are broadly similar to the Clash Blaster, but it has lower ink consumption and almost double the rate of fire.

Order Blaster
A blaster similar to the Luna Blaster only used in Side Order when equipping Murch's Palette. Upon successful completion of a run with this Palette equipped, the player will unlock the Order Blaster Replica for use in battles.


Blaster-type shooters in Splatoon
Main #ID Sub Special Special Depletion Level Price Class Introduced​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Blaster 210 Disruptor Killer Wail Special gaugeLight 9 Cash 3500 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​​​​​
Custom Blaster 211 Point Sensor Bubbler Special gaugeMedium 17 Cash 10600 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)​​​​​
Custom Range Blaster 221 Splat Bomb Kraken Special gaugeLight 17 Cash 10800 Shooter 10 October 2015​​​​​​​​
Grim Range Blaster 222 Burst Bomb Killer Wail Special gaugeLight 20 Cash 14000 Shooter 8 June 2016 (2.8.0)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Luna Blaster 200 Ink Mine Inkzooka Special gaugeLight 11 Cash 7700 Shooter 24 June 2015
Luna Blaster Neo 201 Splat Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeHeavy 15 Cash 8700 Shooter 30 October 2015​​​​​​​​​​​
Range Blaster 220 Splash Wall Inkstrike Special gaugeLight 14 Cash 8000 Shooter 1 August 2015
Rapid Blaster 230 Ink Mine Bubbler Special gaugeLight 14 Cash 9600 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
Rapid Blaster Deco 231 Suction Bomb Bomb Rush Special gaugeLight 19 Cash 14800 Shooter 28 May 2015 (1.0.0)
Rapid Blaster Pro 240 Seeker Inkzooka Special gaugeLight 16 Cash 11200 Shooter 17 October 2015
Rapid Blaster Pro Deco 241 Disruptor Killer Wail Special gaugeLight 20 Cash 18200 Shooter 25 December 2015​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Blaster-type shooters in Splatoon 2
Main #ID Sub Special Special Points Level Price Class Introduced​​​​​​​​​​​​
Blaster 210 Toxic Mist Splashdown 170p 5 Cash 3000 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​​
Clash Blaster 230 Splat Bomb Sting Ray 180p 30 Cash 18200 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
Clash Blaster Neo 231 Curling Bomb Tenta Missiles 180p 30 Cash 20500 Shooter 7 April 2018​​
Custom Blaster 211 Autobomb Inkjet 190p 27 Cash 15300 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​​​​
Custom Range Blaster 221 Curling Bomb Bubble Blower 170p 18 Cash 11400 Shooter 21 April 2018​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Grim Range Blaster 222 Burst Bomb Tenta Missiles 190p 23 Cash 14900 Shooter 3 April 2019 (4.6.0)​​​​​
Hero Blaster Replica 212 Toxic Mist Splashdown 170p 5 Cash 3800 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Kensa Luna Blaster 202 Fizzy Bomb Ink Storm 170p 26 Cash 16600 Shooter 3 October 2018 (4.1.0)​​
Kensa Rapid Blaster 242 Torpedo Baller 200p 21 Cash 13500 Shooter 5 December 2018 (4.3.0)​​​​​​​​​​​​
Luna Blaster 200 Splat Bomb Baller 170p 19 Cash 12100 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
Luna Blaster Neo 201 Ink Mine Suction-Bomb Launcher 170p 24 Cash 16600 Shooter 24 February 2018​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Range Blaster 220 Suction Bomb Ink Storm 200p 14 Cash 9300 Shooter 21 October 2017
Rapid Blaster 240 Ink Mine Splat-Bomb Launcher 200p 13 Cash 9800 Shooter 7 July 2017 (1.0.0)
Rapid Blaster Deco 241 Suction Bomb Inkjet 190p 16 Cash 11500 Shooter 27 January 2018
Rapid Blaster Pro 250 Toxic Mist Ink Storm 180p 22 Cash 12800 Shooter 23 September 2017
Rapid Blaster Pro Deco 251 Splash Wall Ink Armor 180p 24 Cash 14000 Shooter 1 June 2018​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Blasters in Splatoon 3
Main #ID Sub Special Special Points Level Price Class Introduced​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Luna Blaster 200 Splat Bomb Zipcaster 170p 13 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Luna Blaster Neo 201 Fizzy Bomb Ultra Stamp 180p 24 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 2.0.0 (Chill Season 2022)
Order Blaster Replica 205 Splat Bomb Zipcaster 170p 1 Blaster Version 7.0.0 (Side Order)
Blaster 210 Autobomb Big Bubbler 180p 3 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Custom Blaster 211 Point Sensor Triple Splashdown 180p 8 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 6.0.0 (Chill Season 2023)
Range Blaster 220 Suction Bomb Wave Breaker 210p 11 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Custom Range Blaster 221 Splat Bomb Kraken Royale 210p 15 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 8.0.0 (Sizzle Season 2024)
Clash Blaster 230 Splat Bomb Trizooka 180p 22 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Clash Blaster Neo 231 Curling Bomb Super Chump 170p 25 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 3.0.0 (Fresh Season 2023)
Rapid Blaster 240 Ink Mine Triple Inkstrike 190p 7 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Rapid Blaster Deco 241 Torpedo Inkjet 210p 10 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 3.0.0 (Fresh Season 2023)
Rapid Blaster Pro 250 Toxic Mist Ink Vac 180p 26 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 1.0.0 (Drizzle Season 2022)
Rapid Blaster Pro Deco 251 Angle Shooter Killer Wail 5.1 190p 29 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 4.0.0 (Sizzle Season 2023)
S-BLAST '92 260 Sprinkler Reefslider 180p 20 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 4.0.0 (Sizzle Season 2023)
S-BLAST '91 261 Burst Bomb Booyah Bomb 190p 27 Sheldon License 1 Blaster Version 6.0.0 (Chill Season 2023)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​




  • Inkling girl: Jumps while waving her arms, then thrusts the weapon out.
  • Inkling boy: Jumps while swinging his weapon, does a fist pump with both his arms, then throws the weapon in the air, making it spin, catches it with the other hand and holds it across the chest.


  • Both genders put their hands above their head before falling onto their knees in despair, hitting the floor with the hand that holds the weapon while crying.

In Ammo Knights (Clicking Right Stick):

  • Both genders hold the weapon high, then lowers it, poses like they are shooting, then looks behind the weapon, and returns to idle pose.

Splatoon 2

Spawning in before match starts:

  • Both Inklings and Octolings point their weapon down at a 45-degree angle after shaking off their excess ink.


  • Inkling girl: Jumps up and down twice joyfully, then spins around and strikes a pose while holding the weapon upwards.
  • Inkling boy: Jumps up and thrusts his left fist forward before raising it over his chest while holding his weapon downward.
  • Octoling girl: Winces happily before twirling her weapon and ending it pointing upwards at an angle, and she strikes a pose by having her left hand on her hip.
  • Octoling boy: Similar to the Octoling girl, but stands up straight with a proud expression.


  • Inkling girl: Stamps her feet on the ground, disappointed.
  • Inkling boy: Sits down on the ground and holds his head in frustration.
  • Octoling girl: Falls down to the ground, dropping her weapon in front of her, then turns her head away in anger.
  • Octoling boy: Similar to the Inkling boy, but lays his weapon behind him and puts his right arm on his right knee.

In Ammo Knights (Clicking ):

  • Inklings: Raises and lowers their weapon, looking it over, gets into a shooting stance, then looks down the weapon from behind.
  • Octolings: Looks over their weapon from the side and back, bends over slightly, and aims around before sighing.

Splatoon 3

Spawner pose:

  • All styles: Throws their weapon above before catching it and pointing it down.


  • Flip Out: Throws the weapon into the air, flips backwards along the ground, then catches it, turns backwards, and poses with it in their arms.
  • Reppin' Inkopolis: The player jumps for joy three times, then points their weapon into the air with a smile.

In Ammo Knights (Clicking ):

  • Inklings: The player will look down at their weapon and feel the weight of it, throwing it in the air and catching it before getting into a shooting pose and looking to their right.
  • Octolings: The player will look down at their weapon and look it over, feeling the weight of it before aiming and slowly going from their left to right.


Splatoon 3

Squid Research Lab Ballistics Team here with a report on blaster-type weapons. As the name implies, blasters eject ink that explodes at a distance. This allows for advanced tactics such as "totally splatting campers who are hiding behind walls." We'll workshop a name for that.
— @SplatoonNA on Twitter[1]


SplatNet icons

2D icons


Promotional renders for Splatoon 2

Promotional renders for Splatoon 3

Tableturf Battle cards for Splatoon 3



Splatoon 2

  • When sorting by type, blasters are grouped between automatic and burst-fire shooters.
    • Selecting any blaster and sorting by type will always make the next weapon the Sploosh-o-matic, before continuing with the internal order of the shooters.

Splatoon 3

  • Blasters having their own category when sorting weapons in the selection screen makes this their first time as a standalone class.
  • For the first time in the series, blasters have unique emote animations separate from shooters.

Names in other languages

Language Name Meaning
Japan Japanese ブラスター
Netherlands Dutch Blaster
Canada French (NOA) Blasteur Blaster
France French (NOE) Blaster Blaster
Germany German Blaster Blaster
Italy Italian Blaster Blaster
Russia Russian Бластер
Mexico Spanish (NOA) Lanzamota Speck-launcher
Spain Spanish (NOE) Devastador Devastator
China Chinese (Simplified) 爆破枪
bàopò qiāng (Mandarin)
Hong Kong Chinese (Traditional) 爆破槍
bàopò qiāng (Mandarin)
South Korea Korean 블래스터
